Locker 160 Summary

Eine weitere Summary: Fehler, Verbesserungsvorschläge?

The short story 'Locker 160', written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie who bully their classmate Miriam by playing tricks on her. Karen gets the idea of putting a hate note in someones locker. The other gir, Julie agrees. They coose the locker of their classmate Miriam. Both of them do not like her, because in their opinion she is just different. When they want to put the note into the locker, none of the girls want to do it themselves. Karen takes the paper anyway, put it in the locker nervously and walkes away with a pleasant feeling of relief. Then they watch Miriam's reaction, her face turns red, and both of the girls have to laugh. The next days they play other tricks on her. Karen and Julie put a plastic bag of marbles in Miriam's locker, which were clattering down the hallway, they make a voodoo doll of Miriam with a hug pin it's head and they also write a petition, which declaires that Meriam is weird and hated by all of her classmates. Below this note they copy the signatures of their classmates from a real petition. For Julie and Karen all this tricks are just funny. Later while they are waiting for Miriam's raction to their last trick, in biology class, they ask themselves, why she would not come to school. At the end of the lesson they find out that Miriam tried to commit suicide, but for them this is just funny and they do not even feel guilty.

Englisch, summary, Zusammenfassung, Short story

Also ich schreibe in einigen Tagen eine wichtige Englischklausur, wo wir sowohl Summary als auch Charakterisierung schreiben müssen und natürlich haben wir zuvor auch Hausaufgaben bekommen, wo wir Charakterisierungen und Summarys schreiben mussten .. nur mein Problem ist irgendwie die Ttsache, dass ich automatisch, ohne es selber zu merken, die deutsche Grammatik für Englische Texte verwende und zu kompliziert schreibe, sodass ich dann im nachhinein nur mehr Fehler habe ..

Summary The short story ‘Locker 160’ written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie, who bully their classmate Miriam by play tricks on her. Karen gets the Idea to put a hate note in someone’s Locker and she and Julie choose the Locker from Miriam, their classmate, who is not hated by them, but they think, that she is different. At first Karen takes the hate note, put it in the Locker and walks away with the feeling of relief, but then it happens, that the two girls get fun to play nasty tricks on Miriam. They do it everytime, put some things like mean letters or an open plastic bag of marbles in her Locker, for a couple of days, until Miriam takes a option to try to commit suicide, (but instead of beeing guilty or take this as a warning) Karen and Julie laugh at the end.

Characterization In the shortstory ‘Locker 160’, written by Lee Busselman, an important character called Miriam takes place. She is a victim of Mobbing and gives the story a thread to be, how it belongs, even if this character wants to fade away in the end.

Miriam Laker is a student, seems to be around sixteen or seventeen - according to the text, her behavior seems to be x: She writes poetrys (l.10) what gives the impression, that Miriam is very creative and even if others maybe do not understand her, might not like her, because her hobby/ she seems weird for her classmates (l. 47) and would not be popular (l.9), she is still by herself and does her things, like study hard for school, be ambious, because of the fact, that she has never beeing late for a class (l.53-54) and keeps everthing tidy, not just in her locker (l. 14). It could be actually said, that she is clever in her way, but that she writes poetrys, instead of go out with friends, or something, it could be thought that she is lonley and very thoughtful at once.

Hat jemnd eine Idee, oder Vorschläge, damit ich die Klausur nicht völlig verhaue? :/

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Englisch, Text, Charakterisierung, Grammatik, Klausur, summary, Vorschlag
The Big Race (Toby Sweet) Summary

Irgendwie krieg ich's nicht hin...Was kann ich noch verbessern oder anders fromulieren?

