English Summary and short story: "The Fun They Had"

Any mistakes? Any Verbesserungsvorschläge? P.s. Ist der Text nicht zu lang für eine Summary? Der orginal Text hat ca. 1042 Wörter.

The short story ‘The fun they had‘, written by Isaac Asimov deals with a boy and a girl, Tommy and Margie, who find out something about school in the past. On the 17th of March 2155 Tommy, a thirteen-year-old boy, finds a ‘real book‘ which has been printed on paper. He is at the house of Margie, an eleven-year-old girl. They both take a look at it togehter. The book is really old and the pages are yellow and crinky. In the year 2155 this kind of books do not exist anymore. In this time words are moving on a television screen. These televisions can contain over a million of boks. That is the reason, why Tommy thinks that they are much better. He has found the old book in the attic of his house. While reading, Tommy says that it is about school. Margie hates school and cannot understand why someone would write about it. She was having problems with learning geography from her ‘mechanical teacher‘. It was black, large and had a screen on it. It teaches the students, gives them exercises and askes them questions, all in a special room in their own house. It can also calculate the marks in no time. Margie hates the slot where she has to insert her homework or test papers. Once the geopraphy sector of her mechanical teacher was geraded too quick, so that her marks got worse and worse. The County Inspector rebuilt it after one hour. He was really nice to Margie. She hopped that her mechanical teacher would be taken away for a longer time, like Tommy’s was, because it’s history sector blanked out completly. Tommy says that the book which he has found, is not about their type of school, it is about school centuires ago. They find out that students back then had a man as a teacher who taught the girls and boys, gave them homework and asked them questions. They had a special building, all the children went to. And they learned the same things, if they were the same age. First Margie does not understand how a person could be a teacher and how the students were thaught the same thing, because her mother says that the education must fit to each child's mind, but nevertheless in her opinion these schools are funny and she wants to read more about it. Then it is time for Margie and Tommy for their school. Margie goes into the schoolroom in her house where the mechanical teacher stands. It is already on, because the lessons are always at regular hours. She was thinking about the old school system and how much fun the children must had, learning and spending time togehter.


Grüßle! ~ ♫

Englisch, summary, Short story
(Korrekturlesen bitte) Summary von einer Textausschnitt?

alsoo..ich habe hier ein summary geschrieben zu einem kleinen textausschnitt des buches slam (zu finden im green line 6). da mein englisch (wie manche vllt schon in meiner frage von gestern gelesen haben) nicht das beste ist, würde ich gerne mal über mein summary drüberlesen lassen, ob grammatikalisch alles stimmt und ob es vllt noch ein paar verbesserungsvorschläge für die formulierung gibt:)

The extract from „Slam“ by Nick Hornby is about teenage pregnancy and shows us a 16-year-old boy who is scared of becoming a father. The action takes place at the time of the narrator’s 16th birthday. His name is Sam. In the morning he gets some cards, presents and doughnuts which his mum bought him before and he already plans his birthday-afternoon and –evening. After the breakfast Sam gets a message from Alicia. She writes that she has to see him very urgent. Locked in the bathroom, Sam answers her and gets nervous. Some time ago he and Alicia petted and he didn’t prevent. Now he’s scared that her urgent message could be that she’s pregnant. He has already that strange feeling in his guts. He writes her that he has no time, but she answers that he has to come. So they arrange a meeting at the Starbucks at 11 am. Sam gets very nervous and wants to sit on his mother’s lap, like a child. And he also wishes he would still be one and not to have such problems. He is also scared, that his mother wouldn’t love him anymore if she knew what he did. While going to the coffee shop he tries to deal with god. He wants Alicia not to be pregnant and promises God that he will neither skate, nor go to McDonald’s, nor watch TV anymore. He also thinks that he won’t ever have sex after this experience. At the Starbucks he buys a drink, trying to lengthen the time he doesn’t know the result yet. Suddenly he sits next to Alicia with his Frappuccino. She wishes him a happy birthday and tells him that her period is late.

Englisch, Text, Grammatik, summary, Textverarbeitung
The Big Race (Toby Sweet) Summary

Irgendwie krieg ich's nicht hin...Was kann ich noch verbessern oder anders fromulieren?

The stot sory 'The Big Race', written by Toby Sweet deals with a swimmer in a moral dilemma. It is the day for the narrator's swimming competition. His competitor, Gordon Hayes sits in the corner of the chancing room, talking to his father, while the boy watches them. Gordon's father tells his son that, if he does not win the race, he will hit him. The narrator talkes to his opponent and encorages him to make him feel better by saying that his father will not do something like that, but Gordon is confident that he will. While the main character practises for the approaching competiton with the club coach, he can not forget what the father of Gordon Hay wants to do. Later when he sits in his tracksuit, waiting for the race to begin, he tires to make himeself feel as comfortable as possible. When the swimming competition is just about to start the narrator does some loosing exercise for preperation and tries to plan his strategy, but the only thing he can concentrate on is his opponent, he feels sorry for. During the race it becomes clear, that the boy could win against Gordon, because he is half of a body ahead. But he decides to let him win to protect him from the punishment, so he slowes down when he sees the father shouting ans raising his fist. Sortly after the race the officials present the boys with their medals. At first the narrator regrets that that he let his competitor win, but when he sees the smile of the father, he thinks that it was worth it. When Gordon walkes away from the podium he behaves impolite and calles the main character pathetic and says that the boy will never win against him again, like he did before this race.

Englisch, summary

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