English Korektur?

Hallo könnt ihr mal schauen ob Fehler enthalten sind. Hat wer verbessungsideen?

welche Note würdet ihr geben (Gymnasium 11 Klasse)

In the following text, I give you an insight into myself and my free time activities: 

First, I want to introduce myself. My name is __ I’m currently eighteen years old. I was born on March 16, 2004, in the hospital of __. Since my birth, I live in a small district of ___, called __. I live there with my fatherand my sister, who is one year younger than me. She looks like me and we have an excellent relationship. Furthermore, I have an older brother who lives in __ with her wife and my niece. Before I went to ___ school, I was at the secondary school in ___ and completed my secondary school certificate there. Now I tell you more about my character. I am a friendly person who can empathize well with others. Additionally, my family and friends particularly appreciate my sense of responsibility because they can always rely on me. On the top of  that, I am also an organizational talent. My daily routine, for example, is very structured because I write to-do lists in order to keep an overview of everything. Last but not least, my creative side is one of my greatest strengths, which reflects who I am. This is a good point to redirect to my hobbies, because being creative takes up a lot of my free time, especially drawing and designing. This hobby relaxes me and makes me fun at the same time. Moreover, I love shopping, particularly in online shops. I spend a lot of time on the internet to buy clothes, which I like, but it makes me a little poor too. Another free time activity of me is reading books. My favourite genre of books is thrillers. I like this genre, because the tension doesn't get lost and such the interest in reading keeps maintained until the end. At the moment I read the book Layla from Colleen Hover and so far, I like it. 

In short, I am a responsible and efficient person with a variety of interests and creative talents. 




Englisch lernen, Englisch, Lernen, Studium, Allgemeinwissen, Schule, Nachhilfe, USA, Deutschland, Hilfestellung, Text, Schüler, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, deutsche Grammatik, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer, Rechtschreibung
Englisch Text über mich und meine Hobbys?


kann mir wer helfen und evt. Korrektur machen. Und findet ihr der Text ist gut für 11. Klasse Gynasium (bitte ehrlich sein, wäre das eine 1 wert?) vorallem kommasetzung bin ich mir unsicher und fällt vllt jemand noch ein schlusssatz ein?


In the following essay I should give you an insight of me and my free time activities: First I want to introduce myself and my personality. My name is…. and I‘m currently seventeen years old. I was born on 9th may of 2006 in the hospital in…. . Since my birth I live in a small city part of…., called…. . I live there with my father and my two years younger sister. She looks like the same as me und we have a really good relationship. Furthermore I have an another sibling, namely an older sister. She lives in …. with her husband und my niece. Before I went to …. , I was on the … school in … and completed my secondary school certificate there. Now I will tell you a little bit more about my charakter. I am a friendly person who can empathize well with others. Additionally, my family and friends particularly appreciate my sense of responsibility because they can always rely on me. On the top of that I am also an organizational talent. My daily routine, for example, is very structured because I write to-do lists in order to keep an overview of everything. Last but not least my creative side is one of my greatest strengts, which reflects who I am as a person. So and thats a good point to redirect to my hobbies. Because being creative also makes up a lot of my free time. Therefore I especially to drawing and designing. This hobby relaxes me and relieves stress at the same time. Moreover I love shopping particularly in online shops. I spend a much of time on internet sides to buy clothes which I like but it makes me a little bit poor too. An another hobby from me is reading books. My favourite genre of books are thrillers. I like this genre because entire tension of content is maintained until the end and the interest in reading is not lost. At the moment I read the book Layla from Colleen Hover and so far I like it. Also I‘m interested in do ventures with my family and friends.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Lernen, Studium, Allgemeinwissen, Schule, USA, Deutschland, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, Gymnasium, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer, Rechtschreibung, Schulaufgabe

Ich hab diese Mediation geschrieben und wollte fragen, wie ich den verbessern könnte oder ob das so passt:

Hello Stefan,

since you've told me you're looking for a holiday job in London, I've been searching for different work options and came across a quite popular restaurant called "Herman ze German". Firsty, you need to know what the owner's idea of opening this restaurant was and how it came to this restaurant.

