
Ich hab diese Mediation geschrieben und wollte fragen, wie ich den verbessern könnte oder ob das so passt:

Hello Stefan,

since you've told me you're looking for a holiday job in London, I've been searching for different work options and came across a quite popular restaurant called "Herman ze German". Firsty, you need to know what the owner's idea of opening this restaurant was and how it came to this restaurant.

As the owners, Falak Shahi and Florian, are of the opinion that German sausages aren't comparable to English ones, their friends have taken the intiative to bring them original sausages made in German. So the couple decided to sell their sausages in local pups so called "sausageweeks". As an upgrade they started to sell their sausages on a music festival which has contributed to high success. In 2010 they opened their first restaurant located in London. Maybe you're wondering why this restaurant did blow up and has attracted so much attention.This is because Germany is very popular in UK and Berlin is seen as a trendy city. But what also plays a big role is German and English people raising awarness of how close we actually are and not as different as they thought to be. Falakshahi and Florian are also playing with cliches and have decorated their restaurants full of cliches. That seems to many clients pretty hilarious and cool. The last thing I want to address is their future objectives. They are dreaming that two or three new restaurants will open within a year and sausages will be offered with their own logo in English grocery stores. I hope this text could inspire you a little on your job search and was interesting to read.

Take care!

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Englisch Artikel bitte korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo Leute, könnt ihr eventuell diesen Artikel lesen und wenn da Fehler sind, es zu korrigieren oder umzuschreiben? Wäre super nett von euch, meine Hausübung wird nämlich benotet und schreibt noch euren Feedback rein, ich danke euch :)

Los Angeles has seen the evil

A recent school shooting in Los Angeles has brought the issue of school safety in the bad light. So, people became aware of these happening. On 30th April 2023, two 17-year-old students have armed their high school with two guns which left 11 people dead and 5 injured. This incident has left people worried about the safety of students and staff at schools.

Gun violence, especially in schools, is still a national crisis in the United States and migrants are still allowed to carry a gun because of the “national firearms agreement”. Due to the licenses of weapons, such acts are occurring more and more frequently. In order to protect students and school staff, most schools have security guards. There are also usually controls at the entrances. As a way to prevent non-schoolers from entering the school, they have their own school cards, which clearly show the identifies of the students. In addition, the police have increased their presence at schools.

Students, who have witnessed such incident, are usually traumatised and can hardly cope without psychological help. Many students and parents report terrible feelings and perceptions. “I was so scared when I heard gunshots. I ran and hid under a desk until the police came. Now I’m afraid to come back to school,” says a victim who survived this cruelty. Parents were calling desperately for their children, they even got more scared when they didn’t respond. These are just a few. As a result, the police has to deal with such incidents more and more often. “It is nothing scary anymore, we are already used to it”, claims a policeman. “We are already best prepared for such acts”, adds another officer. They have certain educations and trainings for these hardships.

Due to the school shooting on April 30th, this issue is more present than ever. Many students and parents are extremely frightened that they can also be victims. This clearly shows that much more could be done preventively.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Blog comment korrigieren: bitte helft mir, die hausübung wird sogar benotet?

Hallo, das war die Angabe (Nummer 11):

Könnt ihr bitte meinen Blog comment korrigieren, umschreiben, alles was geht, damit es ein guter text wird? ich würde mich echt freuen, es wird sogar benotet, bitte hilft mir dabei:

Hi Artsy Tiger,

there is a difference between spray painting and vandalism. If your friend use to paint an wall, which is not someone’s property, then it is not viewed as vandalism. However, if he painted for example a school or a market wall, can be considered as a crime and it may also carry consequences because of damaging the property belonging to others without permission. It is important to respect other people’s property and seek permission before making any changes on it, like spray painting. 

So, as already mentioned and also according to the law, spray painters painting on public property without permission is considered illegal and can result in serious consequences for the artist. I guess, your friend was not properly informed about this and didn’t do it on purpose, maybe for fun. I mean, spray painting is also a form of art, just not the typical type of art. I can imagine that they are doing it from their heart, let their voices hear and from the experience of something that really impacts them like your friend, who painted his “world” on the wall.

By the way, there are many crimes in general considered worse than spray painting, such as violent offenses like assault or murder, which can cause physical harm or death to others.

I don’t know if it was fair though but I hope that your friend gets released as soon as possible!

