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Palm oil is everywhere – rainforest on our plate and in our stomach

A life without palm oil is nearly impossible, because nowadays it can be found literally everywhere: in foods and cosmetics as well as in cleaning products. In order to grow oil palms, forests have to be burned to clear areas - even if it's illegal. These burnings forces people from their traditional lands and are connected with loss of biodiversity. The release of high levels of carbon dioxide effects the speed of global warming negatively.

Environmentalists are exerting pressure on companies, which still use palm oil in their products. In my opinion, the Greenpeace organization has the best solution to reduce the large amount of burned rainforests. According to their attitude, customers are very powerful and can put pressure on brands like “Kit Kat”, “Head & Shoulders” or “Colgate”. These are only a few examples of companies, which are still using this type of oil in their products. The solution isn’t a simple boycott. The population have to convince these concerns to drop the largest palm oil trader on earth, wilmar. Wilmar is still working with the worst forest destroyers on earth. If we – the customers – publicly expose brands buying from them through media, the hole industry will receive a message: Stop wrecking forests!

I really like the strategy of Greenpeace, because they don’t simply say: “Stop buying products, which includes palm oil”. They really solve the problems at the root and would like to stop the wrecking of forest totally, in a way, that the largest trader will be exposed. If all customers work together, we can make a change. Every voice counts!