Englisch, Summary schreiben! Hilfe!

Hallo (: In ein paar Tagen schriebe ich eine Arbeit in Englisch übers "summary schreiben" ich habe jetzt eine geschrieben nur kann die mir keiner korrigieren, da dacte ich, ihr könntet mir helfen. Danke im vorraus. Lieben Gruß! :) (Namen der autorin hab ich mir ausgedacht ;)) SORRY DAS ES SEHR LANG IST!

The story 'Only a game' written by Elizabeth Smith, is about Robert and Tom, who are on a trip to Funland, Trocadero. As Robert and Tom arrive in Trocadero, they decide to go to Funland. The two boys are really excited and Tom proposes to try out a virtual reality game. Robert joins him and they are putting on the helmets to start the game. Robert and Tom chose to play in year 1888, the time when 'Jack the Ripper' killed very much people. Robert gets scared. It is getting to realistic to him because they can smell dead fishes, feel cold bricks and suddely a shadow comes near them. Robert is afraid. He assumes that 'Jack the Ripper' comes after them. But they are lucky: the shadow is just the shadow of a flower girl, whose mother was the last victim of 'Jack the Ripper'. Tom throws his arms around the girl and suddenly they hear a man shouting. He says that Tom should get off the girl and the rest of the people who arrive, are thinking that the two boys are the murders, who killed all the people. Tom and Robert are afraid and they are taking off their helmets to leave the game. But nothing changes. They are still in the game... or has it become reality?

Arbeit, Englisch, Schule, summary
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