Cartoon Analysis Globalization?

Hallo, kann jemand meine Cartoon Analysis korrigieren und mir vielleicht ein paar Tipps dazu geben?

This is a cartoon drawn by Kat J.Weiss, published on 12/5/19 on and it deals with the issue of fast fashion. What is noticeable at the first glance is that the artist presents a serious topic in a simple and ironic way.The scene depicts an abstract situation in a third world country in comparison to an industrialising country. On the right, there is appearing a western women which is underlined by the clothes she is wearing. Moreover, you can easily notice a poisonous river in the left part of the picture. Another significant aspect is the center of the picture which shows us a large billboard with a caption above it which reads "THIS COULD BE U". Behind the billboard, there is sitting a women working on a sewinh machine. Her facial expression seems to be exhausted and tired. Especially striking are the bright colours that the artist used.The artist creates a negative atmosphere towards the aspect that we are not aware of where and under which conditions our fashion is produced This will be shown in detail in the following talk. The artist refers to a well known global issue such as fast fashion. Furthermore, he strongly criticises our lack of awareness about fast fashion.First of all, you can clearly notice that the artist tries to draw the audiences attention to the fact that the scene depicts the horrendous and miserable working conditions of people who produce fashion by representing the womens facial expression. From her facial expression you can conclude how exhausted and frustrated she must be. That is exactly how the cartoon is supposed to make us overthink our attitude towards fast fashion. Moreover, the artist makes use of bright colours. Ultimately, common sense indicates that the colours are used to make the cartoon more vivid which clarifies the Intent of the cartoon which is to raise the People`s awareness for fast fashion. A further significant aspect is that the artist attempts to win us over to his side by triggering our emotions. This becomes more apparent while looking closely at the water colours from river which shows us how many chemicals are inside the water. That is why we become compassionate with the local citizens.

In conclusion I can express that the artists conveys his intention impeccably and extremely effectively from my point of view. Without any doubt the artist exactly knows how to trigger the audiences emotions properly. I also assume that he wants us to see fast fashion as horrible and horrendous. Moreover, he absolutely convinces me by his impeccably used visual elements which make sure we cannot misunderstand his concisely communicated message. Additionally I believe that his criticism is justified due to the fact that we are accountable as customers for the future of employees in the fashion industry. So it`s our mandatory duty to rearrange our attitude toward fast fashion. 

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Englisch, Übersetzung, Analyse, Cartoon, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, exam, Analysis
Englisch Cartoon Social media?

Hallo, könnte mir jemand Verbesserungsvorschläge für diesen Comment im Bezug auf Soziale Medien geben?

Social networks are used by many people all over the world.

They use them to stay in touch with their friends or family, get information about what`s happening in other parts of the world or just to bore something away. However there are also many negatives aspect of social media. 4 instance people treat others very condescending Lee online social network are also used to haress and envy of others. First of all I social media is a marvellous option for humans to discover new possibilities for their future. One can find new attractions and places in the world which one would never have heard of. This can be exemplified by the aspect the many people I know seek for travel inspiration online to plan and elaborate potentially taken trips. In addition social media also encompasses text-based communication devices which are great to stay in contact with acquaintances who live far away. Nonetheless I assume the text-based communication is not an appropriate way to maintain a proper communication at all. Shown by many recent studies communication inevitably lead to a lack of creativity. Furthermore I want to emphasise that our eyes also suffer from all the screens in our daily life. On top of that I assert that those harsh consequences are palpable for almost everyone. Another significant aspect which has to be mentioned and is the effect that is especially young people experience procrastination while spending time on their phone. The main reason for this phenomenon the social media has addictive characteristics. Social media help you to spend more and more time there which becomes more visible if you have a look on a teenager screen time. As far as I can see those platforms pray for pension from young people to get funded. Moreover I`m searching that social media leads to an happiness because of the fact that humans always compare their life to other people. Additionally mostly young people are not capable to realise that almost nothing in the internet is genuine or authentic. As a result of this many teenagers are doubting themelfes which probably leads to cruel and grave mental health issues. In conclusion I can express that I remain unconvinced and truly believe that social media is the potential risks for underage person. Therefore we need an impeccable education to direct children through the Cyberspace. Education is crucial for the future because of the indispensability of social media nowadays. Michael Goulding video is that social media has many benefits however the drawbacks outweigh them. So I plead or I control the use of social media to avoid they downsides of social media.Danke

Internet, Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Sprache, Social Media, Englischunterricht, comment
Ist dieser Comment gut (sollte die Monarchie in der UK abgeschafft werden)?

The monarchy system is a hot topic in the UK, is it useful for the country or is it just for the show. Opinions often differ here, because there are many arguments pro and against this system. But what is the right answer.

On the one hand the Royal Family which is given by this system personifies the state and British nation, which represent it more human. Due to this more human presentive the people will be more connected to the government because many of the civilians got a member of the Royal Family as an idol which is also fine in view of the fact they exemplify British values like good manners, good style and honesty. Furthermore, by keeping this system, we also keep a part of history alive owing to the fact that the monarchy is no longer a widely used system.

On the other hand, there are many arguments against a monarchy system: It’s a life long burden for anyone who gets born into this, which is also against the spirit of democracy because their role is not earned but inherited. Additionally, they don’t have any power and are mainly there for the public eye, but this gets worse by the fact that if a member of the Royal Family does something wrong, the whole state will be ashamed and it will damage the national image of Britain. On top of that, you know the big palaces, the expensive cars and their wealth? This comes partly from slavery, oppression and discrimination.

