Englisch Text zu einem Cartoon?

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Dear readers,

in the following text I speak about the topic the role of sports among young people. The text based on the cartoon from pinterest. The role of sports in children‘s life has changed.

The cartoon shows two parts divided into the years 1998 and 2018. In the forderground of the part of 1998 can you see a mother, who stops a boy. Next to the boy is a ball. The mother pulls hin in the house against he will. The part two of year 2018 shows the mother with the boy too. But the mother pulls the boy out of the house against he will. The Boy is holding a game console in his hands. In both parts acts the mother vigorously to get him in and out of the house. Furthermore can you see in both parts, that the boy does not seem pleased to have to finish his activity.

I think the cartoonist is intended to show, that the young generation spend variously sporty activities in the past and today. In year 1988 the boy wants to spend his free time outside playing ball games. The boy in year 2018 wants to play games inside on his game console.

I agree with the cartoonist, because playing online games are very popular at present and are the new trend under young people. A lot of teenager spend a lot of time inside and playing game console. But this have for the young generation negative consequenses. I think playing online games are very bad for the Health of young generation. Because of, the people get not enough movement and this can lead for example to overwight. On the top the youngs start to meet gaming friends instead of their real friends. Through this the youngs lost the realitiy. An another big consequense is that the childrens could become a addict. So, the young generation get not even physical but also a mental health problem.

In summary I can say that the kind of doing sport are different in the past and now. Today, the role of sport for childrens focused in playing online games.

Bild zum Beitrag
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Wo sind am meisten Hurrikans und Orkane also so starke winde die aber sich nicht drehen?

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Was passiert mit meine wendepailletten auf mein Hoodie und auf mein T Shirt bei allen Sachen ( damit sind alle Sachen gemein die ich geschrieben habe an Szenarios )

Ich habe noch eine wichtige Frage wenn ich weg fliege durch den starken Wind was passiert mit mein Hoodie und mein T Shirt .

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Die Letzte wichtige Frage ist wenn ich weg fliege durch den starken Wind und in der Luft weit nach hinten fliege was passiert mit mein Hoodie und mein T Shirt und kann ich mit die ganzen Teilen irgendwo hängen bleiben ( Ärmeln Hoodie Tasche und kapuze und Kordeln)

Ps danke in voraus

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