Englisch, Summary schreiben! Hilfe!

Hallo (: In ein paar Tagen schriebe ich eine Arbeit in Englisch übers "summary schreiben" ich habe jetzt eine geschrieben nur kann die mir keiner korrigieren, da dacte ich, ihr könntet mir helfen. Danke im vorraus. Lieben Gruß! :) (Namen der autorin hab ich mir ausgedacht ;)) SORRY DAS ES SEHR LANG IST!

The story 'Only a game' written by Elizabeth Smith, is about Robert and Tom, who are on a trip to Funland, Trocadero. As Robert and Tom arrive in Trocadero, they decide to go to Funland. The two boys are really excited and Tom proposes to try out a virtual reality game. Robert joins him and they are putting on the helmets to start the game. Robert and Tom chose to play in year 1888, the time when 'Jack the Ripper' killed very much people. Robert gets scared. It is getting to realistic to him because they can smell dead fishes, feel cold bricks and suddely a shadow comes near them. Robert is afraid. He assumes that 'Jack the Ripper' comes after them. But they are lucky: the shadow is just the shadow of a flower girl, whose mother was the last victim of 'Jack the Ripper'. Tom throws his arms around the girl and suddenly they hear a man shouting. He says that Tom should get off the girl and the rest of the people who arrive, are thinking that the two boys are the murders, who killed all the people. Tom and Robert are afraid and they are taking off their helmets to leave the game. But nothing changes. They are still in the game... or has it become reality?

Arbeit, Englisch, Schule, summary
Englischer Kurztext - "Caribbean London"

Hello English freaks :D Ich habe einen kleinen Text über "Caribbean London" vorbereitet. Über Feedback, Kritik und Korrekturen würde ich mich freuen :)

There are many British citizens who have their own countries belonging to the Commonwealth. Black people maily came from the Caribbean. Afro-Caribbeans are slaves from Africa who were transported to the Caribbean by British ships. In 1807, Britain stopped the slave trade.

London has been completely changed by the Caribbean people. They have influenced the social, economic and cultural life in London.

After the World War II, the British economy needed workers.The Caribbeans settled to London in larger numbers in the late 1940s to rebuild a post-war nation in London, they came with passion and excitement. But they had to face a different Britian and were very disappointed; Founding a home was not that easy. The rooms were often in bad condition and the rents were high. They had to do work with low wages that nobody else wanted to do. Police protection was not adequate so they had to deal with physical and verbal abuse.

Thus they developed selg-help organisations. Later, they created their own first Black newspaper "The voice".

They achieved their own buisness in London, running their own shops, restaurant or nightclubs. Others have achieved high postions in public life. The strength of the Caribbean peopel can be felt everywhere in London.

Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, London, Sprache, Text, Feedback, Grammatik, Literatur, summary
Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy


ich habe ein Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy geschrieben. Dies brauch ich als Grundlage für eine Buchvorstellung. Es wäre nett, wenn ihr die gröbsten Fehler mir zeigen könntet

In Lawn Boy, the main character is a normal twelve year old teenager. His parents do not have much money. On his twelfth birthday, he gets an old lawn mower that has built his grandad. At the beginning, our main character is not very enthusiastic of this unusual gift and he has problems to start the mower. But when he mows the yard of his neighbor and get $ 20 for it, he is excited about his birthday gift. Other people see this and want to have their garden mowed. The first day he manage 3 gardens, earned 60 dollars and is mandated by six people to mow their gardens. before he falls asleep at night, he thinks about today's day and can not believe  , that he has already earned so much money, but he will still get a lot more dollar. The next morning he eats his breakfast quickly and after that , he beginns to mowing. After his second garden he meets the man Arnold Howell, who is a stockbroker. He says he wants to have mowed his yard, but can pay only 35 dollars, because he is currently unemployed. Arnold  proposes him to do the 35 dollars in stocks. The Lawn Boy is interested in and agrees to mow the garden under these conditions. Before he starts, he is complaining about too many jobs. Arnold wants to help him and offers him to get  a few workers. At night they meet a man named Pasquale, who can bring his cousin as a support for the lawn boy. The next day he met Louis, who is waiting with a car and a lawn mower at arnold. 2 weeks later, 5 people help the Lawn Boy, which are from the family of pasqual. four weeks after he started to mow gardens, it was the first rainy day in this summer. on this day he goes to arnold to talk about his work. Arnold told him that currently 15 people working for him and that he has taken until now 8000 dollars by mowing of gardens. The Lawn Boy can not believe it and thinks it is a joke , but arnold ahead and says that the stocks have become more expensive. He has sold all of them and receive $ 50,000. the lawn boy is speechless and looks out the window. Now he owns 58.000 Dollar. The Lawn boy wants to see the money, but Arnold tells him that he must be 18 or his parents must pick up the money. He also says he has invested all the money into a boxer named joseph.
This boxer comes 15 minutes later at the house of arnold, so he can meet his sponsor. after they had talked a bit, Pasqual storms through the door and says that the workers are threatened by three men who want money.So they go  to the car and drive to the workers. There, the boxerJoseph chase away the bad men. When the Lawn Boy comes home at night, he wants to tell his parents everything, but he does not dare. The next day he wants to go to Arnold as usual, but he sees the three evil men in the house of Arnold, and therefore he runs back home .

