Hat jemand Zeit(Englisch analyse)?

Also bevor ich jetzt mega die Kritik bekomme es ist meine erste analyse auf englisch und kenne den aufbau nicht so gut also tut mir leid wenn es sehr katastrophal ist .

In the text below the authors line of arguments will be analyzed. The author provides pros and cons of social media use for teenagers by giving detailed examples. He does not share his opinion. 

The author divides the text in four parts. The first part has two paragraphs which the author writes that in year 2012 many teenagers favourite communication was the normal face to face conversation . But after six years a lot of teens lose the ability to make one. The author took quotations from experts to prove his fact (lI.7-8).In the second part of the text consists two paragraphs which have only pro arguments like the use of social media lets a lot of teens feel more popular ,confident and lese lonely and depressed (II.16-19). Moreover he supports his argument and examples with an quotation from a expert namens „Vicky Rideout“ in the line 9. The third part has only negative points and two paragraphs which is about young people who struggle to can not take their phone down it can be bad for their relationships. For example they get frustrated with their friend for being on their smartphones when they spend time together (ll.13f). Another disadvantage is that they all spend to much time on it (I.15). The final part has only one paragraph which is an advice for the teens. They have to use this social media sites in an „mindful way[...]“ (l.30). Moreover the advice is a quotation from „Vicky Rideout“ too.

Englisch, Schule, Analyse, Analysis

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