As the owners, Falak Shahi and Florian, are of the opinion that German sausages aren't comparable to English ones, their friends have taken the intiative to bring them original sausages made in German. So the couple decided to sell their sausages in local pups so called "sausageweeks". As an upgrade they started to sell their sausages on a music festival which has contributed to high success. In 2010 they opened their first restaurant located in London. Maybe you're wondering why this restaurant did blow up and has attracted so much attention.This is because Germany is very popular in UK and Berlin is seen as a trendy city. But what also plays a big role is German and English people raising awarness of how close we actually are and not as different as they thought to be. Falakshahi and Florian are also playing with cliches and have decorated their restaurants full of cliches. That seems to many clients pretty hilarious and cool. The last thing I want to address is their future objectives. They are dreaming that two or three new restaurants will open within a year and sausages will be offered with their own logo in English grocery stores. I hope this text could inspire you a little on your job search and was interesting to read.

Take care!

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
würde ich hierfür in englisch eine gute note bekommen (elfte klasse, gymnasium)?

Task: This I believe

As a hobby writer and reader myself, I can say, that I strongly believe into the power of storytelling and the things that a well thought-out piece of writing can do to a person, no matter what kind of writing it is. It could be a novel or a new song from an musician you discovered, or maybe even something, that seems to be little like a poem you found on pinterest or the caption of an Instagram post, it doesn’t matter. Written words can change opinions, give new perspectives or make someone feel seen or understood, that is the power that words hold. Words can hurt people too, sometimes much more than physical violence does. It’s because words are one of the only ways we as humans can express ourselves, what else do we have than our voice?

And with voice, I don’t mean the sounds coming out of your mouth when you talk, I mean nothing more and nothing less than our beliefs, opinions and perspectives. Your voice is a part of your soul and speaking it all out loud can be scary, because it makes you incredibly vulnerable. 

Speaking your mind, speaking what you actually think, means sharing a part of your soul and a part of your identity with the world. And no matter what you say, no matter how strongly you believe and no matter how many people think the same, theres always going to be people that want to walk all over you just because of the things you said. 

Our brain, most of the time, fixes itself on the bad things that happen around us or to us. For example, most of the time when you wake up, you still have a little imagine in you brain of what you dreamt, but then, you immediately forget it, don’t you? But you still know about that one nightmare when you were six years old. 

That’s because of your mind, because it’s trying to protect you from bad things, trying to warn you by never making you forget the bad things that happen to you. 

But sometimes, you need to let that go and say what you want to say, say what you need to say. Because if you try to be anything else from what you are, its gonna suffocate you inside. So, no matter if the world can handle it our not, it’s not your problem. 

There are incredibly many people walking on this earth, all with their voice and their whole identity and there is always going to be someone, who thinks like you and feels like noone else does.

Isn’t it weird that about eight billion people live on earth and still everyone feels lonely and misunderstood?

I personally don’t like the internet and all of the media very much, but, since its anonymous, it can be helpful in case you want to share your voice. Nobody has to know your whole identity, you don’t have to stand on a podium where everyone can see you, like people had to back in the day. 

So say what you want to say, or write it down if you don’t want to say it, it may make someone feel less lonely and more understood. Your words probably can’t change the world, but they can change someone’s world.

Or maybe they’ll change the world, you never know.

Text, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Text in Englisch mit Thema healthy life?

Hello people! Here is Leo and I'm 16 years old. Today's topic is my healthy life. First of all 1 my food habits I do to stay healthy will say something about and then I tell you my daily activities. My day every beginn with a large glass of water. Then I fast prepare my breakfast. I mostly eat at break- eggs, bread with cream cheese and vegetables like tomatos or Cucumber. and at dinner I At lunch 1 often eat eat for salad or example pasta whole grain per bread. For me it is very important that I eat day at least one band fruits and vegetables. This food include many vitamins and minerals, which are important for our health. Furthermore I make Sure that I eat enough protein, because I do weight training. And last but not least you should drink between 2-3 liter water and less soft drinks, because they have a lot of sugar and calories.. Another important aspect for a healthy lifestyle are daily activities. So I do every day 10.000 sleps and that should you do too. On the top of that I go three days a Heek to a and there I do sport. At the beginning gym a warm up, then I do Height training for at least one hours and finally 30 minutes cardio training. That are my sport routine. What do you do for sport ? I would be happy if you share an another entry with your healthy life tips. Now I wish all readers a sporty and healthy day and don't forget your restday.
Bye Leo

In Ordnung für 10. Klasse und bitte berichtigen bei Fehlern nur so kann ich daraus lernen.

Oben verschrieben erste und zweite Satz!

