Englisch Klassenarbeit über Australien.

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

G’day Nilsilon101,

Du könntest ja wirklich kein besseres Thema gewählt haben! Aber aufpassen, die Aborigines sind seit ungefähr 50.000 Jahren in Australien gewesen und vielleicht noch länger. Die ersten Weissen, die Australien gesehen haben sind mit dem Niederländer Abel Tasman gekommen aber sie haben nicht gelandet. Dann kam in der späten 1770er Jahren der Engländer Captain James Cook. Der ist gelandet und hat den ganzen Kontinent vermessen. Die ersten weissen Siedler (vor allem Gefangene) sind am 26. Januar 1788 mit der "Ersten Flotte" gelandet. So wurde das heutige Australien geboren:

Im Englischen sind nur die Namen von Menschen, Ländern und Orten mit grossen Buchstaben geschrieben.

Hier mein Textvorschlag:

Dear ..., I am spending my holidays in Australia because my friend told me that the country is really interesting. Do you know the history of Australia? The history of Australia as well as the country itself is also amazing, so I want to tell you something about its history. In 17th Century the Europeans started to explore the continent but many people died due to violent encounters with the native population. In 1901 the Commonwealth of Australia, which occupies the entirety of the world's smallest continent, was founded.

Yesterday we visited Ayers Rock, which is also known as Uluru. It is a very sacred place for the Aboriginies, therefore you have to show respect. Ayers Rock is in the middle of nowhere, so it's really difficult to get there. Fortunately, there are is a pool in our hotel because it's very hot ans dry. Today we want to go to the largest coral reef in the world, which is called Great Barrier Reef. Did you know that you can see the Great Barrier Reef from space with the naked eye? It's really beautiful, the blue water, the blue sky and the 2.000 species of animals. Another highlight in Australia is Sydney, the country's largest city. Sydney isn't the capital and neither is Australia's second largest city Melbourne. The seat of government is actually in Canberra, a city of just 300,000 which was purposely constructed in order to be the nation's capital. I think the most interesting sight is the Opera House which is surrounded by water on three sides. So, Australia is a really wonderful country and I really want you come here!

anstatt 'fallen würde ich 'called benutzen. du meinst doch, dass der berg auch so genannt wird, oder? und ich finde, dein text ist ganz okay, nur bisschen klotzartig..

das lustige, wir hatten das auch in der schule

Auf die Schnelle:

Dear ...,

I spend my holidays in Australia kein Komma because my friend has told me kein Komma that Australia is very interesting. Do you know the History of Australia? The History of Australia is very Amazing

kein Komma so i want to Tell you Sonpmething about the History. In 16th Century, kein Artikel hmans Startes to arrive, but many People are died kein Komma because they have to Fight in blöde Fights. In 1901, Australia which is the smalles continent, was founded. - Satzstellung, Wortfehler

Yesterday Komma we have visit - kein Artikel Ayers Rock, which is also fallen Uluru. The Uluru is a really sacred place for the Aboriginies, therefore you have to show respect. kein Artikel Ayers Rock is in the middle of nowhere, so it's really difficult to arrive to kein Artikel Ayers Rock. Fortunately, there are a Pool in our hotel kein Komma because it's very hot ans dry.

Today Komma we want to go to the kargest coral reef in the world, which is called Great Barrier Reef. Do you know that you can see the Great Barrier Reef from space with the naked eye? It's really beautiful, the Blue water, the blue sky and the 2.000 species of animals. Another highlight in Australia is Sydney. Sydney, which is the biggest city in Australia, isn't the capital kein Komma because the capital is Canberra. I think The Most interesting sight is the Opera House, which is surrounded by water on three sides. So, Australia is a really wonderful country and i want you to go to Australia.


Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

:-) AstridDerPu

I don't know something about Australia and I can't say something about the content. But you have a gramatical mistake in line 6: "The Uluru is a ... " Uluru is an personal name and than you don't use "the" . You musst say: "Uluru is a ..."

All the best! :)

(I hope you understand everything! :D )