Ein Comment auf Englisch schreiben

Hallo, ich soll in Englisch mein erstes Comment schreiben. Es wäre supernett, wenn ihr euch es mal durchlesen könntet. Über Verbesserungsvorschläge( also Formulierung oder Rechtschreibung oder auch noch einen Pro/contra Punkt den ihr wichtig findet oder etwas anderes) würde ich mich sehr freuen ;) Das Thema das wir vorgeschrieben bekommen haben war: Rules in our everyday life

A Comment

Rules are a very important thing in our life. I believe it´s very important to discuss this topic. For everything in our life we have rules, for example speed limits or curfews. But, are we too obsessed with safety in our everyday life? Or have we got too few rules?

Rules for speed limits for instance are very important. If there are not rules for that, life will change. Everything will be very dangerous. Everybody would drive as fast as they want and there would be more accidents.
Another pro is, that without rules you will early be dead, there will be too much risk in our everyday life.
But there does not only exists pros, on the other hand there are also cons. Without the rules we will have more freedom. We would have much more fun with fever rules.
Secondly there are too much rules for teenager. It is tempting to break them and the teenager can not have so much fun as without rules, because they are not allowed to stay all the night long at partys or to go late in the cinema.

To my mind, most of the rules are very important in our everyday life and we have not got too few rules and are not obsessed with safety.

Englisch, regeln, Erörterung, comment

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