Was ist an der Summary falsch ( Englisch)?

Wo und inwiefern wurde bei der summary gegen die Regeln von summarys schreiben vertoßen?

Dr Hyde tells the students: 'Karl Marx famously called religion the "opiate of the masses". This statement makes Miles think about the question of a possible afterlife and of where Alaska might be now. After class he goes to McDonald's with Takumi where they admit to one another how much they miss Alaska. Clever as he is, Chip has come up with yet another ingenious plan. He wants to get drunk to find out how drunk Alaska was when she hit the police car. To be able to do so, Chip and Miles steal Mr Starnes's breathalyser, which turns out to be quite difficult. Takumi is annoyed that he is not allowed to take part in this plan. The two boys stay up in their room where chip drinks as much as he can while Miles uses the breathalyser to measure the amount of alcohol in his blood. Miles urges Chip on, saying he can surely outdrink a girl. In the middle of their experiment Mr Starnes knocks on their door. Luckily, they manage to fool him, but Miles has to appear before the jury for smoking in his room. In the end they come to the conclusion that Alaska was definitely too drunk to drive, which possibly helps them overcome their feelings of guilt. Because of their investigations, Miles has neglected his studies, but he doesn't really care. Chip decides that they have to call Jake now, because he is the only one who might help them find out more. They finally let Takumi in on what happened the night Alaska left, whereupon Takumi tells them that they shouldn't have set off the fireworks.

Englisch, Schule, Sprache, englische Grammatik, summary
Kann jemand meine Summary korrigieren?

Hallo, ich schreibe in Englisch eine Klausur, in dem ich eine Summary schreiben muss. Ich habe eins zur Übung geschrieben, weiß aber nicht ob es gut ist oder nicht, vor allem was das Grammatische angeht. Könnte jemand es bitte korrigieren und mir eine Rückmeldung geben?

Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus :)

Das ist mein Text:

The extract from the novel “The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian”, written by Sherman Alexie deals with the problems when a young and poor Indian boy has a popular girlfriend.

 Arnold, the Indian boy, went with his popular girlfriend to the dance. Because he doesn’t have money to drive with a car, they met at the gym. He also wears the old suits of his Dad because of that, but Penelope, his girlfriend, liked it. Till the End of the dance they had fun and Arnold begins to enjoy himself. When they were outside to go home, Arnold saw Penelope’s Dad in front of his car and gave her a good-bye kiss on her cheek, but then a group of the popular students decide to eat pancakes in the next town and ask them too. Arnold just wanted to go home, when everybody was gone but Penelope wants to go with them. When she wants to ask her Dad, Roger, one of the boys, goes with her to tell Penelope’s Dad, that he can drive everybody home. At this point Arnold realized, when he saw them walk together, that Roger and Penelope looked better together and that they should be a couple. The only hope for Arnold was, that her Dad says no, so they don’t know he is a poor Indian boy.

Englisch, Schule, Klausur, Korrektur, summary, Zusammenfassung
Richtig gemacht-Fraser Sutherland: Patricia-Summary?

Hey Leute, ich habe versucht über dieser Kurzgeschichte eine Summary zuschreiben😊. Kann jemand bitte von euch schauen, ob ich es richtig gemacht? Sei es Inhalt, Grammatik oder Rechtschreibung😊.

Die Kurzgeschichte:

Meine Summary:

The short story "Patricia" written by Fraser Sutherland is about a boy, who has a crush on Patricia, but never told her, until a spring dance in their school takes place.

The short story can be divided into 3 sections. In the first section (l.1-16) the narrator describes the look of both teenagers. The boy is shown as very sportive and muscular (l-1ll, 5). According to the narrator is Patricia a very pretty young girl (l.7-16) with the perfect body and a beautiful face. The second section (l.17-36) is about the puberty of both students and how their body and voice change. Also the narrator talks about their relationship, with his descriptions the reader can see that the guy loves Patricia (l.7,21, 33l, 36). In the last section (l. 37-56) is the topic “spring dance” at the school taken up. The guy wants finally ask Patricia if she would like to go with him to the dance and does it (l. 42), but she declines his question (l.50). This is a sign that she doesn’t love him. At the end, both do not go to the dance (l.54l.) instead they go different ways.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!😊

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Englisch, Schule, Text, summary, Short story
Summary oft the short story?


The short storie Locker 160 written by Lee Busselmann is about two high school students,Karen and Julie who bully Miriam in three different ways.

First,Julie decides to write hate notice and puts it in Miriam's Locker 160 the next morning.

They are waiting for their victim and they are waiting to see how she reacts.

