Ich muss zu morgen in Englisch eine Summary fertigstellen. Die Zusammenfassung habe ich schon fertig und wartet nur noch darauf auf´s Papier gebracht zu werden. Leider bin ich in Englisch nicht so gut, was den Ausdruck und die Grammatik angeht. Ich würde mich freuen wenn jemand mal rüber schauen könnte und mir ein paar Tipps gibt was ich verbessern könnte.

Hier die Summary

**The story of an Hour is a short story and was written by Kate Chopin on 19 April 1894.

In the short story, it's about how a woman's life can change in an hour. Mrs.Mallard learns of Richard, a friend of her husband, that her husband was killed in a train accident. She goes to her room to think about it. You will gradually realize that her husband's death is not so bad. She may have loved him, but it was suppressed by him. When she realized that her life can only get better it goes back down to her sister andd Richard. The moment her husband comes in, because he's not died in the accident. Mrs. Mallard gets a heart attack. It is not entirely clear what killed her. The joy that her husband still lives, or the shock that her life is not so, as she had dreamed in her room.**