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Hey, würde mich gerne freuen wenn ihr mir eventuell Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt :) Vor allem bin ich mir bei meiner conclusion nicht sicher


Should the British monarchy be abolished? 

Lots of people argue about whether the British monarchy should be abolished or not since the Queen recently died. 

Therefore, I will list arguments for and against the monarch so that you can form your own opinion. 

On one hand, a monarch is seen as a representative of the country.

That is, he or she embodies traditional national values, unity and history.

This leads to stronger national identification and brings people closer together. 

That is why many people say that a monarchy brings stability.

In addition, members of the royal family have important roles at the head of all kinds of charities, and because of their image and popularity, they help charities continue their good work. 

Another positive aspect is that the British monarchy has shown that it is able to reform and adapt to modern times. An example of this would be that Prince Charles was allowed to marry a divorced women. 

It can also be said that the queen or king is perhaps the most expensive monarch in Europe, but that does not mean that a president would be cheaper.

On the other hand, the monarch has no real political power, which means that his or her functions are mainly formal and could easily be taken away by other political bodies or an elected president. 

Although many members of the Royal Family head charities they do not really engage in political work for those charities but rather serve as a kind of figurehead. 

But it is precisely a monarchy that harms democracy, because the people cannot elect the head of state. 

Also, a monarch has no consequences to face when making mistakes and since Britain is a hereditary monarchy, nobody knows whether the next monarch will have good or bad intentions. 

Therefore, it can be said that the royal family is a symbol of an unjust and unequal society. 


Weighing the pros and cons one come to the conclusion that the monarchy has many positive sides, for example, it brings stability or embodies history, but the negative sides mask this.

because since the country is a democracy, the monarchy should be abolished so that people can choose for themselves who should be the next monarch so that there is equality. 

Englisch, Abitur, English-Grammar, Grammatik, Queen, Student, summary, comment, Englisch Leistungskurs
Cartoon Analysis Globalization?

Hallo, kann jemand meine Cartoon Analysis korrigieren und mir vielleicht ein paar Tipps dazu geben?

This is a cartoon drawn by Kat J.Weiss, published on 12/5/19 on www.istockphoto.com and it deals with the issue of fast fashion. What is noticeable at the first glance is that the artist presents a serious topic in a simple and ironic way.The scene depicts an abstract situation in a third world country in comparison to an industrialising country. On the right, there is appearing a western women which is underlined by the clothes she is wearing. Moreover, you can easily notice a poisonous river in the left part of the picture. Another significant aspect is the center of the picture which shows us a large billboard with a caption above it which reads "THIS COULD BE U". Behind the billboard, there is sitting a women working on a sewinh machine. Her facial expression seems to be exhausted and tired. Especially striking are the bright colours that the artist used.The artist creates a negative atmosphere towards the aspect that we are not aware of where and under which conditions our fashion is produced This will be shown in detail in the following talk. The artist refers to a well known global issue such as fast fashion. Furthermore, he strongly criticises our lack of awareness about fast fashion.First of all, you can clearly notice that the artist tries to draw the audiences attention to the fact that the scene depicts the horrendous and miserable working conditions of people who produce fashion by representing the womens facial expression. From her facial expression you can conclude how exhausted and frustrated she must be. That is exactly how the cartoon is supposed to make us overthink our attitude towards fast fashion. Moreover, the artist makes use of bright colours. Ultimately, common sense indicates that the colours are used to make the cartoon more vivid which clarifies the Intent of the cartoon which is to raise the People`s awareness for fast fashion. A further significant aspect is that the artist attempts to win us over to his side by triggering our emotions. This becomes more apparent while looking closely at the water colours from river which shows us how many chemicals are inside the water. That is why we become compassionate with the local citizens.

In conclusion I can express that the artists conveys his intention impeccably and extremely effectively from my point of view. Without any doubt the artist exactly knows how to trigger the audiences emotions properly. I also assume that he wants us to see fast fashion as horrible and horrendous. Moreover, he absolutely convinces me by his impeccably used visual elements which make sure we cannot misunderstand his concisely communicated message. Additionally I believe that his criticism is justified due to the fact that we are accountable as customers for the future of employees in the fashion industry. So it`s our mandatory duty to rearrange our attitude toward fast fashion. 

Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch, Übersetzung, Analyse, Cartoon, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, exam, Analysis
Welcher dieser Fakten über Deutschland verwundert euch am meisten?

Welcher dieser Fakten über Deutschland verwundert euch am meisten? Ich habe mehrere verwirrende Fakten über Deutschland herausgefunden.

Nach dem wir im Allgemeinwissen herausfanden das ein Name mit 6 Namensträgern in ganz Deutschland bekannter ist als einer der beliebtesten Mädchennamen https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/ist-mein-name-tatsaechlich-bekannter-als-ihrer, der FC Bayern kein Bundesliga Gründungsmitglied im Gegensatz zu preußen Münster war https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/welcher-dieser-fakten-verwundert-euch-am-meisten-2 und das wir ohne unseren kleinen Finger vermutlich 50% schwächer wären https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/welcher-dieser-fakten-verwundert-euch-am-meisten-2. Jetzt kommen aber ein paar verwirrende Fakten über Deutschland.

1 Der HBF Leizig ist der Flächenmäßig größte Bahnhof in ganz Europa. Der Nordbahnhof in Paris ist auf Platz zwei.

2 Berlin ist Flächenmäßig größer als New York. Berlin ist 76 Quadratkilometer größer als New York.

3 Die Stadt Mönchengladbach im deutschen Bundesland ist die einzige Stadt weltweit die zwei Hauptbahnhöfe besitzt. Es gibt der Mönchengladbach HBF und den Rheydt HBF.

4 Deutsch wäre fast zur Weltsprache geworden. Deutsch wurde bei einer Abstimmung in Amerika knapp nicht zur Weltsprache gewählt.

Fakt 4 42%
Fakt 2 29%
Fakt 3 23%
Fakt 1 6%
Englisch, Deutsch, Fakten, Berlin, Amerika, Deutschland, Welt, Alltägliches, Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch, Hauptstadt, Mönchengladbach, New York, verwirrt, Verwirrung, alltägliches Leben, Fakt, verwirrend, verwundert

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