Ist das ein guter Comment?

Nowadays the internet is becoming a bigger concern due to its unlimeted access. So its getting riskier to be online especially for children as there are many threats, such as fake profiles. However, is the internet really that dangerous?

First of all, I think the internet makes us very dependet, which can lead to developing addidictive behaviors, impacting both our personal lives and careers. For example during a family dinner, there is less conversation and more time spent surfing the internet. This can lead to conflict, just as when someone constantly checks their phone at work or in the school.

The next point is we are not always aware of the dangers online, because the internet is has become part of our everday life. From my point of view is this a big Problem, especially for young people, because they can visit websites that aren’t safe for them. For instance it can also be dangerous for children, as older people can pretend to be younger and attract children.

The next argument is that the internet also offers many benefits, such as educational plattforms, that help young people study for school. In my experience the internet provides learning materials and online courses, for example, which can help save time by avoiding long commutes.

Lastly its important to say that the internet make it easy to do many things online, which is often faster. For example shopping online is usually easier than going to a store especially when time is short.

All in all I can say the internet has good and negatives sites. One the one hand is the internet not good for children, because there are many dangers on the internet, on the othder hand you can benefit from internet.

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

Wäre eventuell jemand so lieb und könnte sich jemand meine Zusammenfassung anschauen über die USA beziehungsweise deren Einwohner besonders wegen der Grammatik, also den Tenses und der Word order? Das wäre echt sehr hilfreich, danke! Hier ist der Text dazu:

Meine Zusammenfassung:

The text is about the US and its immigration history. Today it is called a nation of immigrants. But thousands of years ago, only Native Americans lived there. The famous railroad that we know today was built by immigrants from Japan and China who came in the middle of the 19th century. A lot of German people came to the US but some of them left because they were discriminated. When some of them stayed, they started a new life mainly in Pennsylvania but later they decided to start a new life in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa. Ellis Island is known as a museum in New York today but in the past it was called "The Isle of Tears" because when immigrants wanted to go through, they had to prove their good health and they had to be able to write and read. When they could neither read nor write and didn‘t have a good health, they were sent back home. The people who wanted to immigrate into the US had a lot of problems since, in 1924, the US government passed "The Immigration Act“ and people from poorer countries weren‘t allowed to go to the US. Today, if people want to live in the US, they need a greencard which allows them to live and work in the US. People are given 50000 greencards all around the world each year, so there‘s a chance for everyone to immigrate to the US. 

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Englisch lernen, Geschichte, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung, summary


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Die bullet points waren:

  • explain why it is important to protect the environment in your area
  • advise tourists on how to save resources on their holiday
  • encourage tourists to use local products and services

Going green


How green is Wildalpen?

Wildalpen may be a small village, but that doesn't mean that it can't do a lot against climate change. With a population of just 450 people, Wildalpen is one of the smallest towns in Austria, but their participation in making our planet greener is huge. This small village contains a lot of forests and sources. That is the reason why Wildalpen's focus is set on water and trees. Nearly every source is protected and is used for local water consumption. Moreover, it is not allowed that trees are cut down, but rather they try to make the forests healthier with more biodiversity.


What can I do while I am here?

As a tourist, you can also contribute to making Wildalpen green. You should not throw away your dust in nature and stay in an eco-friendly hotel. If you arrive by train and not by car, you can reduce your carbon emissions too. In your hotel, do not ask for towels to be changed every day and turn off the lights and air conditioning when you leave your room.


Why should you go local?

We can protect our environment by using sustainable local resources. It is important to eat at local restaurants that use food grown in the area, to support them and the local farmers who try to be as eco-friendly as possible. On the one hand, this contributes to our local economy. On the other hand, this cuts down on a lot of emissions since the food doesn't need to be transported over long distances.

Enjoy your stay in Wildalpen and help us keep it clean and green for future generations!


For further information, visit our website:

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

Wie findet ihr diesen Article in Englisch? Die Fragestellung war:

  • what does your school do against climate change
  • what is hard about it
  • what do you do personally against it

Is the environment important for your school?


