Kann jemand meine Summary korrigieren?

Hallo, ich schreibe in Englisch eine Klausur, in dem ich eine Summary schreiben muss. Ich habe eins zur Übung geschrieben, weiß aber nicht ob es gut ist oder nicht, vor allem was das Grammatische angeht. Könnte jemand es bitte korrigieren und mir eine Rückmeldung geben?

Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus :)

Das ist mein Text:

The extract from the novel “The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian”, written by Sherman Alexie deals with the problems when a young and poor Indian boy has a popular girlfriend.

 Arnold, the Indian boy, went with his popular girlfriend to the dance. Because he doesn’t have money to drive with a car, they met at the gym. He also wears the old suits of his Dad because of that, but Penelope, his girlfriend, liked it. Till the End of the dance they had fun and Arnold begins to enjoy himself. When they were outside to go home, Arnold saw Penelope’s Dad in front of his car and gave her a good-bye kiss on her cheek, but then a group of the popular students decide to eat pancakes in the next town and ask them too. Arnold just wanted to go home, when everybody was gone but Penelope wants to go with them. When she wants to ask her Dad, Roger, one of the boys, goes with her to tell Penelope’s Dad, that he can drive everybody home. At this point Arnold realized, when he saw them walk together, that Roger and Penelope looked better together and that they should be a couple. The only hope for Arnold was, that her Dad says no, so they don’t know he is a poor Indian boy.

Englisch, Schule, Klausur, Korrektur, summary, Zusammenfassung
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