Summary + Characterisation, korrektur, dringend?

Summery's: The shortstory ‚Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it, until a spring dance in their school comes. He forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance and does it, but she declines his question and at the end, both go not to the dance and go different ways too.

oder ..

The shortstory ‘Patricia’ written by Fraser Sutherland deals with two friends, where the boy has a crush on the girl, but never told it. In their school there goes a spring dance and the boy forces himself to ask her, to go with her to the dance, does it, but she just diclines his question and at the end, both of them, go not to the dance and go different ways too

was wirkt besser und richtiger, zumindest einigermaßen?

Characterisation The following text is a characterisation of the boy, one of the two main characters in the story ‘Patricia’.

The boy is a student around 16 or 17 years, how it could be assumed, because he is close to his final exams (l. 55) and his voice breaks and so ‘He [is] changing’(fg.l. 19). Furthermore the character seems to be very sporty and active, just look at the scene, where he stands in front of the mirror and ‘[looks] at himself’ and his muscles (fg.l.5) - what means, that he must be ambious too, because he worked hard, to get them. The boy could be characterized as really attentive, how the behavior shows it, related to Patricia (fg. l.7-19). ‘He [spend] an hour talking with her’ and ‘[think] a lot about asking her to go [with him]’, but he have not the guts to say directly, that he wants to go with her to the spring dance, what makes him not self-confident.

To sum it up, the boy is ambious as related to Particia, but calm, without selfconfidence, but (Mir fällt nicht ein, wie es genau zusammenfassen könnte :x)

Englisch, Charakterisierung, Klausur, Korrektur, summary

Also ich schreibe in einigen Tagen eine wichtige Englischklausur, wo wir sowohl Summary als auch Charakterisierung schreiben müssen und natürlich haben wir zuvor auch Hausaufgaben bekommen, wo wir Charakterisierungen und Summarys schreiben mussten .. nur mein Problem ist irgendwie die Ttsache, dass ich automatisch, ohne es selber zu merken, die deutsche Grammatik für Englische Texte verwende und zu kompliziert schreibe, sodass ich dann im nachhinein nur mehr Fehler habe ..

Summary The short story ‘Locker 160’ written by Lee Busselman deals with two girls called Karen and Julie, who bully their classmate Miriam by play tricks on her. Karen gets the Idea to put a hate note in someone’s Locker and she and Julie choose the Locker from Miriam, their classmate, who is not hated by them, but they think, that she is different. At first Karen takes the hate note, put it in the Locker and walks away with the feeling of relief, but then it happens, that the two girls get fun to play nasty tricks on Miriam. They do it everytime, put some things like mean letters or an open plastic bag of marbles in her Locker, for a couple of days, until Miriam takes a option to try to commit suicide, (but instead of beeing guilty or take this as a warning) Karen and Julie laugh at the end.

Characterization In the shortstory ‘Locker 160’, written by Lee Busselman, an important character called Miriam takes place. She is a victim of Mobbing and gives the story a thread to be, how it belongs, even if this character wants to fade away in the end.

Miriam Laker is a student, seems to be around sixteen or seventeen - according to the text, her behavior seems to be x: She writes poetrys (l.10) what gives the impression, that Miriam is very creative and even if others maybe do not understand her, might not like her, because her hobby/ she seems weird for her classmates (l. 47) and would not be popular (l.9), she is still by herself and does her things, like study hard for school, be ambious, because of the fact, that she has never beeing late for a class (l.53-54) and keeps everthing tidy, not just in her locker (l. 14). It could be actually said, that she is clever in her way, but that she writes poetrys, instead of go out with friends, or something, it could be thought that she is lonley and very thoughtful at once.

Hat jemnd eine Idee, oder Vorschläge, damit ich die Klausur nicht völlig verhaue? :/

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Englisch, Text, Charakterisierung, Grammatik, Klausur, summary, Vorschlag
Characterization, "Laura", robert'oneill, tipps?

The Story: "Laura", by Robert O'Neill
Everybody in the crowded restaurant stared when the young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. ”Laura, come back, please,” the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street. ”For God's sake, give me a chance to explain,” the man shouted. She turned around and stared at him. A car had just turned the corner and was coming towards her very fast. The driver had not turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his 10 mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her -directly in front of him, so close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

My Characterization: The author Robert O’Neill gives us a short story named “Laura”, in our hands without a detailed beginning and a conclusive ending. We can just follow the situation – Laura is sitting in a restaurant with a man, but it seems that he had done something wrong so that whe throws a glass of wine into his face and runs out of the restaurant. The man wanted to explain, but as she just turns around and stares at him, a driver turns into the street where Laura is standing. In the End, we are not know what is happing to her, because it just ends with the fact that the driver was destracted and Laura now turns her head to the driver, while the car is close to her.

So what we can take from the story, especially when it goes around Laura, we can read out, that she seems to be young, around eighteen and above. The fact that she throws a glass of wine in the face of the man, is enough to assume, that she is of age. And this part shows us, that she is impulsive, mean, respectless, but fair enough angry, even if we don’t know what was happening. A Mixture of agressive, confidend and dissapointed. We also don’t know, how she looks like, what for a type of human she is and which thougts in her actions she might have. Anyway, as she runs out and does nothing more, than just turning her head back to the man, while standing in the middle of the street, it is hard to say, how she could actually felt, wheter she is just too desperate to realise, that she is standing on the street or wheter. The situation where Laura turns her head to the driver, in front her, in the car, begs for the same question; Was she just so stressed, dissepointed and desperated and what is the point of the whole story?

Englisch, laura, characterization
Englisch - Summary: Laura, written by Robert O'Neill, Tipps?

Ich musste eine Summary zu der Kurzgeschichte 'Laura', geschrieben von Robert O'Neill schreiben und ich bin mir nichts ganz sicher, ob das was da jetzt rausgekommen ist, auch richtig ist. Ich merke mit der Zeit (Weil es ja eine Summary sein soll) könnte tatschlich etwas falsch sein, aber ich wüsste nicht, wie ich es sonst schreiben könnte. Es wäre schön, wenn sich das jemand durchlesen und einaar Tipps geben könnte.

Everybody in the crowded restaurant stared when the young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. ”Laura, come back, please,” the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street. ”For God's sake, give me a chance to explain,” the man shouted. She turned around and stared at him. A car had just turned the corner and was coming towards her very fast. The driver had not turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his 10 mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her -directly in front of him, so close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

Meine Summary dazu: The short story 'Laura', written by Robert O'Neill tells us the conflict between a couple. They're sitting in a café but the woman, well dressed, stood up and ran away - Away from the man, who wanted to explain the situation. He was left alone and the woman ran into the middle of the street The driver in a car, which turned into this street was talking to someone, was distracted so he could'nt see her directly additional of the rainy wheater - And so she standed so close and turned her head to him.

Englisch, Tipps, laura, Grammatik, summary, Robert
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