My dream job vortrag. So ok? ilfe.

2 Antworten

When I grow up I want to (besser: would like to) be a kindergarten teacher (---) because I want to (s.o.) work with children, I am creative and I want to (s.o.) be a member of a team.  - Du solltest umformulieren, da du 3 x kurz hintereinander dieselbe Wendung (want to bzw. would like to) verwendest.

You need good marks in art, bilogy and music to be a kindergarten teacher. A kindergarten teacher works in a kindergarten. He (Was ist mit einer Frau?) usually works with young children, and he (s.o.) has to do some office work, too. A kindergarten teacher has to organise things, he (s.o.) should be patient and he (s.o.) should have good manners. In this job Komma you have a five-day-week, you have varied work and it’s well-paid. The apprenticeship takes 2 years. Like every job Komma my dream job also has disadvantages. There are not many jobs available and you can meet difficult parents. All in all Komma I want to (s.o.) work as a kindergarten teacher because there are more advantages than disadbivantages.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen. Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B., für die Grammatik und

:-) AstridDerPu

 15.03.2015, 17:07

Danke danke danke :D Soll ich bei denn stellen wo ich He sage He/she sagen ?  Und genügt das für ein 2-3 m langes refarat ? oder sollte ich noch mehr schreiben ?


My dream job: kindergarden teacher. When I grow up I want to become a kindergarden teacher. I would like to be a kindergarten teacher because I want to work with children, I am creative and I want to be (a) member of a team. One needs to have good marks in art, bilogy and music to be a kindergarten teacher. A kindergarten teacher works in a kindergarten. He usually works with young children, and he has to do some office work, too. A kindergarten teacher has to organise things, he should be patient and he should have good manners. In this job you have a five-day-week, the work is varying and it’s well-paid. The apprenticeship takes 2 years. Like every job my dream job also has disadvantages. There are few positions available and there might be difficult parents. All in all I want to work as a kindergarten teacher because there are more advantages than disadvantages.

 15.03.2015, 17:02

Danke danke danke <3 Entschuldigung für die fehler die du dir antun musstest. Glaubst du das ist genügend ? Weil ich muss ein 2-3 m refarat halten. :)