The stot sory 'The Big Race', written by Toby Sweet deals with a swimmer in a moral dilemma. It is the day for the narrator's swimming competition. His competitor, Gordon Hayes sits in the corner of the chancing room, talking to his father, while the boy watches them. Gordon's father tells his son that, if he does not win the race, he will hit him. The narrator talkes to his opponent and encorages him to make him feel better by saying that his father will not do something like that, but Gordon is confident that he will. While the main character practises for the approaching competiton with the club coach, he can not forget what the father of Gordon Hay wants to do. Later when he sits in his tracksuit, waiting for the race to begin, he tires to make himeself feel as comfortable as possible. When the swimming competition is just about to start the narrator does some loosing exercise for preperation and tries to plan his strategy, but the only thing he can concentrate on is his opponent, he feels sorry for. During the race it becomes clear, that the boy could win against Gordon, because he is half of a body ahead. But he decides to let him win to protect him from the punishment, so he slowes down when he sees the father shouting ans raising his fist. Sortly after the race the officials present the boys with their medals. At first the narrator regrets that that he let his competitor win, but when he sees the smile of the father, he thinks that it was worth it. When Gordon walkes away from the podium he behaves impolite and calles the main character pathetic and says that the boy will never win against him again, like he did before this race.

Englisch, summary
Richtig gemacht-Fraser Sutherland: Patricia-Summary?

Hey Leute, ich habe versucht über dieser Kurzgeschichte eine Summary zuschreiben😊. Kann jemand bitte von euch schauen, ob ich es richtig gemacht? Sei es Inhalt, Grammatik oder Rechtschreibung😊.

Die Kurzgeschichte:

Meine Summary:

The short story "Patricia" written by Fraser Sutherland is about a boy, who has a crush on Patricia, but never told her, until a spring dance in their school takes place.

The short story can be divided into 3 sections. In the first section (l.1-16) the narrator describes the look of both teenagers. The boy is shown as very sportive and muscular (l-1ll, 5). According to the narrator is Patricia a very pretty young girl (l.7-16) with the perfect body and a beautiful face. The second section (l.17-36) is about the puberty of both students and how their body and voice change. Also the narrator talks about their relationship, with his descriptions the reader can see that the guy loves Patricia (l.7,21, 33l, 36). In the last section (l. 37-56) is the topic “spring dance” at the school taken up. The guy wants finally ask Patricia if she would like to go with him to the dance and does it (l. 42), but she declines his question (l.50). This is a sign that she doesn’t love him. At the end, both do not go to the dance (l.54l.) instead they go different ways.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!😊

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Englisch, Schule, Text, summary, Short story
Was könnte ich bei diesen summary über den text "paranoid park" im green line besser machen?

Es wäre nett, wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet und mich auf Fehler hinweist und mir vielleicht Verbesserungstipps zur gebt.

The book 'Paranoid Park' was written by Blake Nelson, which was published in year 2006 in Portland, Oregon. The text deals with a young skater names Alex, who is doing illegal things, and who kills a security guard in self defense.

The young skater is the main character of the story. He is 16 years old. And is at his uncle Tommy's beach house.

One evening he decides to go there with his best friend Jared, but Jared wants to see his girlfriend and so he doesn't go with Alex to Paranoid Park.

Alex decides to go alone to Paranoid Park and when he is there, he sits on his skateboard and watches the skaters and girls there.

A streeter called Scratch comes along with his friends and after a short talk Scratch asks Alex whether he wants to hop a train.

Fascinated by the idea of hopping train Alex agrees and they leave Paranoid Park.

While riding the train, they are seen by a security guard who immediately chases them and starts to hit Scratch with his nightstick.

After Alex sees that he hits the security guard with his skateboard.

The man stumbles and falls forward on the gravel beside the train.

The coming train pulls him along and he is twisted into an awkward position under the train.

After the train has passed, the security guard has been cut in half.

After this horrible accident Alex is totally in panic and he doesn't know what he should do in a situation like that.

He is totally confused, because he wants to tell the police but he is too afraid of the consequences and he decides to keep first that accident to himself.

Totally confused the main character starts to run....

Englisch, summary
Englisch - Summary: Laura, written by Robert O'Neill, Tipps?

Ich musste eine Summary zu der Kurzgeschichte 'Laura', geschrieben von Robert O'Neill schreiben und ich bin mir nichts ganz sicher, ob das was da jetzt rausgekommen ist, auch richtig ist. Ich merke mit der Zeit (Weil es ja eine Summary sein soll) könnte tatschlich etwas falsch sein, aber ich wüsste nicht, wie ich es sonst schreiben könnte. Es wäre schön, wenn sich das jemand durchlesen und einaar Tipps geben könnte.

