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Ich musste in Englisch einen kurzen Artikel (ca. 250 Wörter) schreiben und habe jetzt auf die schnelle einen verfasst. Bin mir jetzt aber nicht wirklich sicher, ob der auch so halbwegs in Ordnung ist. Passenden Titel hab ich noch keinen gefunden. Habe mich manchmal ziemlich schwer getan, auch mit Wörterbuch, die richtigen Phrasen und Wörter zu finden. Die Lehrerin sagte, wir sollen den Aufsatz versuchen möglichst informell zu schreiben um die Leserschaft zu erreichen. Bitte um schnelles Feedback. Vielen Dank!


What about the youth of today? Are we lazy as adults are always telling us or has our generation no hopes for future? Some of our parents do not understand our situation and worries. The matriculation is one of our great fears what generation ‘grey hair’, honestly, doesn’t really understand. As the school is not challenging enough, we have to cope with familiar, social and other difficulties and for some of us it is even worse.

A difficult family background or to be socially excluded are problems we might have to face in our life. To be in trouble with your parents, to lose a best friend can beat you to your knees and take your self-confidence and perspective. No success instead of stress can make you powerless without any ambitions. It is true that we have big opportunities compared to the older generations, but the fear of failure is often bigger. Even though our doors are always open to any occupation we want to do, it can be quite hard under achieving-pressure.

This is why it is so important to find ways how to support today’s youth and to prevent adolescents from a social decline or from becoming a NEET. Schools could organize projects in which students get some advice about their future plans. Advisers could be invited to help students and encourage them to pursue their ambitions. Especially a conversation between teacher and student can be very helpful. Of course, it’s a matter of will and confidence, but support is better than picking on the bad sides of our generation.