Is it important to have a role model (Blog)?

Hallo, könnte mir jemand Tipps geben oder meinen Blog korrigieren? Danke.

For me a Role Model doesn't have to be a hero or a singer, a Role Model can be a family member or even your best friend, but not everyone has a role model.

I don‘t really have a role model, just because i don‘t like to compare myself with someone else or be someone else..

The problem is that in today's society it's not easy to tell if a person is a role model or not.

Almost all influencers are fake, they just want the money they get, and many teenagers don't see that.

Zach Hanf, a 18 year old boy lost his leg, because of a car accident.

He was driving on Rt. 13 in Perry Country with his girlfriend and drifted left of the center and crashed into a refrigerated box truck.

At this moment his life changed!

Hanf wanted to be a trauma surgeon, but because of his accident it‘s not that easy anymore.

But the boy believes in his dream and is ambitious and continues to try to achieve his goal.

I think he is a real role model, despite his accident just to continue as if it had not been happen, is incredible.

So the question is, is it important to have a role model?

The answer is yes, for example Zach Hanf is a strong and confident boy, who lost his leg, but did not change his plans.

Teenager should do the same, if something bad happens, they should still try to reach their goals.

A role model in your life is always a good idea to inspire yourself 

and you get to learn from their mistakes.

All together you will be the best of yourself!

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Englisch, Blog, Schule, englische Grammatik
Was ist an der Summary falsch ( Englisch)?

Wo und inwiefern wurde bei der summary gegen die Regeln von summarys schreiben vertoßen?

Dr Hyde tells the students: 'Karl Marx famously called religion the "opiate of the masses". This statement makes Miles think about the question of a possible afterlife and of where Alaska might be now. After class he goes to McDonald's with Takumi where they admit to one another how much they miss Alaska. Clever as he is, Chip has come up with yet another ingenious plan. He wants to get drunk to find out how drunk Alaska was when she hit the police car. To be able to do so, Chip and Miles steal Mr Starnes's breathalyser, which turns out to be quite difficult. Takumi is annoyed that he is not allowed to take part in this plan. The two boys stay up in their room where chip drinks as much as he can while Miles uses the breathalyser to measure the amount of alcohol in his blood. Miles urges Chip on, saying he can surely outdrink a girl. In the middle of their experiment Mr Starnes knocks on their door. Luckily, they manage to fool him, but Miles has to appear before the jury for smoking in his room. In the end they come to the conclusion that Alaska was definitely too drunk to drive, which possibly helps them overcome their feelings of guilt. Because of their investigations, Miles has neglected his studies, but he doesn't really care. Chip decides that they have to call Jake now, because he is the only one who might help them find out more. They finally let Takumi in on what happened the night Alaska left, whereupon Takumi tells them that they shouldn't have set off the fireworks.

Englisch, Schule, Sprache, englische Grammatik, summary
describe a cartoon?

Hey Leute, meine Aufgabestellung lautet: describe the picture and discuss the truth about this stereotype in a text of min. 100 words on your own.

Habe ich es richtig beschrieben? Habt ihr Änderungs-Verbesserungvorschläge?

On this cartoon we can see two situations: on the first one we see a man drowning and another man walking his dog on the path walk. The drowning man is asking for help but the man with the dog doesn't even bother to look at him. On the second one we have the same situation, but, this time, the man with the dog actually helps the other man. The difference is that this time, the drowning man is polite when he asks for help and that made all the difference. Instead of just shouting for help, he said: "Excuse me, Sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it's no trouble, of course.". This cartoon portrays the British's politenes. Of course that in real life no one would be so polite when drowning; we would just shout "help" like the man in the first situation. But, we have to face it: British are more polite than everybody else. I'm not saying that the ones who aren't British are inferior or less educated, but it's true that they often forget words like "please" and "thank you". On this cartoon being polite makes the difference between life and death. It may be a little extreme, but who knows if it may or may not come true. So, if you happen to have a son, a daughter, a student who misbehaves and has lack of politeness, or if you just want them to be even more polite or educated than what you taught them to br, send them to England. Undoubtedly, they would thank you. At least, I know I would.

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Cartoon, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, English-Grammar, Bildbeschreibung, Diskussionsrunde
Habe ich meine Englisch Aufgaben richtig bearbeitet?

Hey Leute, ich würde mich echt freuen, wenn mal jemand raufschauen könnte😊!