Everybody in the crowded restaurant stared when the young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. ”Laura, come back, please,” the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street. ”For God's sake, give me a chance to explain,” the man shouted. She turned around and stared at him. A car had just turned the corner and was coming towards her very fast. The driver had not turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his 10 mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her -directly in front of him, so close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

Meine Summary dazu: The short story 'Laura', written by Robert O'Neill tells us the conflict between a couple. They're sitting in a café but the woman, well dressed, stood up and ran away - Away from the man, who wanted to explain the situation. He was left alone and the woman ran into the middle of the street The driver in a car, which turned into this street was talking to someone, was distracted so he could'nt see her directly additional of the rainy wheater - And so she standed so close and turned her head to him.

Englisch, Tipps, laura, Grammatik, summary, Robert
Going Home Summary

Und noch eine Summary: Fehler, Verbesserungsvorschläge?

The short story 'Going home', written by Pete Hamill, an American journalist deals with Vingo,a former prisoner, going home and telling his story. On a bus, six young people, three boys and three girs from New York are going to Florida on holiday. Also a man, a former prisoner called Vingo sits in the same bus on his way home to Brunswick. The young people are thinking about their holiday when they notice that the man never moves and does not say anything at all. The bus stops at a restaurant and everybody gets off exept Vingo. The young people start to wonder about his behavior. When they come back, one of them, a girl, sits beside him, introduces herself and starts a small conversation. She offers him some wine, which Vingo gratefully accepts. After a while the girl goes back to the other, when the man is nearly about to fall asleep. The next morning he goes into the restaurant to the young people. He orders coffee and smokes nervously. When the girl sits with him again in the bus he starts to tell her his story. Vingo has been in prison for the last three and a half years and had been now released. He is going home, to his town called Brunswick. The girl asks him if he is marred, to which he replies that he does not know that. He wrote to his wife that it is okay for him if she does not want to stay with him togehter anymore or if she found a new man, but she never answered. He wrote to her that, if she does not think this way, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree in their town, so that he knows that she still wants him back. He also showes the girl and the others pictures of his wife and his three children. When the bus reaches Brunswick all the young people, who got to know his story too, are shouting and screaming, because the oak tree is covered with a lot of yellow handkerchiefs. Vingo is not shouting. He gets up from his seat slowly and stars his way home.

Englisch, summary, Zusammenfassung, Short story
Summary + Characterisation, korrektur, dringend?

Summery's: The shortstory ‚Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it, until a spring dance in their school comes. He forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance and does it, but she declines his question and at the end, both go not to the dance and go different ways too.

oder ..

The shortstory ‘Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it. In their school there goes a spring dance and the boy forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance, does it, but she just diclines his question and at the end, both of them, go not to the dance and go different ways too

was wirkt besser und richtiger, zumindest einigermaßen?

Characterisation The following text is a characterisation of the boy, one of the two main characters in the story ‘Patricia’.

The boy is a student around 16 or 17 years, how it could be assumed, because he is close to his final exams (l. 55) and his voice breaks and so ‘He [is] changing’(fg.l. 19). Furthermore the character seems to be very sporty and active, just look at the scene, where he stands in front of the mirror and ‘[looks] at himself’ and his muscles (fg.l.5) - what means, that he must be ambious too, because he worked hard, to get them. The boy could be characterized as really attentive, how the behavior shows it, related to Patricia (fg. l.7-19). ‘He [spend] an hour talking with her’ and ‘[think] a lot about asking her to go [with him]’, but he have not the guts to say directly, that he wants to go with her to the spring dance, what makes him not self-confident.

To sum it up, the boy is ambious as related to Particia, but calm, without selfconfidence, but (Mir fällt nicht ein, wie es genau zusammenfassen könnte :x)

Englisch, Charakterisierung, Klausur, Korrektur, summary
English Summary and short story: "The Fun They Had"

Any mistakes? Any Verbesserungsvorschläge? P.s. Ist der Text nicht zu lang für eine Summary? Der orginal Text hat ca. 1042 Wörter.

