würde ich hierfür in englisch eine gute note bekommen (elfte klasse, gymnasium)?

Task: This I believe

As a hobby writer and reader myself, I can say, that I strongly believe into the power of storytelling and the things that a well thought-out piece of writing can do to a person, no matter what kind of writing it is. It could be a novel or a new song from an musician you discovered, or maybe even something, that seems to be little like a poem you found on pinterest or the caption of an Instagram post, it doesn’t matter. Written words can change opinions, give new perspectives or make someone feel seen or understood, that is the power that words hold. Words can hurt people too, sometimes much more than physical violence does. It’s because words are one of the only ways we as humans can express ourselves, what else do we have than our voice?

And with voice, I don’t mean the sounds coming out of your mouth when you talk, I mean nothing more and nothing less than our beliefs, opinions and perspectives. Your voice is a part of your soul and speaking it all out loud can be scary, because it makes you incredibly vulnerable. 

Speaking your mind, speaking what you actually think, means sharing a part of your soul and a part of your identity with the world. And no matter what you say, no matter how strongly you believe and no matter how many people think the same, theres always going to be people that want to walk all over you just because of the things you said. 

Our brain, most of the time, fixes itself on the bad things that happen around us or to us. For example, most of the time when you wake up, you still have a little imagine in you brain of what you dreamt, but then, you immediately forget it, don’t you? But you still know about that one nightmare when you were six years old. 

That’s because of your mind, because it’s trying to protect you from bad things, trying to warn you by never making you forget the bad things that happen to you. 

But sometimes, you need to let that go and say what you want to say, say what you need to say. Because if you try to be anything else from what you are, its gonna suffocate you inside. So, no matter if the world can handle it our not, it’s not your problem. 

There are incredibly many people walking on this earth, all with their voice and their whole identity and there is always going to be someone, who thinks like you and feels like noone else does.

Isn’t it weird that about eight billion people live on earth and still everyone feels lonely and misunderstood?

I personally don’t like the internet and all of the media very much, but, since its anonymous, it can be helpful in case you want to share your voice. Nobody has to know your whole identity, you don’t have to stand on a podium where everyone can see you, like people had to back in the day. 

So say what you want to say, or write it down if you don’t want to say it, it may make someone feel less lonely and more understood. Your words probably can’t change the world, but they can change someone’s world.

Or maybe they’ll change the world, you never know.

Text, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Text in Englisch mit Thema healthy life?

Hello people! Here is Leo and I'm 16 years old. Today's topic is my healthy life. First of all 1 my food habits I do to stay healthy will say something about and then I tell you my daily activities. My day every beginn with a large glass of water. Then I fast prepare my breakfast. I mostly eat at break- eggs, bread with cream cheese and vegetables like tomatos or Cucumber. and at dinner I At lunch 1 often eat eat for salad or example pasta whole grain per bread. For me it is very important that I eat day at least one band fruits and vegetables. This food include many vitamins and minerals, which are important for our health. Furthermore I make Sure that I eat enough protein, because I do weight training. And last but not least you should drink between 2-3 liter water and less soft drinks, because they have a lot of sugar and calories.. Another important aspect for a healthy lifestyle are daily activities. So I do every day 10.000 sleps and that should you do too. On the top of that I go three days a Heek to a and there I do sport. At the beginning gym a warm up, then I do Height training for at least one hours and finally 30 minutes cardio training. That are my sport routine. What do you do for sport ? I would be happy if you share an another entry with your healthy life tips. Now I wish all readers a sporty and healthy day and don't forget your restday.
Bye Leo

In Ordnung für 10. Klasse und bitte berichtigen bei Fehlern nur so kann ich daraus lernen.

Oben verschrieben erste und zweite Satz!

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Ich musste diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.

Have you ever considered what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Every individual can take steps to reduce their carbon emissions on a daily basis.


As a
student, I learn about climate change every day at school, and it's evident
that our planet is at risk. While some people may feel powerless to make a
difference, everyone can do their part. Personally, I start my day by using
public transportation instead of driving to school.
Do not get
me wrong, I understand that many people prefer driving for its comfort and
convenience. However, it's important to remember the environmental impact of
burning fossil fuels and emitting car exhaust. In addition, opting for a bike
or bus ticket can be much more cheaper than owning and driving a car. Furthermore,
driving a car is not only harmful to the environment but also to our physical
health due to the negative effects of inhaling car exhaust.
the fact that there are alternatives, such as cycling, public
transportation, or walking, it simply doesn't make sense to rely on cars as our
primary means of transportation. On the one hand all of these alternatives are
better for the environment. On the other hand, there are much more positive
aspects about them. When you use public transport, you can talk to other
people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Personally, I
find walking to be the most relaxing and enjoyable way to travel.
your opinion on this issue, and how do you usually travel?
Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Was kann ich verbessern?

Ich musst diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.
Have you ever thought about, what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Everybody can reduce his/her carbon emissions every day.
As a student, I study about climate change every day at school. It is obvious that our planet is in danger. Many people think there is nothing they can do on their own to protect the environment. But that's not true! Everybody can do his/her part. For me everything starts early in the morning. Instead of driving to school in my car, I use public transport.
Do not get me wrong, but many people prefer going by car not without reason. Of course, it is more comfortable than, for example, riding a bike. However, many people forget about the environmental consequences. Also, a bike or bus ticket is much cheaper than a car. Moreover, driving a car is not healthy for the body.
Considering the fact that there alternatives, like cycling, public transport or walking, it doesn’t make sense to drive with a car anymore. On the one hand all of these alternatives are better for the environment, on the other hand there are much more positive aspects about those. When you use public transport, you can talk to other people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Actually, my favorite way to travel is on foot because you can relax right away.
What is you opinion on that? How do you travel?
Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment

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