Zusammenfassung? - Englisch Klasse 9?
Hey Leute,

Ich muss eine Zusammenfassung für Englisch über diesen Text schreiben aber ich kann sowas echt gar nicht. Es wäre echt nett von euch wenn irgendjemand von euch mir helfen könnte und mir eine Beispielzusammenfassung schreiben könnte. 😅😂

The Guardian is reporting on an innovative study – the Disconnect project – that has challenged young people at a London secondary academy to go cold turkey on using digital devices for a week…
Was it hard? Yes. But impossible? No. Most who took up the challenge found it less difficult than they expected, suggesting the relationship they have with their devices is less addictive than compulsive.
More importantly, all of them said they got something out of it. “I watched TV with my friends,” says one. “I read a book. I can’t remember the last time I did that,” adds another. “I got my homework in on time and hung out much more with my family.” They also reported going to bed earlier – a related and growing area of concern.
Head of year 10 at CCA, Jason Badu, watched the students throughout the week with interest. “They seemed a little freer. It gave them a sense of getting to know their strengths and limitations. When you have your phones it’s easy to forget this. When it was taken away they had to be like modern-day explorers.”
…Since this pilot, the Disconnect project has evolved so that students will be offered online alternatives – books, sports, culture – as incentives to sign up. This way the project hopes to send out a positive message – it’s less about disconnecting and more about re-connecting with other activities. Balance is the key…

More at: Teens and tech: what happens when students give up smartphones?


See also: School tries to ban pupils from taking mobile phones on visit to war memorial

Englisch, Schule, Englischunterricht, Gymnasium, summary, Summary Writing

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