All in all, you can say that the monarchy system has many reasons to be abolished but also many benefits. From my perspective it should be abolished, because it’s simply a show and doesn’t do anything for the country in a financial or lucrative way, furthermore we know that other countries like Germany has also a working system which doesn’t waste money for an unqualified family.

(Bitte schreibt mir Verbesserungsvorschläge)

Englisch, Schule, Nachhilfe, Politik, Englischunterricht, europäische Geschichte, Monarchie, britische geschichte
describe a cartoon?

Hey Leute, meine Aufgabestellung lautet: describe the picture and discuss the truth about this stereotype in a text of min. 100 words on your own.

Habe ich es richtig beschrieben? Habt ihr Änderungs-Verbesserungvorschläge?

On this cartoon we can see two situations: on the first one we see a man drowning and another man walking his dog on the path walk. The drowning man is asking for help but the man with the dog doesn't even bother to look at him. On the second one we have the same situation, but, this time, the man with the dog actually helps the other man. The difference is that this time, the drowning man is polite when he asks for help and that made all the difference. Instead of just shouting for help, he said: "Excuse me, Sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it's no trouble, of course.". This cartoon portrays the British's politenes. Of course that in real life no one would be so polite when drowning; we would just shout "help" like the man in the first situation. But, we have to face it: British are more polite than everybody else. I'm not saying that the ones who aren't British are inferior or less educated, but it's true that they often forget words like "please" and "thank you". On this cartoon being polite makes the difference between life and death. It may be a little extreme, but who knows if it may or may not come true. So, if you happen to have a son, a daughter, a student who misbehaves and has lack of politeness, or if you just want them to be even more polite or educated than what you taught them to br, send them to England. Undoubtedly, they would thank you. At least, I know I would.

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Cartoon, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, English-Grammar, Bildbeschreibung, Diskussionsrunde
Kann jemand mein Charakterisierung in Englisch korrigieren?

ich brauche hilfe da ich nicht so gut in englisch bin.

In the Novel “Speak”, written by Laurie Halse Anderson in 1999, is the character “Mr. Freeman” an art teacher at Merryweather High, who already gets introduced at one of the first chapters. He is the art teacher from the main character Melinda.

Mr. Freeman is a teacher, described as ugly. Furthermore he has a “Big old grasshopper body, like a stilt-walking circus guy and an nose like a credit card …” like Melinda describes at p.14, l.9 f., . He appears very scary to other people, but he has a nice smile on his face (p. 14, l.11 & p. 14, l.21 ff.).

Another important fact is his language, he speaks really heartfelt (p.14 l.12 ff.), which makes him so interesting , so the students listen to him.

During the novel Mr. Freeman is an supporter of Melinda and they talk about Melindas problems sometimes. He sees the feelings or the art in Melindas work (p.66-67). Besides Mr. Freeman is very creative and he wants others to be creative too (p. 15 – 16). Moreover he wants to motivate the students to make something special. On p.14 l. 11 you can see that Mr. Freeman “smiles”. Their, you can conclude that he is a very friendly person

Mr. Freeman is a different person. He is not like normal teachers and he has his own vision of school, lessons and priorities (p. 14 – 15). His ideas are very scary but he has a plan for the rest of the year in school (p. 15, ll.20 ff. & p.16, ll.1 ff.) .

He has a good friendship to his students, which you can see that he is hugging students as a teacher(p.196 l.10 ff.). The last day of school Melinda stays after so she could finally put the finishing touches on her tree and she starts crying in the class with Mr.Freeman and he says "You've been through a lot haven't you?"(p.197 l.24 f.), that shows that he actually cares about Melinda and what she has been through. In other words he has a good connection to Melinda.

In conclusion Mr. Freeman is the art teacher of Melinda, who has a good connection to Melinda, he is a friendly teacher, who goes motivated on

Englisch, Schule, Charakterisierung, Englischunterricht, Korrektur, Lehrer, characterization, englischlehrer
The sheep in wolfs clothing?

Worum geht es hier ?

Not very long ago there were two sheep who put on wolf's clothing and went among the wolves as spies, to see what was going on. They arrived on a fete day, when all the wolves were singing in the taverns or dancing in the street. The first sheep said to his companion, 'Wolves are just like us, for they gambol and frisk. Every day is fete day in Wolfland.' He made some notes on a piece of paper (which a spy should never do) and he headed them 'My twenty-four Hours in Wolfland', for he had decided not to be a spy any longer but to write a book on Wolfland and also some articles for the Sheep's Home Companion. The other sheep guessed what he was planning to do, so he slipped away and began to write a book called My Ten Hours in Wolfland. The first sheep suspected what was up when he found his friend had gone, so he wired a book to his publisher called My Five Hours in Wolfland, and it was announced for publication first. The other sheep immediately sold his manuscript to a newspaper syndicate for serialization.

Both sheep gave the same message to their fellows: wolves were just like sheep, for they gambolled and frisked, and every day was fete day in Wolfland. The citizens of Sheepland were convinced by all this, so they drew in their sentinels and they let down their barriers. When the wolves descended on them one night, howling and slavering, the sheep were as easy to kill as flies on a windowpane. 

Moral: Don't get it right, just get it written.

Englisch, Schule, Text, Englischunterricht, fabel

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