The second way of preparation is to put marbles in a plastic bag and place it in Miriam's Locker.

Karen and Julie are waiting for Miriam to arrive to head to her Locker.

They notices that as she opens her Locker,

the marbles clatters down the hallway.

The third and the last way is prepare a voodoo doll of Miriam use a large carrot in the shape of her body and an onion with one black yarn so as to form her head.

They are waiting for Miriam to come to their biology class before the lesson begin.

But Miriam isn't there.

She has turn on the gas stove at home and the rescue squad has arrives at the school on the way the save Miriam.

The narrator seems to be involved in all three ways but just based on his thoughts because of the way he talks during the short story.

Koennte mir vielleicht eine ""Englischlehrerin"" am liebsten frisch von ihrem Lehramtstudium meine summary of the short story aufgrund der inhaltlichen,sprachlichen sowie die Darstellungsleistung korrigieren und mir auch die korrigierte Satzumstellung und das Hinzufuegen fehlender Vokabeln und mir die Fehler in bunt oder in fettgedruckter Schrift sichtbar markieren?Vielen Dank fuer den Zeitaufwand.

Englisch, Noten, Klausur, Korrektur, Lehrerin, summary, Oberstufe Gymnasium
Kann jmd über Zusammenfassung drüberschauen (Englisch)?

Ich habe eine Zusammenfassung zu dem ersten Kapitel von "Animal Farm" geschieben, bin mir aber bei vielen Ausdrücken nicht sicher ob das grammatikalisch so passt. Außerdem habe ich oft "after that" und andere ähnliche Satzanfänge benutzt, da mir nichts besseres einfällt. Könnte jemand über die Zusammenfassung drüberlesen? Für Verbesserungstipps wäre ich sehr dankbar!

In the first chapters Mr. Jones, the owner of Manor farm, is very drunken. After he falls asleep the animals of the farm meet in the big barn because old Major, a 12-year-old pig had a strange dream and wants to communicate it to the other animals. To the animals of the farm gehören (ich weiß nicht was das auf Englisch heißt) three dogs, pigs, hens, pigeons, pigs, cows, two cart-horses, a goat, a donkey, a brood of ducklings, Mollie, a cat and a raven. When all animals, except Moses, the tame raven, the old Major began to speak. He says that before he dies, he wants to speak to the other animals about the nature of life. First he tells that the miserables life of animals in England aren´t part of the order of nature, the only problem are the men. He also says the animals should rebell against this exploitation. Furthermore he tells that all animals are comrades and all men are enemies. After that the pig says that in fighting against man no animal must come to resemble him. Above all, all animals are equal. Then he tells the other animals about his dream. He discribes a vision of the earth without humans. Then he teaches the animals a song - "Beasts of England" - which they sing repeatedly until they awaken Mr. Jones, who fires his gun from his bedroom window, thinking there is a fox in the yard. Frightend by the shot, the animals go to sleep.

Englisch, Schule, klasse 10, summary, Zusammenfassung, George Orwell
Zusammenfassung? - Englisch Klasse 9?
Hey Leute,

Ich muss eine Zusammenfassung für Englisch über diesen Text schreiben aber ich kann sowas echt gar nicht. Es wäre echt nett von euch wenn irgendjemand von euch mir helfen könnte und mir eine Beispielzusammenfassung schreiben könnte. 😅😂

The Guardian is reporting on an innovative study – the Disconnect project – that has challenged young people at a London secondary academy to go cold turkey on using digital devices for a week…
Was it hard? Yes. But impossible? No. Most who took up the challenge found it less difficult than they expected, suggesting the relationship they have with their devices is less addictive than compulsive.
More importantly, all of them said they got something out of it. “I watched TV with my friends,” says one. “I read a book. I can’t remember the last time I did that,” adds another. “I got my homework in on time and hung out much more with my family.” They also reported going to bed earlier – a related and growing area of concern.
Head of year 10 at CCA, Jason Badu, watched the students throughout the week with interest. “They seemed a little freer. It gave them a sense of getting to know their strengths and limitations. When you have your phones it’s easy to forget this. When it was taken away they had to be like modern-day explorers.”
…Since this pilot, the Disconnect project has evolved so that students will be offered online alternatives – books, sports, culture – as incentives to sign up. This way the project hopes to send out a positive message – it’s less about disconnecting and more about re-connecting with other activities. Balance is the key…

More at: Teens and tech: what happens when students give up smartphones?


See also: School tries to ban pupils from taking mobile phones on visit to war memorial

Englisch, Schule, Englischunterricht, Gymnasium, summary, Summary Writing
Summary + Characterisation, korrektur, dringend?

