“sollten Handys in während der Schulzeit erlaubt sein, oder nicht“
Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to use their mobilephones during school because the Allownance of Cellphones would not only promote cheating in Tests it would also promote bullieng for sure. In many schools bullieng already is a big problem with which many pupils have to deal with. If phones were allowed in schools embarrassing pictures of your classmates or even of yourself might be taken and spread through the internet. Probably a few people might even get depressed because of the Knowledge that Pictures of them were taken and those pictures are on their way trough the internet. Because of the before named Facts, pupils shouldn’t be allowed to use their mobilephones during class
was kann ich verbessern? Bitte nicht auf Rechtschreibung achten habe das in 10min geschrieben.....was denkt ihr, wie viele Punkte ich bekommen würde (klasse 11, Bayern)