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The role oft he movie industry in the ‘Greyhound Tragedy’ story

Who does not dream to be a star in Hollywood? The girl in the story doing it, she has a big dream. She wants to be a famous personality, like the people in her magazines. Her father has a different opinion, he wants his daughter to deal with real things and marry a young Ford salesman. Her father is he manager of a Penny’s, he knows how the hard, real life goes, therefore he dislike the plan of the girl, also because she is at home for just about 3 years, since she is out of Highshool. From 1929 to 1948 the Great Depression dominate the United States. It began in August 1929, when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. During this time, the desire to become famous in Los Angeles gave many people emotional foodhold. L.A. ist he biggest town in California and the heart oft he movie industry, because of that, this town is so legendary. The girl with the dream only sees the glory, positive site of the famous life. But many stars struggling with depressions, because they are always in public and they have to act perfectly. Every false face, every wrong step, every stupid comment…the press speculate about everything and they publish, what the majority want to read. They tear up their mouths about everything. The girl is oblivious, she wants this wants to be a star and she wants to die like a star - beautiful. Mostly, this are the dreams of the younger generation. The movie industry dizzle them with glitter and glory. There are 3 possibilities how this ends: you become a star, you don’t become a star, or you do not even dare to go to Hollywood and end like the girl in the story, with a great life you don’t want.

Englisch, Deutsch, Amerika, Text, Übersetzung, Grammatik, übersetzen, Essay

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