
"Pater meus" Hannibal inquit. Hamilear puerulo me in Hispaniam imperator proficiscens Carthagine lovi optimo maximo hostias immolavit. Quae divina res dum conficiebatur, quaesivit a me, vellem ne secum in castra proficisci. Id cum libenter accepissem atque abeo petere coepissem, ne dubitaret ducere, tum ille ,Faciam, inquit, si mini fidem, quam postulo, dederis' .Simul me ad aram adduxit, apud quam sacrificare instituerat, ceterisque remotis iurare iussit numquam me in amicitia cum Romanis fore. Id ego ius iurandum patri datum usque ad hanc aetatem ita conservavi, ut nemini dubium esse debeat, quin reliquo tempore eadem mente sim futurus."

„Mein Vater“, sagte Hannibal. Hamilcar, der Kaiser, der als Kind nach Spanien aufbrach, brachte in Karthago ein großes Opfer dar. Während diese göttliche Sache vollbracht wurde, fragte er mich, ob ich nicht mit ihm ins Lager gehen würde. Als ich dies gerne aufgefasst hatte und anfing, ihn zu bitten zu gehen, damit er nicht zögere, die Führung zu übernehmen, sagte er: „Ich werde es tun, wenn du mir das nötige Treuewort schenkst“ Gleichzeitig brachte er mich zum Altar, wo er das Opfer aufgestellt hatte, und ließ die anderen zurück und befahl mir zu schwören, dass ich niemals mit ihm befreundet sein würde. Es wäre für die Römer. Ich habe mir bis zu diesem Alter das Recht bewahrt, meinem Vater zu schwören, damit es keinen Zweifel geben sollte, dass ich für den Rest der Zeit gleicher Meinung sein werde.

Kann jemand bitte mein Übersetzungsvorschlag auf Fehler überprüfen?

Schule, Sprache, Text, Übersetzung, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Latein, Lateinübersetzung, übersetzen
Email of Compalint Verbessern bitte?

Heyy ich habe bald English Schularbeit und brauche eure Hilfe und Feedback! Danke im Voraus :) Habt einen schönen Tag! Unten ist die Angabe!

Email of Complaint



Subject: Feedback on Summer Camp

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 30th July I attended the Summer Camp which is located in Santa Monica. In all honesty, I was very satisfied with this journey. However, there is a reason why I am writing to you. Firstly I have to admit that the meals were significantly amazing. It is remarkable that there is finally no fast food unlike to other summer courses I have been to. Moreover, the Los Angeles sights and surfing at Venice Beach in my free time were very enjoyable. 

As far as I could tell, it seems to me that I have learned nothing necessary in courses. Please don`t get me wrong but in my view, there were more leisure activities like sports, parties etc than learning opportunities. I invested all my money and time to learn something new but the quality of the learning strategy was like at the middle school level. I was on Campus not to only have fun but rather zu study.

As you will appreciate, considering the problems I faced during my stay, I would be grateful if you would give me a refund of part of the price back. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem.



Bild zum Beitrag
Text, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Kann bitte jemand meinen englischen Text korrigieren?

Wir sollen in Englisch ein Alternative Ending für die Shortstory „Greyhound tragedy“ schreiben und ich wäre sehr dankbar wenn jemand meinen Text auf Rechschreibung und Grammatik korrigieren könnte.

She finally took up the courage to ask the salesman how much a ticket to Hollywood costs, when the Ford salesman passes by. She felt so brave and free and thought now nothing could stop her from her dream, but this feeling immediately stopped when the man, who sold the tickets told her that there is no bus that goes all the way to Hollywood. Hearing these words she felt like her whole dream was put in a jar and thrown down a cliff. All the years she felt like she was just a bus ride away from going to Hollywood and living the life she always dreamed of. The bus station was such a magical place for her, but now all these feelings she felt when passing the station will go away and it would just be an ordinary place for her. She tried to act cool like nothing happened, but when a young good looking man noticed her and asked if she was alright she couldn’t stand it anymore and her tears started rolling down her cheeks. The man tried to calm her down, but she just started hysterically telling her whole story while the tears already formed a little puddle on the floor. It was a releasing feeling for her and all her fears and thoughts seemed to be away in that one moment. As she wanted to thank the man for trying to comfort her she looked at him for the first time and recognized his face from the hundreds of movies she watched over and over again. It was Logan Smith, one of the most known actors of Hollywood, in her small hometown in Oregon. He felt sorry for her and wanted to give her the opportunity to go back to Hollywood with him to follow her dreams. She didn’t thought for even a second and immediately agreed to his suggestion. 

During the 6 hour long ride from Oregon back to Hollywood the two got to know each other pretty well and Logan told her everything she needs to know to be successful in the media industry. About 30 minutes before they would have arrived in Hollywood they had an awful accident with another driver. The car both of them where in crashed into a tree and the other one down a small hill. When the police came they identified the two as dead and the driver of the other car was extremely injured, but he survived.

It didn’t took much time until the news got to know about Logan Smith‘s death and his name was everywhere. In every newspaper, magazine, TV-show or radio was a report about his death. But since he wasn’t alone in the car they all also mentioned Serena Thompson and even showed pictures of the young women from a small Oregon town. 

Even five years later Serena Thompson is a name everyone thinks of, when passing the tree near Hollywood, where a picture of Logan and Serena will always remember of their Hollywood tragedy. 

Englisch, Text, Abitur, Grammatik, Hollywood, Korrektur, korrigieren, Literatur, Rechtschreibung, Writing, Short story

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