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Europa fuit filia regis Agenoris.                                     

Cum aliquando pila in litore luderet,

Iuppiter eximiam puellae pulchritudinem conspiciens

amore eius captus est.

Statim animum puellae allicerecupivit.

In formam candidi tauri mutatus Iuppiter se tauris Agenoris immiscuit.

Europa eum vidit et putavit eum sibi non nocere, sed placidum esse.

Tum adiit et deus amans oscula dedit puellae.

Europa etiam tergum eius ascendere ausa est

Subito hic in mare contendere coepit et puellam celeriter rapuit.

Europa in Cretam abducta deus formam tauri deposuit et dixit:

“Ne lacrimas fundas! Semper laeta sis ! Tu eris dilecta summi dei.“

Europa war die Tochter des Königs Agenor. Als sie einmal Ball zusammen mit Mädchen an der Küste spielte, erblickte Jupiter ihre außerordentliche Schönheit, weshalb er durch die Liebe gefangen wurde.

Sofort wünschte er sich das Herz des Mädchens für sich zu gewinnen.

Auf dem Marktplatz verwandelte Jupiter sich in einen schneeweißen Stier und mischte sich unter Agenors Stiere.

Europa sah ihn und hat geglaubt, dass er ihr schaden wollte, aber er war friedlich.

Dann trat sie an den Gott heran, welcher ihr liebevolle Küsse gab.

Europa wagte sogar, seinen Rücken zu besteigen.

Plötzlich begann dieser schnell zum Meer zu eilen und entführte das Mädchen.

Europa wurde nach Kreta verschleppt, der Gott in Gestalt eines Stieres legt sie ab und sprach:

Vergieße keine Tränen! Sei stets fröhlich! Du wirst die höchste Geliebte eines Gottes sein.

Sprache, Übersetzung, Latein
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1. Make a table with the statistics and pledges for the four countries.

Meine Lösung:

 2. State in a short text, what the oaths and pledges have in common and how they differ.

Lösung: The differences between the two ideologies is striking. If one swears an oath to the Constitution, it implies limited government by definition. It also implies that individual rights are paramount in the American system of governance. But when one swears to support the government instead of the Constitution, those principles disappear. An oath is self-pledging by which a subject or citizen acknowledges a duty of allegiance and swears loyalty to the monarch or country. In republics, modern oaths are sworn to the country in general or to the country's constitution.                                                                                                                   Also, this is a formal and serious promise to tell the truth or do something an offensive or rude word used to express anger, frustration, surprise, etc. Oath, as mentioned above, can mean either a formal promise or an insulting word. Additionally, an oath is more often used when the person making the promise calls God as a witness to the event, such as in the Boy Scout Promise. This often comes with a price if not kept; this can be death. In my personal opinion, an oath is presented as the most "serious" of the three words. In contrast to Oath, Pledge is a serious promise or agreement a promise to give money and something you leave to another person to show that you will keep your promise.                   Pledge is much less formal. Similarly, the Pledge of Allegiance is a promise of loyalty to one's country. Often, the pledge refers to an amount of money that someone is willing to give to another person.

3. Which of the countries’ oath is the most agreeable to you? Explain why.     The United States of America: Oath of Allegiance is the most agreeable oath to me because this serves to remind us that the United States is a constitutional republic with a federal system. The Oath also reminds us that the Constitution is the cornerstone of the American system. The government is supposed to be bound by the Constitution. As such, the government is not omnipotent, but strictly limited to the functions and purposes enumerated in the Constitution. Legislation, no matter how popular, is to be consistent with it, and any laws that conflict with it are invalid. 

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Sprache, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, English-Grammar, Englischsprachig, english-deutsche übersetzung

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