Summary zu "Speak" auf englisch, kann mir das jemand verbessern? ;)

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Summary The novel „Speak“ by Laurie Halse Anderson is about a girl, called Melinda Sordino who has been raped at a summer party and has then called the police. It tells about how her „friends“ react after the holidays and how she has lost her voice and comes along with all.

The party has been given by one of Melinda’s friends. After she has been raped she has called the police to help her but when they arrive they only find many drunken teenagers with illegal alcohol. After the holiday she becomes an outcast in her High School because nobody of her ex-friends know what has really happened. The ‚raper’ is at the same school as she is, so it’s really hard for her to forget everything. She makes new friends and loses them and spends this terrible year [---] realizing the whole situation and finding her voice back which she has lost as a result of her trauma to tell the truth. Only her art teacher notices that she is a nice and talented girl.

I think your attempt was really well done as you have sticked to the rules of the correct use of tenses.

 02.05.2012, 23:05

Dankeschön. :)

earnest  03.05.2012, 11:11

@zwergsaeger: -to stick, stuck, stuck
Gruß, earnest



Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Summaries findest du hier:

Du solltest deine Summary danach noch einmal überarbeiten. Achte dabei auf

  • Klein- / Großschreibung
  • Tenses
  • englische Satzstellung

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B., oder,

für die Grammatik und


 02.05.2012, 22:32

Tolle Antwort?^^

Ich weiß ja nicht was ich noch ändern könnte, deshalb frag ich doch. :D


Summary The novel „Speak“ by Laurie Halse Anderson is about a girl, called Melinda Sordino who has been raped at a summer party and thencalled the police. It tells about how her „friends“ react after holidays and how she lost her voice and comes along with all. (den satz check ich ncihts sry xD)

The party was thrown by one of Melinda’s friends. At the moment she was raped she called the police to help her but when they arrived they only find many drunken teenagers with illegal alcohol. After holiday in High School she becomes an Outcast because nobody of her ex-friends know what has really happened. The ‚raper’ is on the same school as she is, so it’s really hard for her to forget everything. She makes and looses new friends and spends this terrible year with realizing the whole situation and finding her voice back which she has lost as a result of her trauma to tell the truth. Only her art teacher notices that she is a nice and talented girl.

Sonst dürfte der rest eigetnlich richtig sein, kenn nur den film ncit das buch aber es ist schon ws länger her seit ich den film gesehen habe deswegen weiß ich gar nciht mehr genau worums da geht haha :D

 02.05.2012, 22:25

Ich dachte man darf bei nem Summary nicht im simple past schreiben sondern muss im oerfect wenn's vorvergangenheit ist? ;)

Aber danke :)


Einleitungssatz am besten : The novel "Speak" written by Laurie.. published in 1999 Deals with...