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Warum sind die Ansprüche in Deutschaufsätzen so hoch?


Keinen Plan, wie es im Gymnasium ist, da schreibt man ja Gedichtsanalysen oder so was, aber bei uns in der Realschule (TGA/Erörterung) war eine 2 das höchste der Gefühle.

Eine 1 hatte vielleicht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1 %, also wenn der gesamte Jahrgang (4 x 25 Schüler) einen Aufsatz geschrieben hat, hatte vielleicht einer am Ende die 1.

Auch die 2 war höchst selten, kam vielleicht einmal pro Klasse vor (4 %), eher noch seltener.

Währenddessen werden in den anderen Fächern die Einsen nur so durch die Gegend geworfen.

Das traurige an der Sache ist, dass eine 1,0 somit unmöglich ist. Die beste unter 100 Schülern hatte einen Abschluss von 1,3 und ich und noch einer waren die zweitbesten mit 1,6.

Währenddessen höre ich im Gymmi von häufigen eins nullen, weshalb ich eben infrage stelle, dass Gedichtsanalysen ebenso streng bewertet werden.

Jetzt stellt sich mir die Frage: Sind Deutschlehrer Sadisten?

Oder sind Kultusministerien die Sadisten, weil sie entsprechende Anforderungen an die Schüler haben, an welche sich die Lehrer dann halten müssen?

Übrigens: Einmal im Jahr hatten wir statt eines Aufsatzes eine Grammatik-Schulaufgabe. Dort hatten komischerweise wieder viele eine 1. 🤔

Ist es heutzutage immer noch so? Haben ja jetzt viele Syrer im Land, die müssten die Themenverfehlungen ja dann nur so nachgeworfen kriegen.


Deutsch, Lernen, Bildung, Noten, Schüler, Abitur, Argumente, Aufsatz, Erörterung, Gymnasium, Lehrer, Mittlere Reife, Realschule, tga, Zeugnis, kultusministerium, Textgebundener Aufsatz
Könnte sich einer von euch fleißigen Äffchen einmal angucken, inwiefern die Einleitung für dieses Essay (Sekundarstufe 2) ausreichend ist?

Hallo ihr lieben 🫶

Auch in den Ferien bereite ich mich fleißig auf das kommende nächste Schuljahr vor. Heute bin ich dabei die Struktur eines Essays zu verstehen und bitte daher um eure Bewertung.
Welche Struktur gibt es bei der Einleitung, habe ich die korrekte Reihenfolge vollständig ausgefüllt? Solche Sachen sind wichtig. Die Struktur und die Art und Weise möchte ich gerne verbessern lernen.

Hier ein Überblick:

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Es ist bekannt, dass trotz häufiger Verbeamtung der Lehrkräfte, ein signifikanter Mangel an Lehrern besteht. Berlin hat zum aktuellen Stand 2023 etwa 1460 zu nicht-besetzte Vollzeitstellen, Tendenz steigend. Ein zentrales Thema, das in dem vorliegenden Text behandelt wird ist der technologische Fortschritt in der nahen und mittelfristigen Zukunft, der den Bedarf an Lehrkräften beeinflussen könnte.
Im folgenden Text wird beurteilt inwieweit das Antreten eines Lehramtsstudiums noch sinnvoll und demnach effektiv ist. Es wird darauf eingegangen, welche Faktoren einen Einfluss auf den Bedarf an Lehrkräften nehmen, wie viele Studenten tatsächlich ihr Studium absolvieren und wie hoch die Studentenanzahl sein müsste um den Bedarf an Lehrern zu decken.

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Deutsch, Schule, Aufsatz, Gymnasium, Universität, Essay, sekundarschule
Englisch Arbeit Text über Globale Erwärmung?


ich Bin in der 9. klasse und gehe auf eine real Schule

ich schreibe morgen eine englisch Arbeit, und muss wahrscheinlich auch ein Text über globale Erwärmung schreiben

wie ist dieser Text?

Was würdet ihr ändern? Ist er in Ordnung?

,,Global warming is the average temperature increasing all over the world over an extended period of time. But it doesn't mean it's happening equally all over the world.

The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and animal husbandry are increasingly affecting the Earth's climate and temperature.

The amount of naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases enormously, which intensifies the greenhouse effect and global warming.

You can also do something about global warming if you use bicycles and public transport instead of driving your own car or if you can choose to use electric cars because they have a better climate footprint.

