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Testo Nuje Vulimme 'na Speranza (Sigla Gomorra)

sciut ajere ‘a vita accummeng’ mo’ 

aret ‘o 600 scarpe ianc nove 

io lla’ nun ce torno pecchè stanotte nun ce dorm 

e penz chiu’ ‘a na’ Benz o na Range Rover 

faccio vencere ‘a sfortuna tutt”e frat mij perdut 

facev part’ re cunt nun è pe nnuje ma p”e criatur 

nuje vulimme na speranz’ ‘e campa’ senza chesta ansia 

quand tornano ra’ scol quand stann abbasci ‘o bar 

‘e mettn mman ‘e pistole e a droga e tutt’ ll’ati storie 

atterran”e camion ch’e scorie e ce purtamm pur ‘e sciur

o penzamm tutt’ quant ma nun ‘o ddice mai nisciuno 

nuje tenimm na’ domand ma chi giudica a chi giudica? 

è oggi ca se fa ‘o riman è logic’ ca si riman inerme 

nun cagna niente tien’e pier fridd a viern 

nuje guardamm’ ‘a dint”o binocolo sti bastard comm’ jiocano 

senza ‘o rischio ‘e ij carcerat proprio comme dint’o monopoli 

Nuje vulimm’ na speranza pe campa’ riman’ 

Man aizate chesta cca’ va’ sul pe cchi rimman’ 

Nun saccio manc chi song se 

stracc l’anema a tuorn’cca’ 

straccio p”e tutt”e juorn 

cca’ spaccio quand nun duorm 

guard nfacc’ quand te sfong 

p’arraggia m’abboffo ‘e bomb 

ch”e plancie aizano ‘e suonn’ mi 

magie ca te fann’ omm 

‘a vita facile nun te nfraceta te squaglia rint all’acid 

‘e vote nun me capacita ‘e vote nun trovo pace

voglio n’ata prospettiva prosperità attiva 

guardo ‘a figliemo ‘a matin’ 

pront’ p”e n’atu destin’ 

mastin’ ma astip astip è castig 

stirpe nova dint’o festin’ te stira 

istiga ‘a rivoluzione r’ogni person 

voglio benessere dint ‘a stu cess’ 

nun voglio comprensione 

vutt’t e futt’t bbuon’ ‘o brutt’ fa tutt’ rummor’ 

‘o llutt’ t’anghiutt è tumor’ me sfrutt me sfrutt e nun mor’ 

faccia dura ra’ speranza cu”e criatur dint a panz 

pozz’ sulo guarda’ annanz’ aret’ car rint’ ‘o vacant’ 

Nuje vulimm’ na speranza pe campa’ riman’ 

Man aizate chesta cca’ va’ sul pe cchi rimman’ 

Basta ch’ ‘e file ch’ ‘e prezz’ e l’affitt’ 

rammell”e merd agg’ ritt’ ma basta che è vita 

‘e cose nun cagnano e nuje alluccamm’ 

sulo quand ‘e guaje ce stann’ tuccann’ 

‘o stato t’appoia l’ecoballe ncap’ 

tu scinn’ e te sball’ comm ‘a chi nun sap 

pecche’ nun vuo’ sape’ frate”e rinunciat? 

tien ‘e juorn comm”e sord rint a sacc’ cuntat’ 


Italienisch, Sprache, Fremdsprache, Übersetzung, Italienische Sprache, übersetzen
Blog comment korrigieren: bitte helft mir, die hausübung wird sogar benotet?

Hallo, das war die Angabe (Nummer 11):

Könnt ihr bitte meinen Blog comment korrigieren, umschreiben, alles was geht, damit es ein guter text wird? ich würde mich echt freuen, es wird sogar benotet, bitte hilft mir dabei:

Hi Artsy Tiger,

there is a difference between spray painting and vandalism. If your friend use to paint an wall, which is not someone’s property, then it is not viewed as vandalism. However, if he painted for example a school or a market wall, can be considered as a crime and it may also carry consequences because of damaging the property belonging to others without permission. It is important to respect other people’s property and seek permission before making any changes on it, like spray painting. 

So, as already mentioned and also according to the law, spray painters painting on public property without permission is considered illegal and can result in serious consequences for the artist. I guess, your friend was not properly informed about this and didn’t do it on purpose, maybe for fun. I mean, spray painting is also a form of art, just not the typical type of art. I can imagine that they are doing it from their heart, let their voices hear and from the experience of something that really impacts them like your friend, who painted his “world” on the wall.

By the way, there are many crimes in general considered worse than spray painting, such as violent offenses like assault or murder, which can cause physical harm or death to others.

I don’t know if it was fair though but I hope that your friend gets released as soon as possible!

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