Summery's: The shortstory ‚Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it, until a spring dance in their school comes. He forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance and does it, but she declines his question and at the end, both go not to the dance and go different ways too.

oder ..

The shortstory ‘Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it. In their school there goes a spring dance and the boy forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance, does it, but she just diclines his question and at the end, both of them, go not to the dance and go different ways too

was wirkt besser und richtiger, zumindest einigermaßen?

Characterisation The following text is a characterisation of the boy, one of the two main characters in the story ‘Patricia’.

The boy is a student around 16 or 17 years, how it could be assumed, because he is close to his final exams (l. 55) and his voice breaks and so ‘He [is] changing’(fg.l. 19). Furthermore the character seems to be very sporty and active, just look at the scene, where he stands in front of the mirror and ‘[looks] at himself’ and his muscles (fg.l.5) - what means, that he must be ambious too, because he worked hard, to get them. The boy could be characterized as really attentive, how the behavior shows it, related to Patricia (fg. l.7-19). ‘He [spend] an hour talking with her’ and ‘[think] a lot about asking her to go [with him]’, but he have not the guts to say directly, that he wants to go with her to the spring dance, what makes him not self-confident.

To sum it up, the boy is ambious as related to Particia, but calm, without selfconfidence, but (Mir fällt nicht ein, wie es genau zusammenfassen könnte :x)

Englisch, Charakterisierung, Klausur, Korrektur, summary

Also ich schreibe in einigen Tagen eine wichtige Englischklausur, wo wir sowohl Summary als auch Charakterisierung schreiben müssen und natürlich haben wir zuvor auch Hausaufgaben bekommen, wo wir Charakterisierungen und Summarys schreiben mussten .. nur mein Problem ist irgendwie die Ttsache, dass ich automatisch, ohne es selber zu merken, die deutsche Grammatik für Englische Texte verwende und zu kompliziert schreibe, sodass ich dann im nachhinein nur mehr Fehler habe ..

Summary The short story ‘Locker 160’ written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie, who bully their classmate Miriam by play tricks on her. Karen gets the Idea to put a hate note in someone’s Locker and she and Julie choose the Locker from Miriam, their classmate, who is not hated by them, but they think, that she is different. At first Karen takes the hate note, put it in the Locker and walks away with the feeling of relief, but then it happens, that the two girls get fun to play nasty tricks on Miriam. They do it everytime, put some things like mean letters or an open plastic bag of marbles in her Locker, for a couple of days, until Miriam takes a option to try to commit suicide, (but instead of beeing guilty or take this as a warning) Karen and Julie laugh at the end.

Characterization In the shortstory ‘Locker 160’, written by Lee Busselman, an important character called Miriam takes place. She is a victim of Mobbing and gives the story a thread to be, how it belongs, even if this character wants to fade away in the end.

Miriam Laker is a student, seems to be around sixteen or seventeen - according to the text, her behavior seems to be x: She writes poetrys (l.10) what gives the impression, that Miriam is very creative and even if others maybe do not understand her, might not like her, because her hobby/ she seems weird for her classmates (l. 47) and would not be popular (l.9), she is still by herself and does her things, like study hard for school, be ambious, because of the fact, that she has never beeing late for a class (l.53-54) and keeps everthing tidy, not just in her locker (l. 14). It could be actually said, that she is clever in her way, but that she writes poetrys, instead of go out with friends, or something, it could be thought that she is lonley and very thoughtful at once.

Hat jemnd eine Idee, oder Vorschläge, damit ich die Klausur nicht völlig verhaue? :/

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Englisch, Text, Charakterisierung, Grammatik, Klausur, summary, Vorschlag
Ist dieser englische Text richtig/gut geschrieben?

The non fictional text “The science of climate change” by Terrence Wood is about the greenhouse effect and the human activities which produce greenhouse gases. It is divided in two sections. The first section explains, what the greenhouse effect is and its formation. It sais, that the greenhouse effect isn’t bad and that it is a natural phenomenon which existed a long time before humans existed. Furthermore it describes that humans emit nearly all of the gases that lead to the effect, moreover it mentions that it doesn’t only depend on the amount of the specific greenhouse gas but on the extinct to which the gas can absorb radiation und the period of time that it’s molecules stay in the atmosphere. The second part tells us, that carbon dioxide is the most emitted gas (of all greenhouse gases) and the most important source of it, is burning fossil fuels or deforestation.