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
A summary of the history of New Zealand?

Hallo, Ich möchte gerne fragen ob mein summary Text gut geworden ist? Ihr könnt mir gerne bzw. Ich bitte drum mir paar Tipps zu geben um sie zu verbessern oder auch wenn ihr möchtet mein Text ganz zu verbessern (Wäre sehr dankbar dafür) Ich mache solche Aufgabe das erste mal also bitte ich euch nicht so gemein zu sein.


The Text „History of New Zealand“ Deals With important and intersesting informations and facts about the History of New Zealand.

The First Text is about the Arrival of Maori. The informations are about that the first inhabitants in New Zealand were Maori, and that New Zealand is Valley Aotearora. Next informations are about the First Explorer to reach New Zealand and that he travelled in his waka Hourua (big canoe) from his Polynesian homeland, Hawaiki. In the third part they write about where is Hawaiki? They Write that hawaiki cannot be found on map. In the next part the writer writes about what maori eat? It says that maori eat Fish, hunted native birds, vegetables and also native food like berries.

The writer writes in the next Text about that In 1840 the treaty of waitangi was signed by maori and British reprensentatives and that in 1872 the wars over land had ended, moreover he also write in the next topic about maori culture it says that most maori lived in rural communities ,  in the 1970s the maori language became more important and that  the first Officially bilingual school opened in 1978. All in all is the history of New Zealand very fascinating.

Grammatik, summary
Englisch Essay: Kann jemand bitte darüber schauen, würde mich sehr freuen?

Essay: Pet and Teenagers

Should teenagers be exposed to pets at their age?

Having a pet at a early age helps teenagers learn about responsibility and taking care of others. At the same time, it can help them learn to take care of themselves. Some teenagers though, should never have pets of their own if they can’t control themselves and have difficulty with empathy. Therefore: Should teenagers be exposed to pets at their age?

Teenagers mature at different rates. Some can handle the responsibility of caring for a pet already and others not. That’s why the age is for the parent to decide. If teenagers are animal-friendly, then cats make excellent pets. They can be playful and entertaining, especially if people adopt a kitten. They are also relatively easy to take care for: good quality food, clean water, a clean litter box, toys and interaction with their owners for affection.

As mentioned, owning a pet helps in the development of a teenager for example learning to take responsibility for another life and experience what it means if someone depends on them. A pet also helps teenagers learning to give attention even if they are not in the mood for it.

Despite of that, how can teenagers even cover the costs of keeping a pet? Well, pets are expensive but if teenagers have a pet, they can buy cheap food or cheap toys, if they want to cover their costs. Teenagers can also spend their pocket money more for their pet or can earn some money in holidays.

To conclude, I would say teenagers should keep a pet, if they are ready to take care of it. If they care for their pet, they return the love. A pet doesn't question what kind of job the kid’s parents have or how much money they make, etc. They would love their owners if they show affection to it.


Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Sprache, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
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Ich bin mir halt nicht sicher, ob mein comment in Fach Englisch mir gelungen ist, daher wäre ein Feedback nett :)

Many people argue whether or not the British monarchy should be abolished.

In the following, I present arguments for and against a monarchy so that you can form your own pinion.

On the one hand, the British monarchy should be abolished because a monarch only rules but has no real political power or function. this means that a queen or king is unnecessary and unimportant to the state.

Also, the UK is not a democracy, as is claimed, because in a democracy people can elect the head of state, but since the royal family is still alive, they will continue to be the head of state.

This is very unfair and unequal to the rest of the population.

Also, people can never be 100% sure if the next monarch is good for the state and does not have bad intentions.

This could make people very worried.

Another important aspect is that the royal family spends a lot of money on the palace when they could use the money for more important things.

On the other hand, the British monarchy should not be abolished, because a monarch is very important even if he or she has no real political power.  

His or her importance is reflected in national stability.

Since a monarch embodies the British history, values and tradition, this leads to stronger national identification, which brings people closer together so that there is national stability.

In addition, members of the royal family are very important to charities, because since the royal family has a good image and is important, charities can be heard better, so they continue with their charities.

Some people may think that a monarch spends a lot of money, but that doesn't mean a president doesn't.

there are many presidents with many

There are also many presidents with many offices, even more than the British monarch.

The fact that the royal family has always been at the head of the state means that people trust it because they know its good intentions.

This means that the monarchy is in safe hands, so to speak.

