Englisch Referat 9.Klasse: Stimmt das so?

Hallo allerseits, ich und 4 andere müssen in Englisch auf Englisch ein Referat über das Thema "Fast Food" halten. Da ich nicht bombastico bin und es bestimmt viele Fehler gibt, wäre es nett wenn ihr einmal drüberschauen könntet. Wenn euch noch etwas Wichtiges zum Thema einfällt, dann immer her damit :) Vielen Dank schon in Voraus Platti

Hello, our presentation today is about that stuff that you most likely all eat, when you´re in McDonalds. Does anyone know what it is? → Yes, right. So I´ll start with some general information on fast food. Fast food is the reason for the USA to nearly have the most overweight population in the world. Therefore, 14% of 15 year old boys and 15% of 5 year old girls are too heavy. But who thinks that there´s a huge difference between Germany and the USA, is wrong. When it comes to fast food we are only one place behind them and unfortunately the number 1 in Europe. So why do people even eat something that causes negative consequences? Actually there are many traceable reasons for it. On the one hand fast food is a type of food that is prepared and also served very quickly and on the other hand it´s often much cheaper than the food that is served in normal restaurants. Because of the more and more increasing pressure at school or at work, nowadays especially the younger generation takes advantage of it. Typically the term “fast food” refers to food, sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients. It´s often served in a packaged form for take-away. In addition they are known for their ability to serve food via a drive-through, where customers can order their desired food in the car. But fast food can´t only be sold in convenient restaurants, but among other things also in gastronomies, bars, street sales and it can even be delivered at home. Characteristical dishes are for example burgers, Chicken Wings, Hotdogs, Fish and Chips, Curry Sausages and Pizzas. Since it´s almost tradition to eat these dishes without a fork and a knife, many people prefer to eat during standing or walking. Primarily teenager appreciate this way of eating, because of its simplicity and current modernity although fast food is a type of so-called “Junk food”. As you can tell from the name, it is seen as a negative type of food. In the 1980s, when american fast food companies wanted to spread out their concept in Italy, a counter movement called “Slow food” was invented. In many different countries it still exists today, but as you can tell it´s not that successful.

Englisch, Schule, Vortrag, Präsentation, Referat, Gymnasium
Könnt ihr bitte in meinem Aufsatz (Englisch) nach Fehlern gucken?

würde mich freuen wenn sich das jemand anguckt und korrigiert.

In my text I want to write about the topic "thrill seeking young teenagers no risks - no fun" and what I think about that. Doing risky things can give you an adrenaline rush teenagers love this, they consciously choose the danger. But young people have fewer overview of the consequences, as adults. Fun and full risk costs very many lives. That need not be. For example, in amusement park you have also an adrenaline rush. But this risk there is protected. In sport safety equipment reduce the risk, a danger always remains. Extreme sports or illegal things like train surfing or theft is not for me. Safety is most important to me. In my opinion, no one should risk his life or his freedom for an adrenaline rush. Bad experiences of other young people are a lesson to me. I avoid any possible risk. I love playing piano. Playing the piano in front of people gives me an adrenaline rush and there are no dangers. Some young people take a risk in order to look good in front of a group represents. This is something I would not do. There are lots of low-risk activities and sports which are good fun, too. The fun of smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs is no more fun, if you think about the long-term risks. Thrilling PC games do a kick and fun. this can happen no fatal accidents. By the way, you can get an adrenalin rush even at board games. This is just as fun. Finally, I would add that in every person's health should come first and consider the risks before.

Englisch, Aufsatz

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