You can also pay attention to which country your fruit and vegetables come from next time you go to the supermarket. It is best to try to buy fruit or vegetables that are locally sourced, as this way you can reduce the distance that the food needs to get to you.

Polar bears are also dying due to global warming as they have less and less habitat because the ice is melting.

Glaciers have been melting for more than 20 years. In addition, sea levels are rising, resulting in flooding.

In countries where it is very hot, forest fires occur, such as in Turkey.

Because of climate change, around 40% of all insects may become extinct.“

Arbeit, Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer, Lehrerin, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch Artikel bitte korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo Leute, könnt ihr eventuell diesen Artikel lesen und wenn da Fehler sind, es zu korrigieren oder umzuschreiben? Wäre super nett von euch, meine Hausübung wird nämlich benotet und schreibt noch euren Feedback rein, ich danke euch :)

Los Angeles has seen the evil

A recent school shooting in Los Angeles has brought the issue of school safety in the bad light. So, people became aware of these happening. On 30th April 2023, two 17-year-old students have armed their high school with two guns which left 11 people dead and 5 injured. This incident has left people worried about the safety of students and staff at schools.

Gun violence, especially in schools, is still a national crisis in the United States and migrants are still allowed to carry a gun because of the “national firearms agreement”. Due to the licenses of weapons, such acts are occurring more and more frequently. In order to protect students and school staff, most schools have security guards. There are also usually controls at the entrances. As a way to prevent non-schoolers from entering the school, they have their own school cards, which clearly show the identifies of the students. In addition, the police have increased their presence at schools.

Students, who have witnessed such incident, are usually traumatised and can hardly cope without psychological help. Many students and parents report terrible feelings and perceptions. “I was so scared when I heard gunshots. I ran and hid under a desk until the police came. Now I’m afraid to come back to school,” says a victim who survived this cruelty. Parents were calling desperately for their children, they even got more scared when they didn’t respond. These are just a few. As a result, the police has to deal with such incidents more and more often. “It is nothing scary anymore, we are already used to it”, claims a policeman. “We are already best prepared for such acts”, adds another officer. They have certain educations and trainings for these hardships.

Due to the school shooting on April 30th, this issue is more present than ever. Many students and parents are extremely frightened that they can also be victims. This clearly shows that much more could be done preventively.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Schreibe eine Englisch Arbeit über Email/Letter of complaint und bräuchte Korrektur bzw. Notenvorschlag oder Tipps?


You recently ordered a computer game form the American company Game of Games but the delivered purcharse only includes a Spanish version of the game. Write a formal letter on oder to complain about this unfortunate mistake.


To: compony@gameofgame.com


subject: The wrong delivery

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in order to complain about a purchase I have recently made. My name is Ben Geyer and I live in Austria.

One week ago I bought your new computer game “heart on heart” via Amazon. I had to wait very long for the package and so I was really hyped when I opened the game and put it into my play station. But when I started the game I realised that it is not my language. You probably sent me the Spanish version. I checked the language three times before I bought ordered the game. I did not to want anything get wrong, so I also called the support if the game is really my language. These assured me that it is in English. But no it is not.

I think you can image in which situation I am now. I looked forward to the game for days and now I do not understand everything. This is an unbearable situation for me and therefore my suggestion would be that you entitle me to some form of compensation.

I would be grateful if you could exchange my product, or refund my money. If you need my bank account or something other data you could write me when ever you want.

I hope we will find a way to solve the problem so I will not be forced to take further action because I did not have any struggles with your company since yet.

I would be grateful if you contact me at ben.sch@gmx.at as quickly as possible if you have a solution.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Geyer

Text, Aufsatz, englische Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Writing a Leaflet?


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Folgende Punkte müssen beantwortet werden:

  • give information about the centre
  • discuss why being there is beneficial for the refugees
  • suggest events to bring the community closer together