Another important point is that the royal family has shown that it can modernize and adapt to the times.  

This is very important because many people claim that they are unmodern and have different thoughts than today.

But the Queen, for example, has allowed her son Charles to marry a divorced woman, whereas in the past this was a very dangerous issue. 

that means she was able to “modernise”. 

Weighing the pros and cons of the British monarchy, one can say that it should not be abolished because the British monarchy has been very successful, mainly because it has adapted to the times and modernized.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Abitur, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, summary, Writing, comment, englisch-lehrer
Würde ich eine eins für mein comment bekommen?

Hey, würde mich gerne freuen wenn ihr mir eventuell Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt :) Vor allem bin ich mir bei meiner conclusion nicht sicher


Should the British monarchy be abolished? 

Lots of people argue about whether the British monarchy should be abolished or not since the Queen recently died. 

Therefore, I will list arguments for and against the monarch so that you can form your own opinion. 

On one hand, a monarch is seen as a representative of the country.

That is, he or she embodies traditional national values, unity and history.

This leads to stronger national identification and brings people closer together. 

That is why many people say that a monarchy brings stability.

In addition, members of the royal family have important roles at the head of all kinds of charities, and because of their image and popularity, they help charities continue their good work. 

Another positive aspect is that the British monarchy has shown that it is able to reform and adapt to modern times. An example of this would be that Prince Charles was allowed to marry a divorced women. 

It can also be said that the queen or king is perhaps the most expensive monarch in Europe, but that does not mean that a president would be cheaper.

On the other hand, the monarch has no real political power, which means that his or her functions are mainly formal and could easily be taken away by other political bodies or an elected president. 

Although many members of the Royal Family head charities they do not really engage in political work for those charities but rather serve as a kind of figurehead. 

But it is precisely a monarchy that harms democracy, because the people cannot elect the head of state. 

Also, a monarch has no consequences to face when making mistakes and since Britain is a hereditary monarchy, nobody knows whether the next monarch will have good or bad intentions. 

Therefore, it can be said that the royal family is a symbol of an unjust and unequal society. 


Weighing the pros and cons one come to the conclusion that the monarchy has many positive sides, for example, it brings stability or embodies history, but the negative sides mask this.

because since the country is a democracy, the monarchy should be abolished so that people can choose for themselves who should be the next monarch so that there is equality. 

Englisch, Abitur, English-Grammar, Grammatik, Queen, Student, summary, comment, Englisch Leistungskurs
(Korrekturlesen bitte) Summary von einer Textausschnitt?

alsoo..ich habe hier ein summary geschrieben zu einem kleinen textausschnitt des buches slam (zu finden im green line 6). da mein englisch (wie manche vllt schon in meiner frage von gestern gelesen haben) nicht das beste ist, würde ich gerne mal über mein summary drüberlesen lassen, ob grammatikalisch alles stimmt und ob es vllt noch ein paar verbesserungsvorschläge für die formulierung gibt:)

The extract from „Slam“ by Nick Hornby is about teenage pregnancy and shows us a 16-year-old boy who is scared of becoming a father. The action takes place at the time of the narrator’s 16th birthday. His name is Sam. In the morning he gets some cards, presents and doughnuts which his mum bought him before and he already plans his birthday-afternoon and –evening. After the breakfast Sam gets a message from Alicia. She writes that she has to see him very urgent. Locked in the bathroom, Sam answers her and gets nervous. Some time ago he and Alicia petted and he didn’t prevent. Now he’s scared that her urgent message could be that she’s pregnant. He has already that strange feeling in his guts. He writes her that he has no time, but she answers that he has to come. So they arrange a meeting at the Starbucks at 11 am. Sam gets very nervous and wants to sit on his mother’s lap, like a child. And he also wishes he would still be one and not to have such problems. He is also scared, that his mother wouldn’t love him anymore if she knew what he did. While going to the coffee shop he tries to deal with god. He wants Alicia not to be pregnant and promises God that he will neither skate, nor go to McDonald’s, nor watch TV anymore. He also thinks that he won’t ever have sex after this experience. At the Starbucks he buys a drink, trying to lengthen the time he doesn’t know the result yet. Suddenly he sits next to Alicia with his Frappuccino. She wishes him a happy birthday and tells him that her period is late.

Englisch, Text, Grammatik, summary, Textverarbeitung

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