Have you ever thought about the importance of the environment? Usually, schools don’t care enough about this topic, but it does not have to be like this. Our commercial college tries to make the world a better place.

Our school organizes several activities like collecting litter. Furthermore, we save energy by replacing light bulbs with energy-saving lamps and we turn off the heating and the lights when we don’t need them. Another important aspect is that we can visit some very interesting lectures about environmental change.

But it always sounds easier than it is in reality. We have to give up a lot if we want to succeed. We are not allowed to print out a lot of texts; we have to make sure that our computers are powered off if we don’t need them. I also have to mention that we try to make as few emissions as possible even when we go on a trip. For example, we try to avoid planes and prefer electric vehicles.

But we can never do too much for the environment. That is the reason why we should also care about it in our free time like I do. I only buy organic food, never drink from plastic bottles, and I do not wrap my food in plastic. Last but not least, our daily routine has to change too. Not every student can drive a car to school. We should use public transportation instead or found a carpool.

So, in conclusion, what are the key points to bear in mind if you want to save our planet? To sum it up, three things are important: don’t waste electricity, avoid plastic, and make use of public transportation. On the one hand, it is not always easy to live an eco-friendly life. On the other hand, it is worth it because we can all benefit from a healthy planet.

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Englisch Text zu einem Cartoon?

Hallo, kann sich wer bitte meinen Text mal anschauen und mir ein Feedback bezüglich Fehler Aufbau Inhalt geben. Im Anhang habe ich auch das Lösungsblatt angefügt.

Dear readers,

in the following text I speak about the topic the role of sports among young people. The text based on the cartoon from pinterest. The role of sports in children‘s life has changed.

The cartoon shows two parts divided into the years 1998 and 2018. In the forderground of the part of 1998 can you see a mother, who stops a boy. Next to the boy is a ball. The mother pulls hin in the house against he will. The part two of year 2018 shows the mother with the boy too. But the mother pulls the boy out of the house against he will. The Boy is holding a game console in his hands. In both parts acts the mother vigorously to get him in and out of the house. Furthermore can you see in both parts, that the boy does not seem pleased to have to finish his activity.

I think the cartoonist is intended to show, that the young generation spend variously sporty activities in the past and today. In year 1988 the boy wants to spend his free time outside playing ball games. The boy in year 2018 wants to play games inside on his game console.

I agree with the cartoonist, because playing online games are very popular at present and are the new trend under young people. A lot of teenager spend a lot of time inside and playing game console. But this have for the young generation negative consequenses. I think playing online games are very bad for the Health of young generation. Because of, the people get not enough movement and this can lead for example to overwight. On the top the youngs start to meet gaming friends instead of their real friends. Through this the youngs lost the realitiy. An another big consequense is that the childrens could become a addict. So, the young generation get not even physical but also a mental health problem.

In summary I can say that the kind of doing sport are different in the past and now. Today, the role of sport for childrens focused in playing online games.

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Lernen, lesen, Allgemeinwissen, Schule, Menschen, Schreiben, USA, Deutschland, Unterricht, Hilfestellung, Text, Schüler, Übersetzung, Abitur, Analyse, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment, Textaufgabe
Englischen Text: Wie würdet ihr den bewerten?

Hallo ich habe einen essay geschrieben über compulsory first aid courses for fourteen year olds und das ist ein maturabeispiel gewesen und ich wollte fragen, ob jemand das durchlesen könnte und es bewerten könnte, welche note das wäre, vor allem mit den fehlern und so. Ich habe den Text komplett alleine geschrieben und das in 20 Minuten, weil bei der Matura haben wir sehr wenig Zeit für zwei Texte also nur eine Stunde. Ich würde mich echt freuen. :)

Nowadays young people has access to more goods like education. In our modernity, they can extend their knowledge pretty easily as technology, for instance, is spread all over the world and as they can attain school which offers a ton of diverse subjects. However, people still argue that many of these don’t teach valuable lessons about the real life. Instead, young people already want to accomplish experiences that educate them for certain situations, perhaps helping someone out in hazardous situations. In result of these arguably issues, people suggest signing 14-year olds up for compulsory first aid courses.