Use your time! – Everybody is welcome! (Hauptüberschrift)
Have you ever thought about joining the local youth centre Yolo? Wouldn’t you like to make new friends and have fun while learning new skills? If yes, then we have an exciting opportunity for you.
What is the Yolo local youth centre?
Yolo is a place where young people come together to learn and build a sense of community. We provide various activities that can help you improve your German and social skills, as well as your computer skills. This can ultimately increase your chances of finding a job.
Why Yolo is the best!
Learning German is an essential skill for refugees and migrants living in Germany. Not only in your job, also when you ask for advice. Yolo provides a supportive environment for young refugees to learn and practice German, while also meeting and interacting with other young people in their community.
But guess what: That is not all. The world also gets more and more modern. You learn everything you need to know about computers nowadays at this centre.
Events to bring the community closer together!
At Yolo, we organize several social events every week to bring our community closer together. These events include cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and even swimming trips. One of our most popular events is the weekly football match on Saturdays. It's a great way to get active and have fun with other teenagers.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by writing to youthcentreyolo@gmail.com .
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to contact our support.
See you soon!
Englisch lernen, Englisch, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch Text korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich wollte euch fragen, ob ihr eventuell meinen Englisch Text korrigieren und wenn der Satz generell nicht stimmen sollte, umschreiben könnt? Ich habe versuch in ein leichtes Englisch zu schreiben, weil meine Lehrerin das auch besser bewertet also ein kompliziertes Englisch. Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt! :)

Hi Leah,

I came across your blog post about your opinion about Shakespeare's poems. You claim that they are all boring and have strange illusions. Well, I really don't agree with you, but I want to introduce you one of my favourite poems by William Shakespear "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Let me summarize this masterpiece for you: The Sonnet starts with a flattering question "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?". William Shakespeare explains that his love is as beautiful as the most beautiful things in the world, such as a summer’s day. In the next line, he rejects this idea immediately. He says that the beauty of summer is fleeting and that it will eventually be replaced by the harshness of winter. However, the speaker also claims that the person’s beauty will be immortalized in the poem, since her beauty will supposedly never fade or die. This special thing about her is what gives her life and it’s a tribute to how couples see their partner as the only one for them.

In my opinion, it is a poem of admiration and adoration, almost certainly the best known piece of Shakespeare’s work. The simplicity and loveliness of this poem is outstanding and one of the main reasons for the poem’s success. The major themes in Sonnet 18 are the timelessness, nature, love, beauty and the death and immortality. I think the main theme is timeless and I specifically like it because it is a deeper theme of immortalization. Lack of time is a theme that has and will affect humans forever and therefore the wish for eternity reflects a universal experience.

Let me know what you think now about this poem. Don't worry, I am not mad if you still defend your opinion but let me know if you have changed your mind! :)

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Text, Thema, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Ich musste diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.

Have you ever considered what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Every individual can take steps to reduce their carbon emissions on a daily basis.


As a
student, I learn about climate change every day at school, and it's evident
that our planet is at risk. While some people may feel powerless to make a
difference, everyone can do their part. Personally, I start my day by using
public transportation instead of driving to school.
Do not get
me wrong, I understand that many people prefer driving for its comfort and
convenience. However, it's important to remember the environmental impact of
burning fossil fuels and emitting car exhaust. In addition, opting for a bike
or bus ticket can be much more cheaper than owning and driving a car. Furthermore,
driving a car is not only harmful to the environment but also to our physical
health due to the negative effects of inhaling car exhaust.
the fact that there are alternatives, such as cycling, public
transportation, or walking, it simply doesn't make sense to rely on cars as our
primary means of transportation. On the one hand all of these alternatives are
better for the environment. On the other hand, there are much more positive
aspects about them. When you use public transport, you can talk to other
people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Personally, I
find walking to be the most relaxing and enjoyable way to travel.
your opinion on this issue, and how do you usually travel?
Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Was kann ich verbessern?

Ich musst diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.
Have you ever thought about, what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Everybody can reduce his/her carbon emissions every day.
As a student, I study about climate change every day at school. It is obvious that our planet is in danger. Many people think there is nothing they can do on their own to protect the environment. But that's not true! Everybody can do his/her part. For me everything starts early in the morning. Instead of driving to school in my car, I use public transport.
Do not get me wrong, but many people prefer going by car not without reason. Of course, it is more comfortable than, for example, riding a bike. However, many people forget about the environmental consequences. Also, a bike or bus ticket is much cheaper than a car. Moreover, driving a car is not healthy for the body.
Considering the fact that there alternatives, like cycling, public transport or walking, it doesn’t make sense to drive with a car anymore. On the one hand all of these alternatives are better for the environment, on the other hand there are much more positive aspects about those. When you use public transport, you can talk to other people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Actually, my favorite way to travel is on foot because you can relax right away.
What is you opinion on that? How do you travel?
Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment

Meistgelesene Beiträge zum Thema Aufsatz