English Article: Generation Z

Guten Abend liebe Community!

Ich musste in Englisch einen kurzen Artikel (ca. 250 Wörter) schreiben und habe jetzt auf die schnelle einen verfasst. Bin mir jetzt aber nicht wirklich sicher, ob der auch so halbwegs in Ordnung ist. Passenden Titel hab ich noch keinen gefunden. Habe mich manchmal ziemlich schwer getan, auch mit Wörterbuch, die richtigen Phrasen und Wörter zu finden. Die Lehrerin sagte, wir sollen den Aufsatz versuchen möglichst informell zu schreiben um die Leserschaft zu erreichen. Bitte um schnelles Feedback. Vielen Dank!


What about the youth of today? Are we lazy as adults are always telling us or has our generation no hopes for future? Some of our parents do not understand our situation and worries. The matriculation is one of our great fears what generation ‘grey hair’, honestly, doesn’t really understand. As the school is not challenging enough, we have to cope with familiar, social and other difficulties and for some of us it is even worse.

A difficult family background or to be socially excluded are problems we might have to face in our life. To be in trouble with your parents, to lose a best friend can beat you to your knees and take your self-confidence and perspective. No success instead of stress can make you powerless without any ambitions. It is true that we have big opportunities compared to the older generations, but the fear of failure is often bigger. Even though our doors are always open to any occupation we want to do, it can be quite hard under achieving-pressure.

This is why it is so important to find ways how to support today’s youth and to prevent adolescents from a social decline or from becoming a NEET. Schools could organize projects in which students get some advice about their future plans. Advisers could be invited to help students and encourage them to pursue their ambitions. Especially a conversation between teacher and student can be very helpful. Of course, it’s a matter of will and confidence, but support is better than picking on the bad sides of our generation.

Englisch, Text, article
My dream job vortrag. So ok? ilfe. v2

Ich habe schonmal so einen ähnlichen Betrag geschrieben aber ja xD Ich hab diesesmal denn Text etwas ausgeweitet weshalb ich wieder etwas hilfe benötigen könnte. Jemand könnte kurz drüber gucken und sagen obs korrekt oder falsch ist und dann auch korriegieren. Und nein ihr sollt mir meine Hausaufgaben nicht machen legendlichich unter die Arme greifen ;)

Hello ladies and gentelman, I this presentation I will tell something about my dream job. My dream job is Kindergarten teahcer. When I grow up I would like to be a kindergartem teacher because i would like to work with children, i am creative and i would like to be a member of a team. You need good marks in art, bilogy and music to be a kindergarten teacher. The soft skills that you need are sense of responsibility and ability to communicate. A kindergarten teacher works in a kindergarten. They usually works with young children, and they has to do some offiece work, too. A kindergaten teacher has to organise things, theay should be patient and teacher should have good manners. In this job, you have a five-day-week, you have varied work and its well-paid. If do you want to start a apprenticeship you need your Middel educational attainment. The apprenticeship takes 2 years. Like every job, my dream job also has disadvantages. Some disadbivantages as kindergarten teacher are that you work with childrens they can scream 8 hour long and that can be annyoing. Some advantages are you can meet difficult parents and you can teach the children some thing. All in all, I would like to work as a kindergarten teacher because there are more advantages than disadbivantages.

Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Referat, school
Angst in einer anderen Sprache zu sprechen, was tun?


ich lerne in der Schule neben zwei alten Sprachen auch Englisch und Französisch als moderne Sprachen. Mein Problem ist, dass ich mich nicht traue, zu sprechen. Wenn ich sprechen soll, passiert immer etwas der folgenden Dinge:

  • ich finde plötzlich nicht mehr die richtigen Ausdrücke in der jeweiligen Sprache (weiß also nicht, wie ich das sagen soll)
  • ich habe Blackouts
  • ich kriege kein Wort raus und verweigere das Sprechen völlig

Das kann sogar soweit gehen, dass ich dann aus Verzweiflung beginne, zu weinen...und das dürfte beim Englisch MSA echt peinlich werden. Der ist nämlich am 24. März und heute haben wir diese Situation mal nachgespielt. Da sind alle drei Dinge passiert, Gott sei Dank bin ich nicht heulend aus dem Klassenraum gerannt...ich war nur bockig, habe nichts gesagt und habe mich von meiner Gruppe weg gesetzt mit dem Kommentar "Ich kann eh nichts, ich werde durch den MSA fallen".

Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich auf ein Gymnasium gehe und immer auf einer 1 oder 2 in Englisch stand. Auch im Unterricht ziehe ich mich immer mehr zurück...

