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1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Ich finds gut. Du kannst das that manchmal ersetzen und an einigen Stellen smoothere Übergänge machen

That isn’t the because people don’t recycle its just that most things we think are recyclable aren’t That means the plastic ends up as landfill, gets burned or ends up in the ocean

Du könntest zum Beispiel schreiben:

Contrary to the popular belief, most of our wast-products can't be decomposed, which leads to a critical plastic pollution in our environment and threatenes other animals. Besides the environmental damages, the burning of plastic has a huge impact on the climate change.

I agree with everything John Oliver has said. I think that the root of the problem are really the corporations because for them maximizing profit is everything. 

Ich würde statt the root of the Problem the cause of the Problem und dann etwas eleganter "The main cause of the plastic pollution is our capitalistic System, which is based on profit and greed.

but this sadly seems unrealistic. Even

Du kannst da noch hinzufügen "since an alternative hasn't been found yet."

Even if we had the ban we still have to deal with the already existing plastic waste 

We would have to deal

Mir ist grade noch ein schlusszitat eingefallen:

In times like these, plastic dominates the world market and we have to take measurements against it to protect ourselves and our planet.

Hehe ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen :) ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend

 18.04.2021, 22:58

Danke hast mir sehr geholfen : )