Host family letter Schüleraustausch?

Hallo liebe Gutefrage Community,

Da ich nächsten August in ein Auslandsjahr in den Vereinigten Staaten starte muss ich in meinem Gastfamiliensuchprozess eine Nachricht an potentielle Gastfamilien schreiben. Da meine Eltern und sonstige bekannte jedoch keine Ehrfahrung mit solchen Themen haben und auch eher mäßiges Englisch sprechen bitte ich um Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschlage

Dear host family,

First of all I’d like to thank you for taking your time to get an impression of me and my life in Germany. So let me introduce myself to make sure that we are a perfect match as host family and exchange student.

My name is xxx and I’m a future exchange student from Germany. I’ve always been passionate about the chance to do an exchange year in the United States. It’s like a dream come true to get this opportunity. I want to make use of my 10 months in America to get to know the country and the people, widen my knowledge on the many amazing cultures North America is home to and also leave behind an impression of myself and the German culture.

I live in a village in the countryside of northern Germany together with my parents and my little brother who is three years younger than me. I have a great relationship with my family especially with my brother. We spend much time together and can talk about anything.

In my free time I like to work out in the gym. I’m a really sporty person so I usually train up to 5 times per week. Additionally I’m a passionate badminton player. That’s why I’m working as a badminton coach to be able to provide a place for children to experience the same fun I had growing up while learning badminton. Also I have some experience in computer programming and like to code my own small applications. Therefore I could very well imagine myself taking a career path in an IT related direction.

My friends would describe me as an open minded, friendly, spontaneous and funny person, in general friends are a really important part of my live. I absolutely love going out and spending time with my close friends. On weekdays we often visit the nearby city or go to the gym together. On the weekend we spend long and funny evenings together together to create unforgettable memories.

To sum it all up I think that as your exchange student I could offer you a great picture of the German way of living and that we could spend an awesome year together getting to know each others culture and also as a person. I’m exited to meet you and hoping to hear from you soon!

Best wishes from Germany,


Englisch, Schule, USA, Schüleraustausch

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