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Meet Angelina, a wonderful and spirited girl in our class. Angelia is 13 years old and her birthday is in September. Summer is her favourite season, because her birthday is in summer and she loves the warm weather with the sunshine. she loves swimming in the swimming-pool with her friends and her brothers and sisters.


One fact about her is that she makes everybody laughing, even if when the person doesn’t want to laugh. She is very kind, creative and helpful. And she loves animals so much. She is a very big animal lover. That’s one reason why she has 3 dogs and 5 rabbits. She also has been riding horses for a long time.


Her hobbys are very cool! She is in love with playing soccer and she is very good. Angelia is in the goal and is holding the balls. Her favourite club is FC Bayern, where also playing Thomas Müller and Jamal Musiala her favourite players.

But she also loves drawing what she is doing since the kindergarten. She likes to draw with the colours red and blue, because they are her favourite colours.

Sport and german are her favourite subjects in the school. But she doesn’t like english, except the topics about the american history. though she prefers english music more than german music. Her favourite ice cream is cinement and chocolate and her favourite food is sushi, which she could eat every day for lunch.

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Aufgabe: Never mary someone your parents didn't approve of. Do you agree?

Living a life with full of love is maybe one of the most important things in life. Especially then, when you find your biggest love, the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. But in many cultures this doesn't work like that. For example in India, the parents get to decide who their child will marry. By that the question arises, if parents should approve a marriage. 

Firstly, a marriage doesn't just happen. If two people want to engage, they think about it. That's also the reason that some couples break up with each other. They realize that love doesn't mean mean the same for them, e.g. they think differently about love. Just like parents do. They come from a different timeline. Oftenly they're 20 to 30 years older than their child which leads to the matter of fact that their mindset is completely different, than their childs. By asking the parents for approve, you will not get a correct answer because you're the only one who knows, what's the best for you and who fits you the most. 

Secondly, as time goes on we get older. By that we have to take responsibility for our choices. In order to do that, we have to choose between things and decide. Marriage is such a choice. If somebody can't decide, wether he/she wants to marry its partner or not, then he has to rethink his/her love life, but asking the parents (or others) is immature because you do not take responsibility. If can't decide, then I'm not ready for marriage. 

To sum up, asking the parents for approval is wrong. It's only you who can make the right decision, who can decide, what's important for him/her and what's not and if she/he is really the right one. 

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"Did you ever catch yourself living in the past and losing focus on reality and presence? To some extent, it's totally normal to reflect upon great memories and experiences, but there are also some boundaries: If you are craving about the past rather than enjoying the here and now, this will lead to you always being unhappy with yourself and your surroundings. I am here to tell you that the past is there to remind you of all the great experiences you have had in your life, but you can't stick to them life-long . Even beautiful things have their ends, and you need to realize that. Just because your life goes on or some things have changed in your life, making that experience not relivable, it does not necessarily mean that your life will never be as great as it was. And remember: Maybe you are missing out on great people while crying over your best friend you lost and who was never good for you. All the changes you face are meant to occur. Despite all the shifts, there is someone who will always stay and never betray you: That's you and yourself! So don't stick to the past and other people if there are thousands of miles you need to discover before life really ends for you. Enjoy every minute and be grateful for having food, clean water, nice people, and a comfy place to live in!"

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If you ever decide to travel to California, I promise you that you will have the adventure of a lifetime. From the iconic cities to the diverse landscape, everything I have recently witnessed firsthand was incredible.

I set off on my way to California, the Golden State, one week ago. On my last evening here, while enjoying the unique sunset on the deck of my host brother, I want to take the opportunity to report about my memorable experiences here.

My host family resides in San Francisco, consisting of two parents, my pen pal Max, and the little girl Francisca. Except for the strange little girl, the host family was very hospitable and gave me the chance to savor the beauty of California.

 My initial days in the Golden State were spent in San Francisco. My host family had a nice house with a big garden. The first few days we tried to get to know each other, they introduced me to the game of baseball, which proved to be quite enjoyable, and I have settled in very fast. 

On the third day, to bike it up across the bridge. The view was breathtaking, and the bridge was unimaginably long. I think it took us a good 45 minutes just to reach the middle, where we paused to capture the moment with some photos

However, after we finished, it was almost dusk, so we decided to visit the city center of San Francisco. The things I liked the most were these tall buildings and all the lights that came from everywhere, so I highly suggest you visit it in the evening. 

The following day we drove further afield to the Sequoia National Park, renowned due to its impressive giant sequoias, some of which are over 3,000 years old. It was fascinating, and I even saw a baby fox that seemed to  be was very scared of us. There we camped for two nights. Camping with my host family was an amazing experience! Each evening, we gathered around the campfire, sharing songs, stories, and laughter. The serene atmosphere was heightened by the gentle crackling of the flames and the occasional visit from curious animals. It was a truly magical and unforgettable time we spent in those relaxing nature retreats.  I would definitely make it to an obligation to visit this place for touristts.  

Subsequently, we made our way to Los Angeles, the glamorous Hollywood city. My host father was eager to share with me the real-life gaze of the Hollywood lettering, so on our way to there, we stopped at those letters and took a lot of photos. It wasn't any different from the photos I have seen before on the Internet, but it was still a nice experience. Our holiday flat was in the center of downtown, which was a big advantage because we were surrounded by countless sights and attractions. Not even 10 kilometers away was the famous Walk of Fame. It was quite interesting. People of all shapes and sizes were there, but regrettably no celebrities. Despite that, it was very beautiful there, and I enjoyed it. After a while, as we drove back, the family insisted on showing me the other side of California on my final days, while driving through the Skid Row. It was a neighborhood full of poverty and crime, with both drug addicts and dealers. It was wretched and sad to see how even minors have to live under such conditions. The next day we drove back to San Francisco

As I bid farewell to my host family and prepare to depart, I carry with me gratitude and the longing to return to this impressive land of sun, sights, and city streets, where every moment feels like an adventure. Until next time, your Maria!

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