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Sports and Recreation
Florida’s climate attracts millions of tourists every year. The famous sports are boating, jogging, water skiing,
skin diving,
and hunting. In Orlando there are Disney World and Epcot Centre. Sebring and Dayton Beach are famous for car races.
Florida is a large peninsula (Halbinsel) which lays between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Florida is a country in the southbound of the USA. The nearby states are Georgia and Alabama. Florida is the 22nd largest state. Flordia’s coastline is 2175km long. In Florida there live 14 million peoples. The capital is Tallahassee. The largest towns in Florida are Miami, Jacksonville and Tampa.
Rivers and lakes
Florida has only four big rivers, there are all in the northern part. The largest river is the Apalachicola. The second biggest river is the Suwannee. The two other large rivers are Saint Johns and the Escambia. There are many hundred lakes in the south there’s for example Okeechobee. The south of Florida is covered by swamps and marshes.
The types of plants that grow in Florida often vary greatly. I think one of the most beautiful flowering trees is the royal Poinciana. Palms grow in the southern part of the state. Also orange trees.
In Florida there are many animals. I'll tell you big and small animals but just a few. Big animals are the black bear, wild cat, gray fox, crocodile
key deer
and Florida panther .
Small animals are rabbit, opossum, and squirrel. Florida has 700 species of fish in the rivers, lakes, and coastal water. Very often are mullet, trout, bass, red snapper, pompano, catfish, Shrimp, lobster, crabs, and clams.