Bitte um Korrektur text about myself

Im folgendem text sind sicherlich grammatikalische fehler. Ihr würdet mir sehr helfen wenn ihr mir helft. danke im vorraus :)

Let me just briefly introduce myself before I start to tell you about my life and my future plans. My name is .... . The letters of my name describe me best: self-confident, easygoing, loyal, independent, natural and ambitious. Currently I live in Cottbus and attend the 11 th grade at the Humboldt-Grammar-School. I am 16 years old and have the best family. I love my grandmothe, grandfather, mum, dad and my one year younger brother. I don’t remember when we have argued the last time. In my freetime I love to talk with my friends about all unimportant topics and go to parties but to be active is also very important to me. That’s why I try to go jogging regulary. In former times I was a member of different sports clubs, e.g. gymnastics or athletics. If I have nothing to do, this means no homework, nothing to learn or other aktivities I love to relax if I watch TV. My strength are in team skills, reliability and self-reliance. In addition I’m very sociable and cooperative. Some of my less great properties are listlessness and reticence. Furthermore you can describe me as reserved, because to entrust myself to someone is difficult for me. Hitherto school wasn’t a big problem for me. My strengths are in scientific subjects, this includes mathematics or chemistry. Difficult for me ist German because there is another weakness of me: spelling and grammar. Therefore English and Polish isn’t easy to me, too. Occupations like journalist or copyreader are out of the question very early.

Englisch, Text, Personen, Eigenschaften, Grammatik, Korrektur, Rechtschreibung

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