PowerShell: "Es wurde kein Positionsparameter gefunden, der das Argument "+" akzeptiert." Wie löse ich das?


Es geht um Reports... Programmiert wurde es mit PowerShell ISE

Hier der Fehler:

Rename-Item : Es wurde kein Positionsparameter gefunden, der das    Argument  "+" akzeptiert.
In Zeile:34 Zeichen:1
+ rename-item "c:\Reporting\Report_Telephone_" + $todaydate[0] +'-' + $todaydate[1 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Rename-Item], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand

hier mein Code:

#today's date (year-month-day)
$todaydate = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd

#arrays  (today => systemtime)
$todaydate = $todaydate.Split('-')
$todaydate[0] #year
$todaydate[1] #month
$todaydate[2] #day

#arrays yesterday (systemtime - one day)
$yesterdaysdate = Get-Date((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)) -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$yesterdaysdate = $yesterdaysdate.Split('-')
$yesterdaysdate[0] #year
$yesterdaysdate[1] #month
$yesterdaysdate[2] #day

#arrays yesterday (systemtime - one day)
$lastmonth = Get-Date((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1)) -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$lastmonth = $lastmonth.Split('-')
$lastmonth[0] #year
$lastmonth[1] #month
$lastmonth[2] #day

#Example 1:  Filename "Report_Telephone_yyyy-mm" => in this case "Report_Telephone_2016-12"
#it renames the file -> minus one month, so the name must be "Report_Telephone_2016-11"
$filename='Report_Telephone_'+ $lastmonth[0]+'-'+ $lastmonth[1] + '.xlsx'
$filemonth = [int][regex]::Match($filename, '\w+_\d+_(\d+)').Groups[1].Value
$filemonth = "{0:D2}" -f ($filemonth - 1)

write-host $filename
rename-item "c:\Reporting\Report_Telephone_" + $todaydate[0] +'-' + $todaydate[1] + ".xlsx" -NewName $filename

$sourcepath='C:\Reporting\'+ $filename
write-host $sourcepath
$destinationpath='C:\Reporting\'+ $lastmonth[0]+'\'+ $lastmonth[1]
write-host $destinationpath
if(test-path $destinationpath)

     mkdir $destinationpath
move-item -path $sourcepath -destination $destinationpath

Hat einer ne Idee, wie ich das lösen könnte? Thx im vorraus :3

PC, Computer, Windows, IT, programmieren, Informatik, PS, Report, Script, PowerShell, Powershell ISE

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