Wer kann diese 6 englischen Sätze in 50 Wörtern ins Deutsche übersetzen?

1 Antwort

1 - Verwende keine "nackten" Lichter! , this would be the 1:1 translation, but what they mean in this case we call "offenes Licht". So the correct translation would be "Verwende keine offenen Lichter!"

2 - Betrete diesen Raum nicht!

3 - Sei vorsichtig! Diese Substanzen sind toxisch/giftig.

4 - Sei vorsichtig! Der Boden hier ist rutschig!

5 - Du musst hier einen (Sicherheits-)Heml tragen. In this case I would only use "Helm", since I have never heard of anyone using "Sicherheitshelm".

6 - Du musst Schutzbrillen tragen!

I did not exactly understand what you meant with 50 words

 12.01.2023, 21:09

I mean write those 6 sentences in 50 words. (total words) = 50

Zigxfred  12.01.2023, 21:14

Okay I unterstand but I cannot see why anyone would make such an exercise. I would have to add words to those sentences wich would change the meaning of them. Seems pointless to me. You can translate most sentences while keeping the word count nearly the same