Compulsory first aid courses can be ideal and influential for young people collecting more real life based experiences. Moreover, they can even give them an insight on how a situation can alter in only one instant and how people can put themselves in danger, precisely fighting against death. Teaching sessions about helping someone, in terms of surviving, can reflect young people’s interests. Some students already complain on having deplorable teaching sessions at school, regardless of their subject area. Maths, science, biology,  physics might enforce their intellectual thoughts but what about focusing on their mind set. Are they even that mentally stable to handle emergency situations? Would they even risk themselves to help someone out after they crashed their car into a tree? Are they even willing to sacrifice themselves and is it even worth?

At this point, students would take school more seriously as compulsory first aid courses influence students mental mind set. In this case, the integration of first aid courses into school is essential for young people. 14 year olds must bear the importance of life teaching sessions. So, the government need to go after their obligations to pay these courses. After all, education should be free and accessible to everyone. School subjects should not only consist of languages or natural sciences, but the government also have to consider the fact that students have to train their cognitive skills as well.

Moreover, the government can also detect people’s reactions would shape in a deferential way if the education system would be more comprehensive and creative. I mean, how can someone not find it intriguing that the education system develops more on its way to be immaculate. It would pique everybody’s curiosity how young people desirably helps out to change the world into a better place. Knowledge has the power for it.

In conclusion, it can be said that if someone comes up with compulsory first aid courses, it should be already associated in the school’s education system. Fourteen year old should be, at this degree, handle emergency situations and activate their human instincts to sacrifice themselves. 

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Ist das ein guter Essay (Englisch)?

Heeeey, ich schriebe morgen ein Englischarbeit und wir sollen dann über einen Film einen Essay schreiben, ich habe heute mal geübt über den Film ,,die Eiskönigin" und och wollte mal nachfragen, ob das so okay ist, also ist das gut so?

(Bitte ignoriert einfach Rechtschreibfehler)


The Film “Frozen” is an animated Disney Film released in 2013. The story revolves around sisters Elsa and Anna and Elsa was born with magical ice powers. She runs away and Anna wants to find her. The film is a very good film for the whole family because it has a lot of emotions and it wouldn’t be boring.

The Film is about two sisters Anna and Elsa and Elsa was born with magical powers, but she cant control them. So she runs away to the mountains to live alone, because she turns Arendell to an very long winter. Anna go together with Olaf the Snowman, Kristoff and his reindeer Sven to bring back the Summer. Bacause of Elsa Annas hair turns white and Sven brings her back to the castel to Prince Hans, because only true love can save her life. Olaf cames and do a fire, but Anna leave the castel to seek Kristoff. At the same Time Hans wanted to kill Elsa,because he want the castle for himself. But then Anna turns Into Ice and Elsa was very sad, so she hugs her sister Anna and then Anna returns to normal and Elsa can Controll her ice Powers.

My favourite Character is Olaf the Snowman. I like him because he’s a bit funny and he tells jokes at a difficult Situation. And I like him because he’s friendly and ready to help.

My favourite Scene is the Scene with Olaf and Anna next to the Fire. The Scene when Olaf was very happy because he saw Kristoff and Sven coming back to the Castle. I like it, because Olaf try to help Anna and he say she has to stay next to the fire to keep warm. And I like it, because Olaf is very happy when he saw Kristoff and Sven come back to the Castle.

My favourite Quote is ‘‘some People are worth melting for‘‘ from Olaf. I like it, because it‘s from Olaf and it shows that you like someone very much, if you would do this for someone. So it shows that you are ready to do something like that for someone.

The first lesson you can learn from the film is, that you shouldn’t trust anyone you’ve only know for one day, because it can be very dangerouse and you really don’t know the person very well. The second lesson is, you don’t have to give up, when you try something. When you really want to do something, then you dont have to give up very early.

The Film Frozen is a very good disney film for everyonen. It is very adenturous and also a bit sad. The film is definitely a film you should watch.

Könnte ich das in der Englischarbeit ungefähr auch so machen?

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen, danke schonmal


Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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