Englisches Jobinterview - Bitte Kontrolle :) Hab ich das richtig gemacht?

Hallo Community, habe ich folgenden Dialog richtig übersetzt? Am liebsten wär es für mich, wenn ihr den folgenden Text kopiert und anschließend berichtigt. Ich freue mich für jede sinnvolle Antwort. An alle noch ein frohes Jahr und ein gutes, fröhliches 2018!

Applicant (A), Interviewer/employer (I)

 A klopft an,

I: "Come in! “,

A: "Good morning! How are you? “,

I:  "Good morning, I’m fine, thanks. How are you? “

A: “I’m fine, too, thank you.”

I: “Sit down, please! My name is . Tell me something about you, please.”

A: “My name is , I’m 24 years old and I come from Germany. I am interested to work in the Facility management. (ODER “I’m interested in being a caretaker.”)”

I: “Where did you go to school in Germany?

A: “My primary school was the . Grundschule (wegen Eigenname deutschen Namen benutzt, richtig so?) and later I took my Abitur at the .

I: “What’s that, an Abitur?”

A: “That’s like the British A-Levels.”

I: “Ah okay, I didn’t know this. Did you have any work experience yet?

A: “During a social work school project I helped to clean a school house and I worked as a caretaker in a hotel in Berlin for 2 years.”

I: “What are your qualities and skills?”

A: “I love tidiness and I like pupils. I always wanted a job at school but I didn’t want to be a caretaker. Also, I like fixing broken things and taking care for plants.”

I: “Thank you but that isn’t really what I wanted to hear. What are your qualities and skills? Why are you the ideal person for this job? Why should we employ you?”

A: “I’m perfect for this job because I’m well educated because of my A-Levels and I already have 2 years of work experience.

I: “Thank you very much! Do you have any questions, too?”

A: “Yes, I have ´. Which remit would I have to undertake exactly? (Welchen Aufgabenbereich würde ich genau übernehmen?)

I: “You’ll have to take care about the school garden and you’ll have to clean the floors. A typical task for facility manager is to rake up the leaves. In winter, a facility manager takes over the winter service.”

A: “Okay, I have another question. How would a working day look like?” (ALTERNATIVE: How would you describe a typical day and week in this position?)

I: “At 8 o’clock you’ll open the school for pupils and teachers. At 9 o’clock the lessons start. Until then, all classrooms should be open. From 9 to 13 o'clock they would do all pending (anstehende) tasks. From 1 to 2 pm you have lunch break. At 4 pm you would put chairs on the tables. At 5 pm you would complete the classrooms again.”

A: “Thanks for the detailed answer! I’m just curious, when was the school built?”

I:  “In 1922 a very famous Scientist named Peggy Edmund opened this Science school. This year we have anniversary for 95 years. Do you have any other questions?”

A: “No; I didn’t, thanks.”

I: “Name, nice meeting you. Thank you for coming. I'll contact you in about 2 weeks.”

A: “Thank you for the job interview invitation and I look forward to the answer in 2 weeks. Good Bye!”

I: “Good Bye, See you!”

Englisch, Schule, Übersetzung, Englisch-Deutsch, Translate, Jobinterview
könnte jemand bitte meine cartoon analysis korrigieren und Verbesserungsvorschläge äußern?

Globalisation cartoon analysis

The cartoon was drawn by Matt Wuerker with unknown title was published on the 7th July 2011. The subject of the cartoon is outsourcing.

On the left side in the foreground, of the picture is a vending machine. The vending machine is silver and offers american workers. Through the window of the vending machine you can see different figures representing the american workers. Above the window a title says „AMERICAN WORKERS, hire us!“. Across from the vending machine a male figure is shown. The figure is small and a bit chubby. His skin color is slightly red. He also wears suit and glasses. He stands with a open mouth and open arms in front of the vending machine. In a caption the figure says „I'd love to give 'em jobs. I just can't afford to!“. Behind the figure is a case with the imprint „Corp. Sector“. In the background are mountains of dollar bills stored in wheelbarrows. The wheelbarrows are coded with „profits“ and „bonuses“.

The cartoon deals with the problem of outsourcing. Firstly the cartoonist symbolised the corporations and factorys as a figure in a suit. The industry are those who hire and dismiss staff. Corporation often want to pay the lowest possible wage to make more profit. Cheap wage workers are mostly found in developing countrys. To gain more profit factorys search workers in developing countrys, for that they produce their goods abroad. While global players produce their goods abroad, many people can't find jobs for example in the USA. The USA still can't recover from the rust belt, which made many people lose their job. In the cartoon we can see the lack of workspaces

in the USA because the vending machine is marked with the title „hire us!“. It clearly shows the need of work places.

