Englischen Text, Kontrolle lesen?

Hallo, da ich so meine Probleme im Fach Englisch habe, bitte ich euch darum meinen Text zu verbessern..

Danke an jeden der sich dafür die Zeit nimmt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hier der Text in Englisch.

Hello Jack,

I'm fine, how are you ?

Which talent would you like to try?

I look forward to your email and support you in your project, but there are many risks. I recently read an article about casting shows that was very interesting.The article was called "You're in a Soap Bubble" from the Frankfurter Allgemeine he was written in 2013 by Worte Morten.It was about casting shows with the participants.

More and more young people take part in the shows, they are then brutally told how bad they were. Many young people can not handle the very harsh and direct assessment. Everything will then be filmed and published.

The IZI and Lfm have made a joint study on long-term consequences on adolescent pysche. 59 former participants completed an online questionnaire. The answers show how the mental stress is felt.

Even participants who took a good seat in their show felt great pressure and have self-doubt.

The participants of the study were divided into several groups.

The study showed that one third of the respondents could use the casting show as a platform for their careers. One fifth found the experience positive. The third group was disappointed after a good start and a fourth group reported negative experiences with the show, they were used and misrepresented. All others were disappointed with the downfall with their person.

Also, in the article that the producers of the casting shows themselves know very well what they possibly do to the participants, and therefore they contractually protect against physical and psychological consequences. Pictures and sounds are manipulated and scenes are readjusted.

The audience is also hardly aware that the show is staged. According to Maya Götz, head of the IZI, around 80% of female and 60% of male adolescents believe in the style of the programs. "Casting shows are a targeted staging," said Maya Götz.

Jack, I hope that the text stimulates you to think a bit and you think again about your decision.

Nevertheless, I support you, should you participate in a castingshow.

Please tell me your decision.

In love your friend

Englisch, Übersetzung
Ist dieser Text von der Grammatik und Rechtschreibung richtig geschrieben (Englisch)?


Kann mir jemand helfen und sagen ob der folgende Text richtig geschrieben ist?

(Von der Grammatik und der Rechtschreibung her)

Habe ich auch genau dass gemacht was in der Aufgabenstellung steht?

Hier die Aufgabe:

Write a short text (100-120 words) about where YOU go to or where YOU get food from at lunchtime (cafe, restaurant, take away place, bakery, fast food restaurant). What do you like better: Eating out or eating at home?


In my lunchtime I eat only healthy food, because unhealthy food to contain a lot of fat. My food is from the home. Because this is cheaper than a meal from the canteen. I eat my food always in the sitting room from the school. I eat never in the canteen or in a bakery and also not in restaurants. Because I think a meal from the home is healthier than a meal from the restaurant. This is my favourite meal for a typical lunchtime: A healthy bread with a healty filling, a slice of carrots and apples or bananas. My favourite fruit is banana! But I think apple is as good as kiwi. I eat not fast food because this is very unhealty. I like vegetables, but I prefer fruits to vegetables.

Habe ich auch 'the' und 'a' richtig gesetzt? Passt der Text zu der Aufgabe? Stimmen auch die Sätze im Text: But I think apple is as good as kiwi.

Bei denen ganzen 'a' bin ich mir wirklich unsicher.

Und ist dieser Satz richtig? Because I think a meal from the home is healthier than a meal from the restaurant.

Dort wo ich 'from' geschrieben habe, bei "in the sitting room from the school, ist das richtig so mit from?

Kann man 'sitting room' schreiben? Ich meine damit einen Aufenthaltsraum.

Bei denen Sätze, Buchstaben und Wörter, die fett markiert sind, bin ich mir unsicher ob die so stimmen. Kann mir da jemand helfen?

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe und für das durchlesen des Textes :)

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, London, England, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung, Vokabeln
Kann mir jemand diesen englischen Text korrigieren (Englisch)?

Der eigentliche deutsche Text ist unten im Bild zu sehen.

Microplastic, these are plastic particles, like for example which used to be in Peelings.
Microplastic reaches from our sink into the sea. There it draws poisons and is eaten by animals. A big danger for our environment!

On our coasts and riversides and in our seas we often find plastic garbage like plastic bags or plastic bottles. Less obviously - but not less often - are microscopic small plastics : microplastic. Firm and indissoluble synthetic polymers are called microplastic, smaller than five millimeters.

The cosmetics industry don’t only use particular microplastic. They also use other synthetic plastics in their products. These can be soakable in the water and also partly dissolvable. Among the rest, they serve as an abrasive, film former, filler and binder. Because dismantling ways and environmental impact of liquid plastics are unsettled and an additional removing from the evironment is not possible, the ALLIANCE exerts itself to prevent the entry according to the precautionary principle.

The plastics from the cosmetics products reach about the local sewage in the sewage plants.
These filter out microplastic only partly; a part is held back in the sludge, the rest reaches in seas and rivers. Microplastic is eaten there by sea organisms, draws environmental poisons and is not to be removed again from the environment. It was already proved in sea dogs, fishes, shells and smaller organisms which take it up passively or with their food. Hence, sits down def alliance for a ban of microplastic and other synthetic plastics in cosmetics and personal care products.

Bild zum Beitrag
Gefahr, Englisch, Schule, Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Politik, Unterricht, Plastiktüten, Meer, Text, Abitur, Grammatik, Korrektur, mediation
kann jemand meinen Englisch Text korrigieren(Thema ist Globalization)^^?

Schonmal danke im Voraus ;D


Globalization: a blessing or a curse?

Last Sunday I came back from my “holidays” from Bangladesh. So you probably wonder why I spent my entire week in a country, where the definition of poverty is really appropriate here.

“Is this guy serious?” “He makes a fun of such a significant topic isn’t it ridiculous?” “I have no clue why someone unimportant like him wants to be further an author in a youth magazine after this act.” 

I got a lot of messages from you guys and today I want to point out my statement or rather all misunderstandings. So this article will basically deal with my real purpose behind the trip to Bangladesh and why I as an author publish this in a youth magazine.

One word to start this whole article “GLOBALIZATION”!

Christopher Columbus an explorer, who discovered America in 1492 as he travelled through the ocean. Already in the 15th century the European states began to conquer some parts of Africa. The colonization was in full progress. The Industrialization began in England during the second half of the 18th century. There was now a better possibility to trade goods and raw materials or have an exchange of knowledge. All these pieces of our history made our world what it is today a comfortable and dingy life. Dingy? Yes dingy and I didn’t misspoke. It’s really important which perception you have towards the environment. I have a truly decisive question to you. Is the entirety of globalization for you a CHANCE or a CHALLENGE? Ask yourself that. Nowadays we have developed many benefits whether it be the global “togetherness”, the access to the global market area or a crucial aspect for all of your readers out there the mobile and internet technology. Nevertheless, the other side of the medal is the key point of my complete writing. Someday I started to reflect myself and realize all challenges we have got from the globalization. I walked through the streets of the city centre and looked into some clothing stores. I looked in the happy face of one employee. I requested myself are we literally live in a perfect world without regrets and are we honestly take everything for granted? With many expectations to figure it out I set off a journey through Bangladesh as a reporter. After one month of horrendous experiences I came back with a lot of insights. First let me assess you the shocking production conditions there. The workers in the Viyellatex factory are making clothes especially for western firms but the situation there was far away from being optimal. They slave away seven days a week and have no guarantee of work security. However they told me that without the job they couldn’t feet their family, so some workers see it as a chance. How it could be a chance when there are existed disastrous circumstances, physical assault, forced overtime, sometimes failure to pay wages etc.     

Englisch, Text

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