Ist diese Englisch Struktur Analyse gut?

In his blog post “Sorry Facebook, but I Think We Need Space”, published in 2014 on Huffington Post Online, Murray Rosenbaum’s trying to explain to us why he deleted or like he said “deactivated” his Facebook by mentioning some arguments and prooving them with a YouTube video. In the following text, I’ll analyze the structure of the blog post.

The blog post can be divided into four Paragraphs.

At the beginning of the first Paragraph, he wants to make the reader think about the reason for deactivating Facebook by starting with a brief opening sentence like “I deleted Facebook”  in l. 1. After that he finishes the introductory paragraph by presenting his thesis that Facebook is selling his personal information to other companies. To get the reader's sympathy he directly addresses the reader with the pronoun “you” for example in l. 9.

Whereas mentioning the youtube video and talking about it l. 7-17 because the author wants to prove his thesis, the second paragraph ends. Now after the thises he was backing up his opinion by some more arguments (ll.21) and bringing a Statistik into the room (ll. 19). Accordingly, he continues to address the reader directly (l.24-25). In the end, he is summing up his opinion and asking the question “But why are they on Facebook as well?”

The reason why the author uses this structure is that the text gets more interesting and he wants to make the reader continue reading the text by this.

Englisch, Schule, Sprache, Analyse

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