Englisch Klassenarbeit über Australien.

Hallo, Ich muss in meiner nächste Arbeit einen Text über Australien schreiben und wollte mal fragen ob mein Text, den ich geschrieben habe, gut ist.

Dear ..., I spend my holidays in Australia, because my friend has told me, that Australia is very interesting. Do you know the History of Australia? The History of Australia is very Amazing, so i want to Tell you Sonpmething about the History. In 16th Century, the Humans Startes to arrive, but many People are died, because they have to Fight in blöde Fights. In 1901, Australia which is the smalles continent, was founded. Yesterday we have visit the Ayers Rock, which is also fallen Uluru. The Uluru is a really sacred place for the Aboriginies, therefore you have to show respect. The Ayers Rock is in the middle of nowhere, so it's really difficult to arrive to the Ayers Rock. Fortunately, there are a Pool in our hotel, because it's very hot ans dry. Today we want to go to the kargest coral reef in the world, which is called Great Barrier Reef. Do you know that you can see the Great Barrier Reef from space with the naked eye?It's really beautiful, the Blue water, the blue sky and the 2.000 species of animals. Another highlight in Australia is Sydney. Sydney, which is the biggest city in Australia, isn't the capital, because the capital is Canberra. I think The Most interesting sight is the Opera House, which is surrounded by water on three sides. So, Australia is a really wonderful country and i want you to go to Australia.

Dear ...

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Englisch, Text, 9. Klasse, Australien, Klassenarbeit
Blog über Australien. Ist meiner gut?

Hallo Leute;

Ich muss in Englisch einen Blog über Australien schreiben. Könnt ihr mir sagen wie meiner ist und was ich noch verbessern kann????

Hello guys,

Welcome to my blog about my time here in Australia. I arrived in Australia yesterday and my first impression of this country can be described in one word - breathtaking !!!!!!!! My parents and I were picked up by my mother's sister. Aunt Susie has been living in Australia for 7 years. We drove two hours to Batemans Bay where Aunt Susie lives. By the time we arrived it was already  8pm  so we only went on a '' short '' beach walk. The water is so clear and we even saw a few surfers. Aunt Susie is a real Aboriginal fan. She told us a lot about the culture. But the most interesting thing I found was the stories she told us about 'the stolen generation'In 1910, the Australian government started to "steal" the half-caste children of the Aborigines peoples of Australia. It sounded terrible but I wanted to know more. Susie showed me a newspaper article, in which a woman recalled her time as a 'stolen child' But I also learned a lot about Australia. The capital is not Sydney, as I thought before my visit, it's Canberra. But Sydney has the largest population. I also learned that Australia is a land of fascinating contrasts. From modern, vibrant cities like Sydney or Brisbane, to the beautiful beaches on the shores, to the seclusion of the outback. Whether tropical rainforests, endless deserts or mountains, Australia is a vast sprawling country. I have learned that Australia is home to seven states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. Australia has a very rich wildlife with more than 5700 kinds of animal, from mammals over birds to fishes. More than 80 percent of all plants and animals are found exclusively on the Australian continent. The kangaroo, the koala, the dingo, the wallaby and the wombat are Australia's most famous animals, according to Aunt Susie, but I have never heard of the last two. What I already knew is that the beaches in Australia are perfect. Australia's coastline is almost 50,000 km long and is bordered by more than 10,000 beaches which is more than any other country in the world. Today we are having a quiet day to recover from the jetlag. We went to the beach in the morning, came back to eat lunch and then returned back to the beach in the afternoon .In the evening we played cards and discussed our plans for the next few days. Tomorrow we will drive to Sydney. I'm really looking forward to that !!!! We will then tour all over Australia and will visit places such as the Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef, Bondi Beach, more beaches and a few national parks. That will be so cool. I am most looking forward to discovering the Australien wildlife and visiting her big cities.

I will tell you all the details later. So until tomorrow,

Yours Pia

Ich danke im vorraus für e ure Rückmeldungen

eure PIA

Englisch, Blog, Schule, Australien
Mündliche Prüfung Australia

Hey! Also: Ich habe am Freitag eine mündliche prüfung und unser thema wird australien sein. Wir werden alleine für 5 minuten in einen vorbereitungsraum kommen und dort haben wir einen text zu dem thema australien. da stehen dann auch leitfragen die wir möglicherwiese verwenden können (also wir sollen jetzt nicht sowas sagen wie: zu der und der frage habe ich das und das sondern die fragen nur im hinterkopf haben). Dann kommen wir in einen Raum mit jemand anderes (derjenige in meinem fall meine beste freundin hat einen anderen text). dann müssen beide einen 3 minütigen vortrag zu dem thema auf unserem ab haltn (also im vorbereitungsraum durften wir uns notizen machen). danmach werden wir mit unserer lehrerin eine diskussion zu einem thema machen (3-4 minuten) und dann sind wir fertig.

unsere lehrerin hat uns folgende themen genannt:

Outback (flying doctors, school of the air, how to live there)

, natur

; , animals

, landscape

, sights

, cities (2-3 cities sollte man genauer kennen)

, Aborigines

, Dreaming

, History of Australia

, Stolen Children

, Sports

, States

, Facts about Australia

, Dreamtime (-stories)

, Forgotten Generation

Mein Problem ist ich weiß nicht wie ich dafür was genau jetzt lernen soll und wie ich mich darauf vprbeireiten kann. ich hatte mir überlegt ob ich heute und morgen Abend einen englischen film gucke. Könnt ihr mir vllt. welche empfehlen (wenn ihr gute kennt im besten fall filme die was mit australien zutun haben)

hoffentlich könbne tihr mir helfen

lg, Isabella

Englisch, Lernen, Film, Schule, Prüfung, Australien, mündliche Prüfung