Englisch Text verbessern/korrigieren?

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


On a sunday morning, Laura Miller woke up suddenly because she got a phone call. ,,Hey Laura, I‘m Michael, your father“. Laura was shocked. She had never heard of her father since she was born. Laura answered him:,, I don't believe you, what do you want?“ ,,I'm so sorry for everything, could we please meet in a restaurant tomorrow evening and I'll explain everything to you?“ Laura was still shocked but she agreed because she wanted to know who her father was or if it was just a joke. On the next day, after work, she went to the restaurant and sat down at a table. Then, Michael approached, he looked like in the pictures that Laura's mother had shown her. He sat down and smiled. ,,Wow, what a beautiful daughter I have, let's order two glasses of wine first.“ But Laura was mad and asked: ,,Why do you suddenly appear after 20 years and act like a nice father?“ ,,Laura, I know you are very angry, but I had my reasons for that.“, Michael answered. The waiter came and served two glasses of wine. (Macht keinen Sinn, sie hatten doch noch gar nicht bestellt, oder?) ,,So tell me the reasons“, Laura said. Her father took a deep breath: ,,I was in jail for 20 years because I wanted to rob a bank to finance you and your mother.“

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