Ich halte übermorgen einen Vortrag über meinen Ausbildungsbetrieb in der Berufsschule AUF ENGLISCH (mein persönlicher Alptraum!)?

Liebe Community, wie bereits erwähnt, halte ich übermorgen einen Vortrag auf Englisch über meinen Ausbildungsbetrieb und mein Englisch ist so dermaßen eingerosstet, dass ich nicht einmal weiß ob ich Formulierungen grammatikalisch korrekt sind. Ist das so in ordnung? :/

,,At the moment I am doing an apprenticeship at ''xxx'' to become a office administrative assistant. Im in the first year of my 3- year apprenticeship. XXX is a tax office in cologne and exists since 1992. It's a pretty small company with 5 permanent workers, 2 CEOS. We work in a large office space, so everyone has their own desk and work independently and concentrated on their task.

The CEOS have their own private rooms for privacy and costumer meetings. Service fields of xxx are: tax consults, bookkepping and payroll accounting, consultation at start-ups, capital and financial precautions, planning of funds as well as arrangements in the private area

My daily routine is to do, technical writing, writing accounts and important messages to tax authorities and answering mails, bookkeeping, scheduling appointments, coordinating meetings for the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), maintaining filing Systems both electronically and on paper, transfering or setting up calls, mailing out letters and packages to costumers or the tax authority.

Any questions? Thank your for listening ''

Vielen Dank im voraus!

Englisch, Ausbildung, Vortrag
Kann mir jemand helfen bei dieser Englisch argumentation?

Da ich in englisch nicht die beste bin könnt ihr mir ja vielleicht helfen :) Wir sollten eine argumentation zum Thema soziale Netzwerke gut oder schlecht? Das alles in englische. Wär nett wenn ihr euch meine Argumentation mal anschaut und mir Fehler sagt die ich dann berichtigen kann. A statistic of the website www.lessenstiel.lu shows us that we use a wide variety of social networks. For example 71% use Facebook, 52% Instagram and 41% Snapchat, that are only a few social networks of the many we use. We would like to know if social networks are good or bad for us. In the following comment I will discuss whether social networks are good or bad for us.

First of all I think with social networks is communication easier. It is because you can communicate with people all over the world, if they have the social network too. Look at a example a member of your family life in another country than you can communicate with them over social networks like facebook or snapchat.

Not only that, I also think that important informations are fast distribute. You can write a text on a social network and all your friends can read them. Let me give you an example, if you are pregnant you can write a text on a social network and all your friends know this import Information.

In contrast to this is a point against social networks that the personal contact will be less. Many people communicate only about social networks.

Another significant point is that the persons in the social network are not always real. In a social network you can choose our age, your name and other personal Informations but no one knows if the Informations are right. If the profile looks good you think they are friendly, Unfortunately we can not be sure that the person isn´t lying, maybe the person you trust is a criminal.

Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the conclusion that social networks have pros and cons. It is important to mention that dangers are everywhere and that is why in future many people will use the social networks too. Everyone must decide for themselves which social network they use and how often. Danke im vorraus :)

Englisch, Argumentation

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