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Death Penalty: Today I would like to write something about death penalty which still exists in some parts of the world. It's for murderers or people who have committed other bad crimes. Relating to this I would like to explain my personal opinion.

On the one hand, I think it's a fair punishment for rapists. They rape others and damage the life to the victims. As a punishment they only get arrested for some years, which is too mild. Furthermore, their psyche is already damaged and if they then get arrested, they'll be crazy when they leave the prison.

Another argument for the death penalty is that it scares people off. If, for example, someone gets killed, all the others would premeditated whether they will commit a crime too. If you realize that it was the wrong one, you're not able to do anything. Moreover, you should think logical. Even if you kill someone, the victim is still dead so the situation doesn't change.

All in all, I think the Death Penalty is a good sanction for murder, terrorism and for running amok.