2 Monate Gratis Amazon Kindle Unlimited?

Hier steht dass Amazon zwei Probemonate "unlimited" schenkt, ist das wahr? Habt Ihr Erfahrungen damit gemacht?

Nein kein Interesse 100%
Nein bin aber interessiert 0%
Ja 0%
Buch, kostenlos, Amazon, Kindle, gratis, Recht, E-Book, Gratismonat, tolino
Yo Leute brauche hilfe wegen Amazon?
Yo Leute ich bracuhe hilfe wegen amazon ,denn ich habe von der Email : no-reply@amazon.com etwas Geschrieben bekommen und zwar das :


We believe that an unauthorized person has accessed your Amazon account and attempted to place an order. For your protection, we have canceled the order.

To secure your account and prevent additional unauthorized activity, we suggest that you take the following steps:

- Reset your password.

- Set up Two-Step Verification (2SV).

- Check the Your Orders section for other unauthorized orders.

- Review your account information, such as your address and payment information for other unauthorized changes.

You can complete these steps by navigating to Your Account and Your Orders. If you find any additional unauthorized activity, please contact customer service to report it.

We also recommend that you review and actively monitor other accounts outside of Amazon, especially your email, for any signs that they might be compromised. In particular, we suggest that you:

- Reset your email account password and use different passwords for different accounts.

- Check for email forwarding or deletion rules that have been added without your permission.

If we canceled the order in error, you can attempt to place it again. If possible, place the order after you have signed in to your account from a familiar device or location.


Account Specialist



================ (Mit Diesen Strichen) Kann mir wer helfen wenn ich mich versuche zu anmelden steht da ,,Konto Gesperrt´´ und ich kann mich nicht anmelden und ich habe all meine Daten vergessen.BITTE HILFT MIR BIIIIIIITEEEEE

Hack, Amazon

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