Palm oil - Text - English KORREKTURLESEN?

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Palm oil is everywhere – rainforest on our plate and in our stomach

A life without palm oil is nearly impossible, because nowadays it can be found literally everywhere: in foods and cosmetics as well as in cleaning products. In order to grow oil palms, forests have to be burned to clear areas - even if it's illegal. These burnings forces people from their traditional lands and are connected with loss of biodiversity. The release of high levels of carbon dioxide effects the speed of global warming negatively.

Environmentalists are exerting pressure on companies, which still use palm oil in their products. In my opinion, the Greenpeace organization has the best solution to reduce the large amount of burned rainforests. According to their attitude, customers are very powerful and can put pressure on brands like “Kit Kat”, “Head & Shoulders” or “Colgate”. These are only a few examples of companies, which are still using this type of oil in their products. The solution isn’t a simple boycott. The population have to convince these concerns to drop the largest palm oil trader on earth, wilmar. Wilmar is still working with the worst forest destroyers on earth. If we – the customers – publicly expose brands buying from them through media, the hole industry will receive a message: Stop wrecking forests!

I really like the strategy of Greenpeace, because they don’t simply say: “Stop buying products, which includes palm oil”. They really solve the problems at the root and would like to stop the wrecking of forest totally, in a way, that the largest trader will be exposed. If all customers work together, we can make a change. Every voice counts!

Englisch, Palmöl, Korrekturlesen, Umweltverschmutzung, Pollution
Worum geht es in diesem Lied (Casey's Last Ride)?

Hey (:

Ich höre dieses Lied jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit, aber die Bedeutung erschließt sich mir irgendwie nie ganz.

Das sind die Lyrics:

Casey joins the hollow sound of silent people walking down
The stairway to the subway in the shadows down below
Following their footsteps through the neon-darkened corridors
Of silent desperation, never speakin' to a soul
The poison air he's breathin' has the dirty smell of dying
'Cause it's never seen the sunshine and it's never felt the rain
But Casey minds the arrows and ignores the fatal echoes
Of the clickin' of the turnstiles and the rattle of his chains

“Oh!” she said, “Casey, it's been so long since I've seen you!”
“Here” she said, “just a kiss to make a body smile!”
“See” she said, “I've put on new stockings just to please you!”
“Lord!” she said, “Casey, can you only stay a while?”

Casey leaves the under-ground and stops inside the Golden Crown
For something wet to wipe away the chill that's on his bone
Seeing his reflection in the lives of all the lonely men
Who reach for any thing they can to keep from goin' home
Standin' in the corner Casey drinks his pint of bitter
Never glancing in the mirror at the people passing by
Then he stumbles as he's leaving and he wonders if the reason
Is the beer that's in his belly, or the tear that's in his eye

"Oh!" she said, "I suppose you seldom think about me"
"Now" she said, "now that you've a fam'ly of your own"
"Still" she said, "it's so blessed good to feel your body!"
"Lord!" she said "Casey it's a shame to be alone!"

Also, ich verstehe, dass die erste Strophe beschreibt, wie Casey mit der U-Bahn fährt (bzw. fahren will, er ist ja noch nicht eingestiegen) und dass er in der zweiten den Untergrund verlässt und ein Bier trinken geht. Er scheint eine Frau und Kinder zu haben, aber nicht nach Hause zu wollen, und dann geht er wieder zu der Prostituierten, zu der er früher gegangen ist, die sich allein fühlt…? (vllt. auch Geliebte, hört sich für mich aber eher nach Prostituierter an)

Ich meine … okay? Aber warum besteht die erste Strophe aus einer absurd langen Beschreibung über eine U-Bahn-Station? Warum ist es Casey's LAST Ride? Und warum will er nicht nach Hause, jetzt, wo er eine eigene Familie hat? Was ist so tragisch an seinem Leben, dass er trinken muss und eine "Träne in seinem Auge" hat?

Liebe Grüße (:

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