Englisch, summary
Caribbean London Summary feedback

Ich bitte um Feedback meiner zusammenfassung des Green line Transition 6 Textes "Caribbean London". Danke im vorraus :) hier meine Zusammenfassung : The Text "Caribbean London" by Green line is about the Integration and influence of caribbeans in london. (das jetzige) london is a lot by them, (like in arts or food for exemple ) they have contributed greatly to the prosperity of Britain today. When they first arrived in london in the late 1940's for helping rebuild the postwar nation Great-Britain, they encounters many difficulties. For low wages, caribbeans had to do inferior jobs, that no one else wanted to do. They also had to pay exaggerate high rents for bad housing conditions and many of them experienced racial abuse. The answer to that was the development of self-help organizations for caribbeans and the launch of "The Voice", one of the first newspapers, aimed at a black audience in Britain. But times changed, nowadays, the most of them are well-established in London. Many caribbeans had become business people running their own shops, and some of them also achieved high positions in big business and public life. They provide as well role models for future. So their situation has changed a lot .

So ich bin mir sicher, dass ich leider ein paar Sätze einfach vom deutschen ins englische übersetzt habe :/ naja ich würde gerne Tips von euch bekommen was ich besser machen könnte, was total falsch war, und so weiter ;) Den "echten " Text findet ihr im Anhang als Bild. Hab ihn nur als Bild gefunden, hoffe man kann ihn lesen... Danke :)

London, Green Line, summary
Summary "Caribbean London" feedback
Ich bitte  um Feedback meiner zusammenfassung des Green line Transition 6 Textes "Caribbean London". Danke im vorraus :) hier meine Zusammenfassung : 
The Text "Caribbean London" by Green line is about the Integration and influence of caribbeans in london. (das jetzige) london is  a lot by them, (like in arts or food for exemple ) they have contributed greatly to the prosperity of Britain today. When they first arrived in london in the late 1940's for helping rebuild the postwar nation Great-Britain, they encounters many difficulties. For low wages, caribbeans had to do inferior jobs, that no one else wanted to do. They also had to pay exaggerate high rents for bad housing conditions and many of them experienced racial abuse. The answer to that was the development of  self-help organizations for caribbeans and the launch of "The Voice", one of the first newspapers, aimed at a black audience in Britain. But times changed, nowadays, the most of them are well-established in London. Many caribbeans had become business people running their own shops, and some of them also achieved high positions in big business and public life. They provide as well role models for future. So their situation has changed a lot .

So ich bin mir sicher, dass ich leider ein paar Sätze einfach vom deutschen ins englische übersetzt habe :/  naja ich würde gerne Tips von euch bekommen was ich besser machen könnte, was total falsch war, und so weiter ;) Den "echten " Text findet ihr im Anhang als Bild. Hab ihn nur als Bild gefunden, hoffe man kann ihn lesen... Danke :)
Englisch, London, Feedback, Green Line, summary
'Summary' von 'Snakeman von Paul Davenport'

Ich muss morgen eine Klausur über dieses Buch schreiben. Ich will euch eine Summary über das Buch schreiben

bitte tipps

In this book Cathy, the new pupil at Portland High is threaten by the Snakeman and his gang.

Cathy, who comes from New York, is new at Portland High. First, she meets Jamie and he interwiews her, because Jamie is in the newspaper-team. Later she knows Gorden Baker, but she calls him Snakeman, because he is big and slim. The Snakeman and his gang threaten Cathy, they extort money from her and want to hurt her and her brother Mike. Mike is jounger than Cathy. She tries the non- resistance tactic, but it does not work. Later, Cathy tells her problem to Jamie and her mother, Eileen.                                                                                Jamie asks Cathy to be in the newspaper-team and she says ok. They want to go to police, but they haven't any proof. Then they want to publish an article about the Snakeman and his gang, but Ms. Southerland, the boss of the newspaper-team rejects it! Later they publish the article without the permission from Ms. Souterland and they must to go to Dr. Callahan, the principal. The mayor(Bürgermeister) comes to Dr. Callahan and says that he likes the newspaper. They have a press conference. They make Quotes with the other victims of Snakeman.

Finally, they get a massage that the Snakeman is died. bewerten bitte

Buch, summary
Verbesserung zur summary vom ersten Kapitel von After the first death...

The first chapter of Robert Cormier's novel "After the first death" consists of a series of thoughts from a boy, named Benjamin. In the beginning he thinks about his injury, namely the path the bullet took. Then, he thinks about the visit of his father and then he tells about a conversation with his mother. They speak unimportant stuff and then he tells about Mr. Chatam, who is his math teacher and might have taught his father a generation ago. (Das bringt sie zu dem Thema über die Bennung des Berufes von Bens Vater, Mark). After Ben called his mother reprimands him because his father doesn't want to be called a general. Then, he starts to describe his life with picture postcards. The first one is Fort Delta. It's an ancient army post. It has something to do withthe bus and the bridge. An incient, which Ben often mentions, but never says what exactly has happened. The next picture postcard is his father. He thinks about his father's job. ben doesn't know (genaueres, obwohl inzwischen manches rausgefunden hat). he remembers the once, when he saw his father in uniform. It was a formal meeting. Ben felt both scared an excited, because his father (ließ ben an seiner Arbeit teilhaben). In the end of the chapter Ben thinks about the shortest horror story and then he thinks again about his father and how it will be (wie sein würd)

Englisch, Inhaltsangabe, summary, Textkorrektur, Textverarbeitung, Verbesserung

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