The short story ‘The fun they had‘, written by Isaac Asimov deals with a boy and a girl, Tommy and Margie, who find out something about school in the past. On the 17th of March 2155 Tommy, a thirteen-year-old boy, finds a ‘real book‘ which has been printed on paper. He is at the house of Margie, an eleven-year-old girl. They both take a look at it togehter. The book is really old and the pages are yellow and crinky. In the year 2155 this kind of books do not exist anymore. In this time words are moving on a television screen. These televisions can contain over a million of boks. That is the reason, why Tommy thinks that they are much better. He has found the old book in the attic of his house. While reading, Tommy says that it is about school. Margie hates school and cannot understand why someone would write about it. She was having problems with learning geography from her ‘mechanical teacher‘. It was black, large and had a screen on it. It teaches the students, gives them exercises and askes them questions, all in a special room in their own house. It can also calculate the marks in no time. Margie hates the slot where she has to insert her homework or test papers. Once the geopraphy sector of her mechanical teacher was geraded too quick, so that her marks got worse and worse. The County Inspector rebuilt it after one hour. He was really nice to Margie. She hopped that her mechanical teacher would be taken away for a longer time, like Tommy’s was, because it’s history sector blanked out completly. Tommy says that the book which he has found, is not about their type of school, it is about school centuires ago. They find out that students back then had a man as a teacher who taught the girls and boys, gave them homework and asked them questions. They had a special building, all the children went to. And they learned the same things, if they were the same age. First Margie does not understand how a person could be a teacher and how the students were thaught the same thing, because her mother says that the education must fit to each child's mind, but nevertheless in her opinion these schools are funny and she wants to read more about it. Then it is time for Margie and Tommy for their school. Margie goes into the schoolroom in her house where the mechanical teacher stands. It is already on, because the lessons are always at regular hours. She was thinking about the old school system and how much fun the children must had, learning and spending time togehter.


Grüßle! ~ ♫

Englisch, summary, Short story
Hier meine Summary von "No Tigers in Africa", Chapter 3, kann mir das jemand korrigieren? :D

In Chapter 3 of the novel „No Tigers in Africa“, written by Norman Silver, published in 1990, the main character Selwyn explains his familiar situation, especially the difficult relationship between his father and his mother, and his resulting problems by comparing the events in Bristol with those in South Africa. The action is set at Bristol in the present and the narrator remembers details of his dormer life in South Africa.

At the beginning Selwyn tells about how hard his father works, so that they could have the same standard of living as they had in Africa. However he says that for his mother the situation is difficult too, because in Africa she used to have a good life with lots of friends, but not in England. In addition he criticises how difficult it is to make friends in England in contrast to Africa and says because of that problem, his mother is not (oder no?) longer her old self, she is uncertain. Besides that he compares the situation in England with their move from Cape Town to Johannesburg, when he was seven. Selwyn admits that he needs time to “arrive”, but that the time, when they settle to Joburg, was actually more easy than settle to this country. After he mention he often skips school and goes to a place where he could see the gorge and the suspension bridge, however he hears that that bridge is a favourite place for suicides and finds similarities to his situation. Thereafter the narrator speaks about Brunel and the Voortrekker Monument which was built because of the victory of the whites over the blacks years ago in South Africa. Moreover he describes his feelings when he stays at the gorge at this time by comparing it with the thoughts he had when he looked over the railway of the Voortrekker monument, because there was a voice in his had, saying he should jump. However the voice means that he should jump over the cliffs inside him .He concludes that he needs to built such a bridge, metaphoric meaning, inside him. On top of that Selwyn tells when he walks once from gorges to the market, where he is instead of school often too, one day he recognizes his mother who is cheating on his dad with a black man. This is a big shock for him. The boy tries to explain his feelings, says he is confused and cannot believe what has happened. Selwyn describes his condition by comparing it with the a ground which has opened under his feet, describes that it is deeper than the liftshaft his dad fell down once at Christmas after he has drunk too much. Finally Selwyn feels very bad and sick, basically helpless and lost, he does not know what to do and starts to be silent again.