Sind da viele Fehler drin? Und wie kann man das kursiv Geschriebene anders formulieren? (das soll ein summary sein und der Teil steht genau so im Text, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich ihn umformulieren soll) Falls jemand den Text kennt, aus context starter 21 (der Titel steht ja oben^^) Wenn den jemand kennt und schon mal ein summary dazu geschrieben hat, würde ich mich freuen, wenn er es mit mir teilen würde ;) Ich hoffe, der Text geht so einigermaßen. hatte diesmal nicht sonderlich viel Zeit :/

Englisch, Text, summary
Englisch - Summary: Laura, written by Robert O'Neill, Tipps?

Ich musste eine Summary zu der Kurzgeschichte 'Laura', geschrieben von Robert O'Neill schreiben und ich bin mir nichts ganz sicher, ob das was da jetzt rausgekommen ist, auch richtig ist. Ich merke mit der Zeit (Weil es ja eine Summary sein soll) könnte tatschlich etwas falsch sein, aber ich wüsste nicht, wie ich es sonst schreiben könnte. Es wäre schön, wenn sich das jemand durchlesen und einaar Tipps geben könnte.

Everybody in the crowded restaurant stared when the young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. ”Laura, come back, please,” the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street. ”For God's sake, give me a chance to explain,” the man shouted. She turned around and stared at him. A car had just turned the corner and was coming towards her very fast. The driver had not turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his 10 mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her -directly in front of him, so close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

Meine Summary dazu: The short story 'Laura', written by Robert O'Neill tells us the conflict between a couple. They're sitting in a café but the woman, well dressed, stood up and ran away - Away from the man, who wanted to explain the situation. He was left alone and the woman ran into the middle of the street The driver in a car, which turned into this street was talking to someone, was distracted so he could'nt see her directly additional of the rainy wheater - And so she standed so close and turned her head to him.

Englisch, Tipps, laura, Grammatik, summary, Robert
Was könnte ich bei diesen summary über den text "paranoid park" im green line besser machen?

Es wäre nett, wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet und mich auf Fehler hinweist und mir vielleicht Verbesserungstipps zur gebt.

The book 'Paranoid Park' was written by Blake Nelson, which was published in year 2006 in Portland, Oregon. The text deals with a young skater names Alex, who is doing illegal things, and who kills a security guard in self defense.

The young skater is the main character of the story. He is 16 years old. And is at his uncle Tommy's beach house.

One evening he decides to go there with his best friend Jared, but Jared wants to see his girlfriend and so he doesn't go with Alex to Paranoid Park.

Alex decides to go alone to Paranoid Park and when he is there, he sits on his skateboard and watches the skaters and girls there.

A streeter called Scratch comes along with his friends and after a short talk Scratch asks Alex whether he wants to hop a train.

Fascinated by the idea of hopping train Alex agrees and they leave Paranoid Park.

While riding the train, they are seen by a security guard who immediately chases them and starts to hit Scratch with his nightstick.

After Alex sees that he hits the security guard with his skateboard.

The man stumbles and falls forward on the gravel beside the train.

The coming train pulls him along and he is twisted into an awkward position under the train.

After the train has passed, the security guard has been cut in half.

After this horrible accident Alex is totally in panic and he doesn't know what he should do in a situation like that.

He is totally confused, because he wants to tell the police but he is too afraid of the consequences and he decides to keep first that accident to himself.

Totally confused the main character starts to run....

Englisch, summary
Locker 160 Summary

Eine weitere Summary: Fehler, Verbesserungsvorschläge?

The short story 'Locker 160', written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie who bully their classmate Miriam by playing tricks on her. Karen gets the idea of putting a hate note in someones locker. The other gir, Julie agrees. They coose the locker of their classmate Miriam. Both of them do not like her, because in their opinion she is just different. When they want to put the note into the locker, none of the girls want to do it themselves. Karen takes the paper anyway, put it in the locker nervously and walkes away with a pleasant feeling of relief. Then they watch Miriam's reaction, her face turns red, and both of the girls have to laugh. The next days they play other tricks on her. Karen and Julie put a plastic bag of marbles in Miriam's locker, which were clattering down the hallway, they make a voodoo doll of Miriam with a hug pin it's head and they also write a petition, which declaires that Meriam is weird and hated by all of her classmates. Below this note they copy the signatures of their classmates from a real petition. For Julie and Karen all this tricks are just funny. Later while they are waiting for Miriam's raction to their last trick, in biology class, they ask themselves, why she would not come to school. At the end of the lesson they find out that Miriam tried to commit suicide, but for them this is just funny and they do not even feel guilty.

Englisch, summary, Zusammenfassung, Short story

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