The cartoonist exaggerateted with the amount of money to suggest how much money the industries gain world wide while people in developing countrys have to suffer exploitation and hunger even they are working a lot for low wage. The caption of the figure shows that industries still would take low wage workers instead of qualified workers in the US to make more money.

I partly agree with the artist's statement because i think it gives people, who are living in developing countries, the oppurtunity to earn some money and maybe to learn new abilitys which they can use in their further professional life. On the other hand the workers don't gain enough money for their work. For the customer it's better because the goods are much cheaper.  

Englisch, Schule
Wie wichtig ist eine Kladde im Aufsatz und wie kann ich mich in Aufsätzen verbessern?

Hallo Leute, ich wollte gerne mal von euch wissen, für wie wichtig ihr eine Kladde beim Deutsch oder Englisch Aufsatz haltet.

Ich handhabe das bis jetzt so, dass ich mir nie eine Kladde mache, was aber zu einer schwachen Struktur und somit Defiziten in der Note führt, jedoch ist die Zeit oft zu knapp, um eine Kladde anzulegen (90 Minuten sind einfach zu wenig bei der Menge, die man schreiben muss). Ich wollte fragen, ob ihr es trotzdem für wichtiger haltet, die Kladde anzufertigen oder doch mehr auf die Zeit achten würdet.

Mein Englischlehrer hatte bei mir angemerkt, dass ich es zwar gut formulieren könne, aber man merkt, dass ich "drauf losschreibe" und dadurch z.B. Strukturen geschwächt werden.

Außerdem fällt es mir schwer, einfach nur eine einfache Zusammenfassung eines Textes zu schreiben. Eine Analyse hingegen gelingt mir. Das hat man in meiner letzten Englisch-Klausur (es wurden alle Aufgaben einzeln benotet und zu einer Inhaltsnote zusammengefasst, die dann mit der Note der sprachlichen Leistung zu 50% verrechnet wird.) gemerkt. Ich habe in der Textzusammenfassung nur 5 Punkte (4), bei der Analyse hingegen 13 Punkte (1-).

Wie kann ich daran arbeiten?

Ich finde das sehr ärgerlich, da ich die schönen Noten immer an den einfachsten Aufgaben liegen lasse.

Danke schon mal im Voraus für eure Antworten

Gruß Sebastian

Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Aufsatz, Klausur, textanalyse, Zusammenfassung, Textaufgabe, Ausbildung und Studium
Blog über Australien. Ist meiner gut?

Hallo Leute;

Ich muss in Englisch einen Blog über Australien schreiben. Könnt ihr mir sagen wie meiner ist und was ich noch verbessern kann????

Hello guys,

Welcome to my blog about my time here in Australia. I arrived in Australia yesterday and my first impression of this country can be described in one word - breathtaking !!!!!!!! My parents and I were picked up by my mother's sister. Aunt Susie has been living in Australia for 7 years. We drove two hours to Batemans Bay where Aunt Susie lives. By the time we arrived it was already  8pm  so we only went on a '' short '' beach walk. The water is so clear and we even saw a few surfers. Aunt Susie is a real Aboriginal fan. She told us a lot about the culture. But the most interesting thing I found was the stories she told us about 'the stolen generation'In 1910, the Australian government started to "steal" the half-caste children of the Aborigines peoples of Australia. It sounded terrible but I wanted to know more. Susie showed me a newspaper article, in which a woman recalled her time as a 'stolen child' But I also learned a lot about Australia. The capital is not Sydney, as I thought before my visit, it's Canberra. But Sydney has the largest population. I also learned that Australia is a land of fascinating contrasts. From modern, vibrant cities like Sydney or Brisbane, to the beautiful beaches on the shores, to the seclusion of the outback. Whether tropical rainforests, endless deserts or mountains, Australia is a vast sprawling country. I have learned that Australia is home to seven states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. Australia has a very rich wildlife with more than 5700 kinds of animal, from mammals over birds to fishes. More than 80 percent of all plants and animals are found exclusively on the Australian continent. The kangaroo, the koala, the dingo, the wallaby and the wombat are Australia's most famous animals, according to Aunt Susie, but I have never heard of the last two. What I already knew is that the beaches in Australia are perfect. Australia's coastline is almost 50,000 km long and is bordered by more than 10,000 beaches which is more than any other country in the world. Today we are having a quiet day to recover from the jetlag. We went to the beach in the morning, came back to eat lunch and then returned back to the beach in the afternoon .In the evening we played cards and discussed our plans for the next few days. Tomorrow we will drive to Sydney. I'm really looking forward to that !!!! We will then tour all over Australia and will visit places such as the Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef, Bondi Beach, more beaches and a few national parks. That will be so cool. I am most looking forward to discovering the Australien wildlife and visiting her big cities.

I will tell you all the details later. So until tomorrow,

Yours Pia

Ich danke im vorraus für e ure Rückmeldungen

eure PIA

Englisch, Blog, Schule, Australien

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