Englisch, Buch, summary
Englisch, Summary schreiben! Hilfe!

Hallo (: In ein paar Tagen schriebe ich eine Arbeit in Englisch übers "summary schreiben" ich habe jetzt eine geschrieben nur kann die mir keiner korrigieren, da dacte ich, ihr könntet mir helfen. Danke im vorraus. Lieben Gruß! :) (Namen der autorin hab ich mir ausgedacht ;)) SORRY DAS ES SEHR LANG IST!

The story 'Only a game' written by Elizabeth Smith, is about Robert and Tom, who are on a trip to Funland, Trocadero. As Robert and Tom arrive in Trocadero, they decide to go to Funland. The two boys are really excited and Tom proposes to try out a virtual reality game. Robert joins him and they are putting on the helmets to start the game. Robert and Tom chose to play in year 1888, the time when 'Jack the Ripper' killed very much people. Robert gets scared. It is getting to realistic to him because they can smell dead fishes, feel cold bricks and suddely a shadow comes near them. Robert is afraid. He assumes that 'Jack the Ripper' comes after them. But they are lucky: the shadow is just the shadow of a flower girl, whose mother was the last victim of 'Jack the Ripper'. Tom throws his arms around the girl and suddenly they hear a man shouting. He says that Tom should get off the girl and the rest of the people who arrive, are thinking that the two boys are the murders, who killed all the people. Tom and Robert are afraid and they are taking off their helmets to leave the game. But nothing changes. They are still in the game... or has it become reality?

Arbeit, Englisch, Schule, summary
Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy


ich habe ein Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy geschrieben. Dies brauch ich als Grundlage für eine Buchvorstellung. Es wäre nett, wenn ihr die gröbsten Fehler mir zeigen könntet

In Lawn Boy, the main character is a normal twelve year old teenager. His parents do not have much money. On his twelfth birthday, he gets an old lawn mower that has built his grandad. At the beginning, our main character is not very enthusiastic of this unusual gift and he has problems to start the mower. But when he mows the yard of his neighbor and get $ 20 for it, he is excited about his birthday gift. Other people see this and want to have their garden mowed. The first day he manage 3 gardens, earned 60 dollars and is mandated by six people to mow their gardens. before he falls asleep at night, he thinks about today's day and can not believe  , that he has already earned so much money, but he will still get a lot more dollar. The next morning he eats his breakfast quickly and after that , he beginns to mowing. After his second garden he meets the man Arnold Howell, who is a stockbroker. He says he wants to have mowed his yard, but can pay only 35 dollars, because he is currently unemployed. Arnold  proposes him to do the 35 dollars in stocks. The Lawn Boy is interested in and agrees to mow the garden under these conditions. Before he starts, he is complaining about too many jobs. Arnold wants to help him and offers him to get  a few workers. At night they meet a man named Pasquale, who can bring his cousin as a support for the lawn boy. The next day he met Louis, who is waiting with a car and a lawn mower at arnold. 2 weeks later, 5 people help the Lawn Boy, which are from the family of pasqual. four weeks after he started to mow gardens, it was the first rainy day in this summer. on this day he goes to arnold to talk about his work. Arnold told him that currently 15 people working for him and that he has taken until now 8000 dollars by mowing of gardens. The Lawn Boy can not believe it and thinks it is a joke , but arnold ahead and says that the stocks have become more expensive. He has sold all of them and receive $ 50,000. the lawn boy is speechless and looks out the window. Now he owns 58.000 Dollar. The Lawn boy wants to see the money, but Arnold tells him that he must be 18 or his parents must pick up the money. He also says he has invested all the money into a boxer named joseph.
This boxer comes 15 minutes later at the house of arnold, so he can meet his sponsor. after they had talked a bit, Pasqual storms through the door and says that the workers are threatened by three men who want money.So they go  to the car and drive to the workers. There, the boxerJoseph chase away the bad men. When the Lawn Boy comes home at night, he wants to tell his parents everything, but he does not dare. The next day he wants to go to Arnold as usual, but he sees the three evil men in the house of Arnold, and therefore he runs back home .