1. Make a table with the statistics and pledges for the four countries.

Meine Lösung:

 2. State in a short text, what the oaths and pledges have in common and how they differ.

Lösung: The differences between the two ideologies is striking. If one swears an oath to the Constitution, it implies limited government by definition. It also implies that individual rights are paramount in the American system of governance. But when one swears to support the government instead of the Constitution, those principles disappear. An oath is self-pledging by which a subject or citizen acknowledges a duty of allegiance and swears loyalty to the monarch or country. In republics, modern oaths are sworn to the country in general or to the country's constitution.                                                                                                                   Also, this is a formal and serious promise to tell the truth or do something an offensive or rude word used to express anger, frustration, surprise, etc. Oath, as mentioned above, can mean either a formal promise or an insulting word. Additionally, an oath is more often used when the person making the promise calls God as a witness to the event, such as in the Boy Scout Promise. This often comes with a price if not kept; this can be death. In my personal opinion, an oath is presented as the most "serious" of the three words. In contrast to Oath, Pledge is a serious promise or agreement a promise to give money and something you leave to another person to show that you will keep your promise.                   Pledge is much less formal. Similarly, the Pledge of Allegiance is a promise of loyalty to one's country. Often, the pledge refers to an amount of money that someone is willing to give to another person.

3. Which of the countries’ oath is the most agreeable to you? Explain why.     The United States of America: Oath of Allegiance is the most agreeable oath to me because this serves to remind us that the United States is a constitutional republic with a federal system. The Oath also reminds us that the Constitution is the cornerstone of the American system. The government is supposed to be bound by the Constitution. As such, the government is not omnipotent, but strictly limited to the functions and purposes enumerated in the Constitution. Legislation, no matter how popular, is to be consistent with it, and any laws that conflict with it are invalid. 

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Sprache, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, English-Grammar, Englischsprachig, english-deutsche übersetzung
Könnte jemand über meine Summary drüberschauen?

Könnte jemand meine Summary korriegieren ,auf Gramatik, Rechtschreinung und auf die Kritikpunkte einer Summary, also nur das, worauf man ohne den orginal Text achten kann zB Zeit ,keine eigene Meinung ..... Danke :)

The chapter "The Meeting" from the novel "Go Well, Stay Well"written by Toeckey Jones in 1979 deals with the topic of racism, contempt and skepticism towards the dark in the past.It's about a meeting between a white and a black girl.

At the beginning of the chapter a white girl, her name is Candy, twisted her ankle while she walks in the city. A dark-skinned girl named Becky helps her. Candy is afraid that Becky will steal something from her, so she presses the bag against her.But Becky doesn't want to steal anything from her. Than Becky makes a joke and both laugh. Candy stopps laughing because people were looking at her with interest.Even Becky helps Candy, Candy stays skeptical . She finds it easier if a white person would have helped her . After than Becky helps Candy to go to the park where Candy sit down and relax a little bit.The black woman Becky proves that she doesn't want to steal from candy but only takes care of her. Candy slips down the bag, Becky could steal it and ran away, but she didn't. They start to be friends. Subsequentlythe the girls want to sit somewhere together.But Becky can't go into coffee because it's only for white people.Candy's father picks her up. He hardly pays attention to Becky, although candy points it out to him.The father even misinterprets it and pays Becky for being so friendly to his daughter. Becky rejects.

All in all, the text is about the prejudices against dark people, how they react to them and focuses particularly on Candys and Becky story.

Englisch, Schule, Fehler, Sprache, englische Grammatik, allgemein
Englisch flüssiger sprechen?


ich weiß, dass die Frage oft gestellt worden ist, dennoch will ich einfach wissen, wie ich es schaffe Flüssiger Englisch sprechen zu können. Ich bin leider noch sehr unsicher, wenn ich mit anderen Menschen Englisch rede. Meistens vergesse ich auch Vokabeln, die ich eigentlich kann. Ich habe mich nun entschlossen, dass ich flüssiger sprechen lernen möchte, weiß aber nicht, wo ich anfangen kann. Ich Persönlich bin sehr neidisch aif Leute, die die Sprache von Geburt an beigebracht bekommen haben und diese Problemlos sprechen können. Also wo kann ich genau anfangen mein Englisch zu verbessern? Ich möchte flüssig bis sehr gut sprechen können ohne Stottern zu müssen. Also ich suche eventuell nach einem Programm/App/Anwendung, was mir sowohl Grammatik, Rechtschreibung und Vokabeln beibringt. Von null anfangen wäre auch kein Problem für mich. Beim reden oder schreiben habe ich oftmals angst, was falsches zu sagen/ zu schreiben, weshalb ich meistens zurückhaltend bin. Gerne könnt Ihr mir auch Tipps geben, wie ich meinen Lifestyle oder meinen Alltag ändern kann. Ein Auslandsjahr kommt bei mir leider aufgrund von Finanziellen Gründen nicht in Frage.

Ich bedanke mich schon jetzt bei jeder Antwort. Zudem wünsche ich euch alles gute und viel Gesundheit. :)

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Liebe Grüße

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