Text Production?

1 Antwort

Hey, ich bin eigentlich nicht so gut in englisch, aber hier ist meine Version:

At the 9th December at 8th o'clock, I went to the school this morning. When I went to my classroom, nobody was in the there. I was wondering, what happened. Where is my class and what I should do next? The first thing I did, was calling my friend Max, but he didn't take his phone. I was very confused. I thought, today is Saturday, but today was Monday. So, I went to the parallel class and asked were my class is. The teacher Mr. Lerod answered, that he didn't know, where my class is. I went out from the neighbours class and suddenly my friend Max was calling me back. He explained that my class changed the classroom. I asked why. So, he was asking the teacher, why they didn't tell me, that my class had changed the classroom. The teacher answered that it should be a lesson for me, because I was always coming late to school. After that I went to the room, where my class was and I set down next to my friend Max. I apologised to my teacher and promised, that tomorrow I will come earlier to the lesson. After that we strarted the lesson with a movie.

Hoffe es hilft dir weiter😊

 07.12.2023, 01:02