Englisch, summary
Würde ich eine eins für mein comment bekommen?

Hey, würde mich gerne freuen wenn ihr mir eventuell Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt :) Vor allem bin ich mir bei meiner conclusion nicht sicher


Should the British monarchy be abolished? 

Lots of people argue about whether the British monarchy should be abolished or not since the Queen recently died. 

Therefore, I will list arguments for and against the monarch so that you can form your own opinion. 

On one hand, a monarch is seen as a representative of the country.

That is, he or she embodies traditional national values, unity and history.

This leads to stronger national identification and brings people closer together. 

That is why many people say that a monarchy brings stability.

In addition, members of the royal family have important roles at the head of all kinds of charities, and because of their image and popularity, they help charities continue their good work. 

Another positive aspect is that the British monarchy has shown that it is able to reform and adapt to modern times. An example of this would be that Prince Charles was allowed to marry a divorced women. 

It can also be said that the queen or king is perhaps the most expensive monarch in Europe, but that does not mean that a president would be cheaper.

On the other hand, the monarch has no real political power, which means that his or her functions are mainly formal and could easily be taken away by other political bodies or an elected president. 

Although many members of the Royal Family head charities they do not really engage in political work for those charities but rather serve as a kind of figurehead. 

But it is precisely a monarchy that harms democracy, because the people cannot elect the head of state. 

Also, a monarch has no consequences to face when making mistakes and since Britain is a hereditary monarchy, nobody knows whether the next monarch will have good or bad intentions. 

Therefore, it can be said that the royal family is a symbol of an unjust and unequal society. 


Weighing the pros and cons one come to the conclusion that the monarchy has many positive sides, for example, it brings stability or embodies history, but the negative sides mask this.

because since the country is a democracy, the monarchy should be abolished so that people can choose for themselves who should be the next monarch so that there is equality. 

Englisch, Abitur, English-Grammar, Grammatik, Queen, Student, summary, comment, Englisch Leistungskurs
(Korrekturlesen bitte) Summary von einer Textausschnitt?

alsoo..ich habe hier ein summary geschrieben zu einem kleinen textausschnitt des buches slam (zu finden im green line 6). da mein englisch (wie manche vllt schon in meiner frage von gestern gelesen haben) nicht das beste ist, würde ich gerne mal über mein summary drüberlesen lassen, ob grammatikalisch alles stimmt und ob es vllt noch ein paar verbesserungsvorschläge für die formulierung gibt:)

The extract from „Slam“ by Nick Hornby is about teenage pregnancy and shows us a 16-year-old boy who is scared of becoming a father. The action takes place at the time of the narrator’s 16th birthday. His name is Sam. In the morning he gets some cards, presents and doughnuts which his mum bought him before and he already plans his birthday-afternoon and –evening. After the breakfast Sam gets a message from Alicia. She writes that she has to see him very urgent. Locked in the bathroom, Sam answers her and gets nervous. Some time ago he and Alicia petted and he didn’t prevent. Now he’s scared that her urgent message could be that she’s pregnant. He has already that strange feeling in his guts. He writes her that he has no time, but she answers that he has to come. So they arrange a meeting at the Starbucks at 11 am. Sam gets very nervous and wants to sit on his mother’s lap, like a child. And he also wishes he would still be one and not to have such problems. He is also scared, that his mother wouldn’t love him anymore if she knew what he did. While going to the coffee shop he tries to deal with god. He wants Alicia not to be pregnant and promises God that he will neither skate, nor go to McDonald’s, nor watch TV anymore. He also thinks that he won’t ever have sex after this experience. At the Starbucks he buys a drink, trying to lengthen the time he doesn’t know the result yet. Suddenly he sits next to Alicia with his Frappuccino. She wishes him a happy birthday and tells him that her period is late.

Englisch, Text, Grammatik, summary, Textverarbeitung
Verbesserung zur summary vom ersten Kapitel von After the first death...