Schriftlich klappt alles super, ich mache wenige Fehler, finde die richtigen Wendungen, schreibe gute Noten und bin nicht unter Druck. Sobald ich aber sprechen muss, ist es schrecklich. Was kann ich gegen diese totale Sprechangst machen? Ich habe wirklich Angst, durch den Englisch MSA zu fallen, weil ich dort kein Wort raus bekomme und die Prüfung komplett verweigere...es ist nur in den Fremdsprachen so.. :((

Könnt ihr mir helfen. Ich will das ja überwinden und spreche es recht viel, aber trotzdem habe ich immer enorme Panik beim Sprechen - das ist sehr hinderlich! Ich bin echt verzweifelt :/

Was kann ich tun?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!


Freizeit, Englisch, Schule, Angst, Sprache, Französisch, Sprechen
Hab ich Mediation über "American Dream" richtig gemacht?


ich brauch unbedingt Hilfe, und zwar musste ich eine Mediation vom deutschen ins englischen schreiben, über diesen Artikel:


Die Mediation soll eine Rede vor amerikanischen Studenten sein. Bei einer Mediation muss man ja auch "verharmlosen" und ich weiß nicht so Recht ob ich das richtig gemacht habe und ob ich allgemein alles beachtet habe was man bei einer mediation beachten soll...ich wäre auch sehr dankbar darüber wenn auch auf grammatikalische Fehler hingewiesen wird!! :D Ich bin für jede Hilfe sehr dankbar :D Vielen vielen Dank schon mal :)))

Dear fellow students, I want to talk about the American Dream and wheter the American Dream is still alive. For my presentation I used the articel "Dream America" by Carolin Emcke, which is published on the 24th of october 2012 in "Die Zeit", a well-regarded German news-paper.

The Americans believe, that everyone can reach something on his own. This belief exists for a long time and because of that, it seems like the American Dream exists from the beginning of the world. The idea behind the American Dream is, that everyone, no matter which origins, religion, have the same opportunity to achieve success. This is why the United States called "the country with unlimited opportunities". But nowhere you can find the inventor of the American Dream. In the Charta from 1176, where the Americans declared themselves indepentent of Britain, you can find the terms freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But the term "American Dream" is not named. The first one, who defined the American identity as a dream, was John Truslow Adams. He wrote a book, in which he gives people hope for achieving success, if they work hard. He defines the American Dream not only as a material success. The American Dream includes also the acceptance in the society and self-awarness. But will the American Dream survive the financial crisis? And do the unemployed still stand fast the American Dream? Or is the American Dream just a dream? Adams writes in his book, that the Americans achieved the American Dream with the Westward Movement, with the independence of the Americans and with hard work. There are still Americans, who believes the formula: "from rags to riches." Thank you for listining.

Englisch, Amerika, Abitur, englische Grammatik, mediation, American Dream
Characterization überprüfen- Englisch

In the following I´m going to characterize Laura and the relationship between her and her Friend Ravi. Laura is the main character in the book “The Carbon Diaries 2015”. She is a normal teenager who goes to school. She also has a sister named Kim who Laura really loves, but also she´s jealous of Kim, because their parents tread them different. When Carbon dioxide was limited, she was very unhappy with the situation, about the society, her family and her love Life with Ravi. All has change. Laura reacts over and dramatized all, because she doesn´t know how to react and what she has to feel in difficult situations. That shows that Laura is an unsure girl. She is also easy to manipulate, that demonstrate that she doesn’t really know herself and that she´s really insecure (p.80). Another character property is that she´s self-pity, sometimes depressive and very sentimental. Her private life is very important to her. She cares a lot of her band, her beginning love Ravi and the friendship to Adi and co. Laura is also very brave, but concurrently scared too. Sometimes she felt very alone, because no know cares about her. Her parents argue all time, Ravi doesn´t shows interests no more, because of his scholarship and Kim is cold-hearted and careless (p.335). When Laura kicked out of school, she realizes that she needs education (p.125). She do not get along with the difficult Situation. Everything has changed. Her family, her school notes, her friends and her love life.

Her relationship to Ravi is complicated. First they were in love with each other. Since Ravi has problems in his family, because of the difficult relationship between his parents, he only wants to get out of the city and only not because of his parents, but also because he wants to get away from the situation and the Carbon reduce. He wants to get a better life and that without his family. So Ravi wants to get a scholarship for a university in Germany. Then he wanted to study green engineering to improve the situation of his country (p.264). His education is him more important than Laura, but Laura still loves him. Ravi thinks that Laura isn´t that much important than his future. Laura cannot understand his decision. She thinks when he would really love her, he wouldn´t go to Germany and let her alone, and so they break up the contact and Laura get´s in love with Adi her previous best friend, who plays in her band. The relationship of Laura and Ravi was romantic and careful at the beginning, but then Ravi hasn´t much time for Laura and they break up.

Habt ihr noch Verbesserungen zur Rechtschreibung, Form und etc. Hab ich was bei meiner Analyse vergessen?

Danke schonmal im vorraus :)

Englisch, Charakter

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