Englisch text?

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Meet Angelina, a wonderful and spirited girl in our class. Angelia is 13 years old and her birthday is in September. Summer is her favourite season, because her birthday is in summer and she loves the warm weather with the sunshine. she loves swimming in the swimming-pool with her friends and her brothers and sisters.


One fact about her is that she makes everybody laughing, even if when the person doesn’t want to laugh. She is very kind, creative and helpful. And she loves animals so much. She is a very big animal lover. That’s one reason why she has 3 dogs and 5 rabbits. She also has been riding horses for a long time.


Her hobbys are very cool! She is in love with playing soccer and she is very good. Angelia is in the goal and is holding the balls. Her favourite club is FC Bayern, where also playing Thomas Müller and Jamal Musiala her favourite players.

But she also loves drawing what she is doing since the kindergarten. She likes to draw with the colours red and blue, because they are her favourite colours.

Sport and german are her favourite subjects in the school. But she doesn’t like english, except the topics about the american history. though she prefers english music more than german music. Her favourite ice cream is cinement and chocolate and her favourite food is sushi, which she could eat every day for lunch.

Von 1-10, wie gut ist er für einen Text aus der 8 Klasse? Danked🙏🙏


Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
An alle die russisch können- wie spricht man das Lied права aus?

Wäre sehr lieb wenn mir jemand sagen könnte wie man das ausspricht weil beherrsche die Buchstaben nicht. Also so in einer Art Lautschrift wenn ihr versteht was ich meine haha

Danke im Voraus :)

Забираю права

На твои чувства, чувства


Сквозь мои пальцы тянется лето

Где бы ты не был, здесь тебя нету

Я вспоминаю вплоть до рассвета

Где бы ты не был, там меня тоже нет


Как перестать грустить, если мне нравится?

Ну давай

Встретимся там же, только не опаздывай,

да я всё знаю

(Забираю права)


Запутывай пальцы, в мои прядях

будто дикие танцы, только твои губы

Давай начнём с того, на чем всё заканчивают

(Забираю права)


Где бы я ни была, мысли мои — вода, я же права, скажи им

Всё было правильно; убиты, ранены, мы же всё пережили


Lernen, Sprache, Fremdsprache, Aussprache, Russisch, Übersetzung, Grammatik, Russen, Russisch lernen, Russische Sprache, Russland, Russlanddeutsche, Sprache lernen, Sprachentwicklung, übersetzen
Ist das ein guter Comment?

Nowadays the internet is becoming a bigger concern due to its unlimeted access. So its getting riskier to be online especially for children as there are many threats, such as fake profiles. However, is the internet really that dangerous?

First of all, I think the internet makes us very dependet, which can lead to developing addidictive behaviors, impacting both our personal lives and careers. For example during a family dinner, there is less conversation and more time spent surfing the internet. This can lead to conflict, just as when someone constantly checks their phone at work or in the school.

The next point is we are not always aware of the dangers online, because the internet is has become part of our everday life. From my point of view is this a big Problem, especially for young people, because they can visit websites that aren’t safe for them. For instance it can also be dangerous for children, as older people can pretend to be younger and attract children.

The next argument is that the internet also offers many benefits, such as educational plattforms, that help young people study for school. In my experience the internet provides learning materials and online courses, for example, which can help save time by avoiding long commutes.

Lastly its important to say that the internet make it easy to do many things online, which is often faster. For example shopping online is usually easier than going to a store especially when time is short.

All in all I can say the internet has good and negatives sites. One the one hand is the internet not good for children, because there are many dangers on the internet, on the othder hand you can benefit from internet.

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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