The first chapter of Robert Cormier's novel "After the first death" consists of a series of thoughts from a boy, named Benjamin. In the beginning he thinks about his injury, namely the path the bullet took. Then, he thinks about the visit of his father and then he tells about a conversation with his mother. They speak unimportant stuff and then he tells about Mr. Chatam, who is his math teacher and might have taught his father a generation ago. (Das bringt sie zu dem Thema über die Bennung des Berufes von Bens Vater, Mark). After Ben called his mother reprimands him because his father doesn't want to be called a general. Then, he starts to describe his life with picture postcards. The first one is Fort Delta. It's an ancient army post. It has something to do withthe bus and the bridge. An incient, which Ben often mentions, but never says what exactly has happened. The next picture postcard is his father. He thinks about his father's job. ben doesn't know (genaueres, obwohl inzwischen manches rausgefunden hat). he remembers the once, when he saw his father in uniform. It was a formal meeting. Ben felt both scared an excited, because his father (ließ ben an seiner Arbeit teilhaben). In the end of the chapter Ben thinks about the shortest horror story and then he thinks again about his father and how it will be (wie sein würd)

Englisch, Inhaltsangabe, summary, Textkorrektur, Textverarbeitung, Verbesserung
Summary "Caribbean London" feedback
Ich bitte  um Feedback meiner zusammenfassung des Green line Transition 6 Textes "Caribbean London". Danke im vorraus :) hier meine Zusammenfassung : 
The Text "Caribbean London" by Green line is about the Integration and influence of caribbeans in london. (das jetzige) london is  a lot by them, (like in arts or food for exemple ) they have contributed greatly to the prosperity of Britain today. When they first arrived in london in the late 1940's for helping rebuild the postwar nation Great-Britain, they encounters many difficulties. For low wages, caribbeans had to do inferior jobs, that no one else wanted to do. They also had to pay exaggerate high rents for bad housing conditions and many of them experienced racial abuse. The answer to that was the development of  self-help organizations for caribbeans and the launch of "The Voice", one of the first newspapers, aimed at a black audience in Britain. But times changed, nowadays, the most of them are well-established in London. Many caribbeans had become business people running their own shops, and some of them also achieved high positions in big business and public life. They provide as well role models for future. So their situation has changed a lot .

So ich bin mir sicher, dass ich leider ein paar Sätze einfach vom deutschen ins englische übersetzt habe :/  naja ich würde gerne Tips von euch bekommen was ich besser machen könnte, was total falsch war, und so weiter ;) Den "echten " Text findet ihr im Anhang als Bild. Hab ihn nur als Bild gefunden, hoffe man kann ihn lesen... Danke :)
Englisch, London, Feedback, Green Line, summary
Summary oft the short story?


The short storie Locker 160 written by Lee Busselmann is about two high school students,Karen and Julie who bully Miriam in three different ways.

First,Julie decides to write hate notice and puts it in Miriam's Locker 160 the next morning.

They are waiting for their victim and they are waiting to see how she reacts.

The second way of preparation is to put marbles in a plastic bag and place it in Miriam's Locker.

Karen and Julie are waiting for Miriam to arrive to head to her Locker.

They notices that as she opens her Locker,

the marbles clatters down the hallway.

The third and the last way is prepare a voodoo doll of Miriam use a large carrot in the shape of her body and an onion with one black yarn so as to form her head.

They are waiting for Miriam to come to their biology class before the lesson begin.

But Miriam isn't there.

She has turn on the gas stove at home and the rescue squad has arrives at the school on the way the save Miriam.

The narrator seems to be involved in all three ways but just based on his thoughts because of the way he talks during the short story.

Koennte mir vielleicht eine ""Englischlehrerin"" am liebsten frisch von ihrem Lehramtstudium meine summary of the short story aufgrund der inhaltlichen,sprachlichen sowie die Darstellungsleistung korrigieren und mir auch die korrigierte Satzumstellung und das Hinzufuegen fehlender Vokabeln und mir die Fehler in bunt oder in fettgedruckter Schrift sichtbar markieren?Vielen Dank fuer den Zeitaufwand.

Englisch, Noten, Klausur, Korrektur, Lehrerin, summary, Oberstufe Gymnasium