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Dear Diary,

today was my first day in New Orleans and it was amazing!

It is very warm here in New Orleans. 80 degrees!!!

My dad bought a gouard banjo but it sounded awful. If he plays that again I’ll go crazy, I swear. Grandma Betty’s house is very beautiful and I love the plam trees. 

I’m a littlebit sad that there aren’t any in NY.

On this morning I walked around the Frech Quarter. The streetnames are very intersting: they are French and I tried to speak them. It was very funny.

Also, I wanted to go to Bourbon Street but my aunt D‘Avila said that this street just is for tourists but I went to the street anyway.

I think it was very cool there. I even found a Jazz Band there. They played very good but actually I would love that they had played worse because my mom and dad suddently began to dance to the music. So I pretended don’t know them and just went away.

After this embarrassing moment I and my mom and dad went to the French Market and ate Gator on a stick. My friends thought it was disgusting but it was delicious! It tasted like chicken.

And after that I went home to my grandma again. I’m exited about tomorrow becaus that’ll be my first Thanksgiving for me in New Orleans and I’m intersted how they celebrate it here.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about this...

In love Tyler 👻



ich würde gerne wissen, ob dieser Text richtig ist und, ob ihr Verbessungsvorschläge habt.

Freue mich über Antworten 🙃

Liebe Grüße

Englisch, Schule, Hausaufgaben, Korrekturlesen
Könnt ihr mir bitte in Englisch Helfen bitte?

Hiii, bitte kontrolliert mein Text, bitte Korrigiert die Grammatik und Rechtschreibfehler bittee dirngendd:???

Welcome to my presentation. Today I'm talking about the self-employed entrepreneur.

I would like to be a self-employed entrepreneur because self-employment ends unemployment, it achieved a higher income. You can make time independent and you get the previous social environment can leave.

The independent entrepreneur makes his own business decisions. He is responsible for everything in the company. He bears the financial risk.

 I am well suited for this job because I am a team player, creative, flexible and responsible.

 I am motivated to become an independent entrepreneur because I want to be my own boss and develop and implement my own ideas and concepts.

 To start my own I would see what kind of “company” it is, then I would find the right legal form. I would go further, find a suitable company name. Then I would look how much money I have and create a business plan.

 My future hopes when I have my own company are that my company will be known worldwide, that I have a lot of employees, that I have a turnover of 5 million euros and that I can sell many products. My fears are that I will go broke and that I will not be known.

I'm also afraid that I don't produce a lot of products and that I don't have nice employees.

 The qualifications are ambition, willingness to work, willingness to take risks, Resilience, Creativity, Sense of responsibility, required.

 The advantages of being independent are that you can determine yourself, you can realize yourself, you have more freedom, you have no conflicts with superiors. Furthermore, you have higher work motivation because you work for yourself. The chance to live out your own calling. The chance to make more money than an employee.

 The disadvantage of independent is that You work an above-average amount of work. If the order situation is bad, there is no regular salary. You take a higher financial risk, depending on the type of business.

Bitte hilft mir Leute dringendd??

Englisch, Schule, Wirtschaft, London, England, Sprache, Hilfestellung, Aufgabe, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, Ausbildung und Studium
Kann jemand meine Summary korrigieren?

Hallo, ich schreibe in Englisch eine Klausur, in dem ich eine Summary schreiben muss. Ich habe eins zur Übung geschrieben, weiß aber nicht ob es gut ist oder nicht, vor allem was das Grammatische angeht. Könnte jemand es bitte korrigieren und mir eine Rückmeldung geben?

Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus :)

Das ist mein Text:

The extract from the novel “The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian”, written by Sherman Alexie deals with the problems when a young and poor Indian boy has a popular girlfriend.

 Arnold, the Indian boy, went with his popular girlfriend to the dance. Because he doesn’t have money to drive with a car, they met at the gym. He also wears the old suits of his Dad because of that, but Penelope, his girlfriend, liked it. Till the End of the dance they had fun and Arnold begins to enjoy himself. When they were outside to go home, Arnold saw Penelope’s Dad in front of his car and gave her a good-bye kiss on her cheek, but then a group of the popular students decide to eat pancakes in the next town and ask them too. Arnold just wanted to go home, when everybody was gone but Penelope wants to go with them. When she wants to ask her Dad, Roger, one of the boys, goes with her to tell Penelope’s Dad, that he can drive everybody home. At this point Arnold realized, when he saw them walk together, that Roger and Penelope looked better together and that they should be a couple. The only hope for Arnold was, that her Dad says no, so they don’t know he is a poor Indian boy.

Englisch, Schule, Klausur, Korrektur, summary, Zusammenfassung
Schlechter Start ins Anglistik Studium / habe Angst?


ich habe vor zwei Tagen mein Anglistik Studium begonnen und habe nun Angst:

normalerweise hätte ich, wäre Corona nicht gewesen, einen Assessment Test vor Studienbeginn ablegen müssen.

Da dies nicht möglich war hat ein Dozent aus einem der Kurse uns eine Art Mini Assessment Test erstellt, um unseren Leistungsstand zu testen.

Zuvor meinte etwa, da diejenigen die unter 40% haben, erfahrungsgemäß ihr Studium vermutlich nicht schaffen waren, und über einen Studienwechsel nachdenken sollten.

Ich hab den Test mit 36% absolviert und habe nun Angst nicht gut genug zu sein.

Ich habe im Abi im LK die Prüfung mit 12 Punkten (2+) problemlos abgeschlossen und hab auch ansonsten in den Klausuren ohne wirklichen Aufwand immer solide Zweien geschrieben.

Muttersprachler haben mir gegenüber oftmals erstaunt betont wie gut mein Englisch sei, was sie sonnigste erwartet hätten.

Habe gerade einfach Angst nicht gut genug zu sein fürs Studium, insbesondere da der Dozent das Ergebnis einsehen kann und ich befürchte das er jetzt immer wenn er mich sieht dieses Ergebnis im Kopf hat und denkt ich würde mein Studium ohnehin nicht schaffen.

Hatte einer von euch ähnlich schlechte Erfahrung beim Studienstart und kann mich eventuell ein wenig beruhigen? Oder sollte ich tatsächlich die Möglichkeit in Betracht ziehen, mein Studium womöglich abzubrechen?

Liebe Grüße


Test, Englisch, Studium, Prüfung, Angst, Anglistik, Dozent, Universität, Beruf und Büro

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